
The core purpose of this course is to build a new app for a smartphone, that is interesting, creative, or useful.  The instructor will vet course proposals to ensure that they are at a sufficient level (and also not beyond a sensible scope).

The premise is that, by bringing students from different disciplines together with those with programming skills, that we can create an environment that inspires many new applications in diverse areas.

The first part of the course (see Content) will cover the basic programming environment and concepts (for the programmers) and the basic capabilities of the devices (for the non-programmers), as well as some case studies of interesting applications.  Early on, groups of 2 or 3 will be formed to do the app project.  The project will have several key milestones:

1. Forming Groups

2. Proposal/Approval of project

3. Plan Document/Presentation

4. Final Presentation

5. Final Report