Climate authors elected Fellows of a Learned Society

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Authors who have been elected Fellow of a learned society

It is traditional for learned societies to elect a small proportion of their members as Fellows of the society. The Royal Society of London has observed this practice throughout its centuries-long history; Fellows receive the designation FRS which they may list after their name, titles and degrees.

Contemporary learned societies carry on this tradition, including the following (with links to each society's website list of Fellows):

I've tagged all the authors currently on this list who are fellows of the AGU (173), AAAS (53), and CMOS (13). I've noted a small number of FRS, FAMS and a few others. (Titular honours such as Companion of the British Empire (CBE) are noted where I've come across them as well.)

Findings: The 222 learned society Fellows I've identified so far include 92 signers of the activist statements compared to 12 signers of skeptic statements (plus two authors from France often claimed as skeptics, Vincent Courtillot and Claude Allegre). Seven of the Fellows who signed skeptic statements have fewer than 16 papers mentioning climate.

Notes column tinted this colour for signers of these 'activist' statements:
SCS03: 2003 'State of Climate Science' letter from 1011 scientists to U.S. congress (81 tagged)
CMOS06: 2006 statement from 120 scientists at the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (all tagged)
CMOS08: 2008 statement from 130 scientists at the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (all tagged)
RealClimate 'activist' website by ten climate scientists, founded 2004
noSw07: April 2007 letter from 37 scientists to Martin Durkin protesting inaccurate portrayal of climate science in his film The Great Global Warming Swindle (all tagged)
Bali07: 2007 appeal letter by 212 scientists from 25 countries, to delegates at the Bali climate talks (all tagged)
CCSP08: 2008 Assessment Report from the U.S. Climate Change Science Program [10 authors tagged so far; not a petition/declaration]
UCS08: 2008 Union of Concerned Scientists' declaration from 1700 U.S. scientists and economists (165 tagged)
Monaco09: Jan. 2009 Monaco Declaration on ocean acidification from 155 ocean scientists from 26 countries (152 tagged)
CLI09June 2009 Open letter to Obama and Congress calling for agressive action on climate change; signed by 20 scientists (all listed)
UKsc09: Dec. 2009 'Statement from the UK science community' re-affirming climate change science and data after East Anglia email break-in, signed by 1700 UK scientists from 67 universities and 55 other institutions (106 listed, 2010-1-17).
Notes column tinted this colour for signers of these 'skeptic' statements
SEPP92 1992 'Statement by Atmospheric Scientists on Greenhouse Warming' from the 'Science and Environment Policy Project', 46 signers
LZ95: 1995 'Leipzig Declaration' organized by Fred Singer, signed by 80 scientists and 25 weathermen
CA02: 2002 skeptics letter to Canadian P.M. Jean Chretien
CA03: 2003 skeptics letter to Canadian P.M. Paul Martin
CA06: 2006 skeptics letter to Canadian P.M. Stephen Harper
UN07: 2007 skeptics letter to U.N. Sec. General Ban Ki-Moon
TGGWS: 2007 TV film The Great Global Warming Swindle interviewees
NIPCC: 2008 Heartland Inst. document Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate, ed. S. Fred Singer, 24 listed contributors
MHND: 2008 'Manhattan Declaration' from skeptics' conference in NYC
Cato09: 2009 newspaper ad by the Cato Institute challenging President Obama's stance on climate change; 115 signers
APS09: 2009 Petition to the American Physical Society to amend their statement on climage change
CCC09: 2009 'Copenhagen Climate Challenge' 158 signers
LISTS column tinted this colour for names who did not sign any skeptic declarations, yet are included on a list of 'skeptic' names by someone else:
JIMM08: Named on 2008 list from U.S. Sen. James Inhofe's staffer Marc Morano
LSDeniers: Profiled in Lawrence Solomons's 2006-7 'The Deniers' column series in Canada's National Post
LISTS column tinted this colour for someone who did sign one of the above skeptic statements, and is also included on a list of 'skeptic' names by someone else.

Some major compilations

I've also tagged authors included in a few major compilations of climate science articles. These are not petitions or calls for action, but further illustrate the author's standing in the literature.For details on these declarations and how I've annotated for them, see notes on open letters

Names are sorted in descending order of citation count, on their #4 most cited work. This somewhat idiosyncratic choice of sort key stresses depth against any potential "one big paper" effect. This does seem to make a reasonable proxy for prominence in their field. (Note that citation stats were collected by hand, over a few months, so exact order might vary slightly as papers continue to gain citations as time passes.)

Mouse over column heading for explanation

Rank hereNotesListsName (homepage)NAT.PhD yearIPCCGS queriesmost cites2nd most3rd most4th mostClimate totalWikipedia?Areas of researchAffiliation
1noSw07h-index=1041: Sir Robert M May, OM, FRS, MNAS1960 All PAPS CLIM 3114253221761355 52 WP? W.P? ecosystem impacts, biodiversityU Oxford
2Bali07 2: Sir John Sulston, FRS, HonFRSC1966 All PAPS CLIM 6468363114901294 0 WP? W.P? genomics (not climate related)Chair, ISEI, Manchester U; ex Dir., Sanger Ctr
3SotP09h-index=493: David Tilman, MNAS1976 All PAPS CLIM 2549115110681007 110 WP? W.P? nitrogen cycle, biodiversity, ag impactsU Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
4 NPFhost4: F Stewart Chapin III, MNAS1973 All PAPS CLIM 21011344841815 276 WP? W.P? biodiversity, arctic plant impactsU Alaska, Fairbanks, AK
5 SciBytes#85: Jean Jouzel, FAGU1974AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 17671470871738 501 WP? W.P? data from ice coresLMCE/CEA, IPSL, PAGES
6dT(2x)>1.5C 6: Robert A Berner, MNAS1962 All PAPS CLIM 14181040848685 144 WP? W.P? BGC, chemical sedimentologyemeritus, Yale U
7SCS03 7: Stuart Pimm, FAAAS1974 All PAPS CLIM 735698688682 31 WP? W.P? biodiversityDuke U
8noSw07 CLI09 UKsc09 8: Sir John T Houghton, CBE, FRS1955AR2,3 Co-ChairAll PAPS CLIM 250416871223669 890 WP? W.P? atmospheric physics, sensingOxford U (emeritus)
9SCS03 Bali07 UCS08ESI01#710: Kevin E Trenberth, FAGU, FAAAS1972AR2-3 AR4 wg1 CLA ch.3All PAPS CLIM 1223943708624 407 WP? W.P? decadal variance, ENSO NCAR, Boulder
10UCS08 CCSP08 SotP09 CLI09ESI01#1811: William H Schlesinger, FAGU, MNAS1976 All PAPS CLIM 11361055897617 166 WP? W.P? soil chem, biogeochem cyclesNicholas Inst, Duke U, & Cary Inst. Of Ecosystem Studied, Millbrook, NY
11  16: Paul Falkowski, FAGU,, FAAAS,, NAS1975 All PAPS CLIM 675604581556 119 WP? W.P? carbon cycle, photosynthesis ratesRutgers U, New Brunswick, NJ
12 h-index=4317: Chris Field, MNAS1985AR4 wg2 CLAAll PAPS CLIM 1109640625553 455 WP? W.P? plant responses to CCCarnegie Inst, DC; Stanford U.
13noSw07 20: Peter H Raven, MNAS1960 All PAPS CLIM 1441706534533 61 WP? W.P? biogeographyWashington U, St. Louis, MO
14  21: David W Pearce, OBE1963AR2 wg3 leadAll PAPS CLIM 23321479651531 86 WP? W.P? biodiversity, green economydeceased 2005, late of University College, London
15UCS08NPFhost23: Joseph A Berry, FAGU1970AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 1520538507484 141 WP? W.P? photosynthesis, plant physiologyCarnegie Institute of Washington, Stanford, CA
16 ESI01#15 ESI06#324: James E Hansen, FAGU1967AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 1001795583483 146 WP? W.P? climate forcings, atm physics, modelingColumbia Univ., NASA GISS
17CCSP04 Bali07 UCS08ESI01#5 C&O25: James W Hurrell, FAMS1990AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 2176864673482 167 WP? W.P? NAONational Center for Atmospheric Research, USA
18New NOAA admin 2009 26: Jane Lubchenco, MNAS1975 All PAPS CLIM 2136625584478 69 WP? W.P? marine ecologyObama's new NOAA chief
19  27: Dennis V Kent, FAGU2005 All PAPS CLIM 15551507709477 101 WP? W.P? paleo, geomagnetism, chronologyLamont-Doherty Earth Obs., Colubmia U.
20  28: William J Parton, FAGU1972 All PAPS CLIM 1472639524473 226 WP? W.P? BGC cycles, soil organic matterColorado State U, Fort Collins, CO
21noSw07C&O SciBytes#931: Philip D Jones, FRMS, FAGU1977AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 581580517461 724 WP? W.P? surface temp trends, NAO, SOUniversity of East Anglia, Norwich
22UKsc09ESI01#1 ESI06#135: John FB Mitchell, FRS1973AR1-3 AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 717530468455 332 WP? W.P? SST, forcingsChief Scientist, Hadley Centre, Met Office, UK
23  36: Peter Liss, CBE, FRS1975 All PAPS CLIM 611556530454 120 WP? W.P? biogeochem, air-sea exch.U East Anglia, Norwich
24  41: Michael Hulme, FRMS1985 All PAPS CLIM 1223569481435 728 WP? W.P? climate data assimilationfounding Director and visiting Fellow, Tyndall Ctr
25Bali07 42: Peter J Webster, FAGU, FAAAS1972 All PAPS CLIM 596587501434 176 WP? W.P? monsoon prediction, modeling, ENSOGeorgia Tech
26FB03 46: Steven C Wofsy, FAGU, FAAAS1971AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 585521424413 191 WP? W.P? forest CO2 sequestrationDivision of Engineering and AppliedScience, Harvard University, USA 49: John F Nye, FRS1948 All PAPS CLIM 3139603543411 13 WP? W.P? glaciology, ice mechanics, physicsemeritus of U Bristol
28 C&O52: Wally S Broecker, FAGU1958 All PAPS CLIM 1039464485410 214 WP? W.P? ocean, reconstructionLamont-Doherty Earth Obs., Colubmia U.
29 NPFhost CGCS0956: Inez Fung, FAGU1977AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 1049480412384 282 WP? W.P? mineral dustUC Berkeley
30UKsc09 66: Michael E McIntyre, MAE, FRS, FAAAS1967 All PAPS CLIM 1066680417354 43 WP? W.P? atm dynamicsCambridge U
31Bali07 67: Michael J Prather, FAAAS1976AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 1338596401354 208 WP? W.P? atm chem, ozone, OH-Earth System Science Department, University of California at Irvine, USA
32SEPP92 CCSP04 climatesci.orgJIMM0868: Roger A Pielke Sr, FAGU1973 All PAPS CLIM 991940380354 460 WP? W.P? modeling, land cover, hydological cycleCIRES, U Colorada Boulder
33CCSP04ESI01#870: Thomas R Karl, FAGUMScAR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 539405373349 338 WP? W.P? extremes, variabilityNOAA NCDC, Asheville, NC
34noSw07 71: Brian J Hoskins, CBE, FRS1970AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 693619275348 88 WP? W.P? orography, atm circulationDepartment of Meteorology, University of Reading, UK
35 NPFhost74: Veerabhadran Ramanathan, FAGU1974AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 635482354343 430 WP? W.P? ERBE, cloud radiative forcingScripps Institution of Oceanography, USA
36  77: David WJ Thompson, FAGU2000 All PAPS CLIM 1292867437336 93 WP? W.P? AO, ENSOColorado State U
37 USCCSP CGCS0979: Robert B Jackson, FAGU1992 All PAPS CLIM 1215620371335 661 WP? W.P? carbon cycle, plant CO2 responseNicolas School, Duke U, Durham, NC
38UCS08 82: Jagadish Shukla, FAGU1971AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 406381416331 259 WP? W.P? biosphere-atm modeling, AmazonCenter for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies, George Mason University, USA
39  83: Jennifer Logan, FAAAS__ All PAPS CLIM 600384357329 101 WP? W.P? tropospheric chemLexington, MA
40Bali07Nobel 1995, SciBytes#484: Paul J Crutzen, FAAAS1968 All PAPS CLIM 760509409328 249 WP? W.P? aerosols, ozone Max Planck Inst.for Chemistry, Mainz
41CCSP08 UCS08 CLI09 86: Steven W Running, FAGU1979AR4 wg2 leadAll PAPS CLIM 610473371326 274 WP? W.P? modeling forest ecosystemsCCSP author; Duke U, Raleigh, NC
42  87: James N Galloway, FAGU, FAAAS1972 All PAPS CLIM 408375351326 60 WP? W.P? trace elements in rain, seawaterU Virginia
43CMOS06 CMOS08 Bali07 88: W Richard Peltier, FAGU1971AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 699604328326 254 WP? W.P? ice age, modelingDepartment of Physics, U Toronto
44SotP09NPFhost89: Susan Solomon, FAGU1981AR4 wg1 co-chairAll PAPS CLIM 1223365357322 480 WP? W.P? ozone depletion, southern hemisphere CCCo-Chair, IPCC WGI, NOAA ESSL, USA
45  92: Joseph M Prospero, FAGU, FAAAS1963 All PAPS CLIM 454369353319 159 WP? W.P? marine aerosols, atm chemU Miami
46CA03 CA06 UN07 MHNDLSDeniers JIMM0893: Freeman Dyson, MNAS1947 MSc All PAPS CLIM 749480404318 23 WP? W.P? particle physics (not climate related)retired, ex of Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton, NJ
47  94: Laurent Labeyrie, FAGU1971AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 809413345317 176 WP? W.P? paleo, ocean sediment tracersLaboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l.Environnement, France
48  97: James E Lovelock, FAAAS1948 All PAPS CLIM 12311198367313 47 WP? W.P? Gaia hypothesis, biotic feedbacksindependent researcher
49  100: Ralph J Cicerone, FAGU, FAAAS1970 All PAPS CLIM 722363326311 47 WP? W.P? trace gasesPresident, U.S. Nat'l Academies of Science
50Bali07SciBytes#7 h-index=24102: Edouard Bard, FAGU1987 All PAPS CLIM 1859521440307 112 WP? W.P? radiocarbon dating, coral fossilsColege de France
51Bali07CGCS09104: Jeff T Kiehl, FAGU1981 All PAPS CLIM 504360301307 315 WP? W.P? aerosols, radiative forcingNCAR, Boulder
52SCS03 UCS08 106: Dennis Baldocchi, FAGU1982 All PAPS CLIM 474454327305 240 WP? W.P? ecosystem rates of gas exchU Calif, Berkeley, CA
53FB03 CMOS06 CMOS08 Bali07 107: Andrew J Weaver, FCMOS1987AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 481413321302 571 WP? W.P? modeling, ice, oceansSchool of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria, Canada
54 NPFhost CGCS09113: Jorge L Sarmiento, FAGU, FAAAS1978 All PAPS CLIM 575421329295 157 WP? W.P? ocean biogeochemistryPrinceton U
55SCS03 118: Stephen G Warren, FAAAS1973AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 1231584302288 101 WP? W.P? radiative properties of clouds, snow, iceU Washington
56Bali07 UCS08 120: Robert E Dickinson, FAGU, MNAS1966AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 922394290287 546 WP? W.P? biogeochem cycles School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Georgia Inst Technology
57Bali07 AUCoal09 122: Ann Henderson-Sellers, FAGU1976AR2 AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 922394287286 469 WP? W.P? BGC cycles, deforestationANSTO, Sydney, AU
58Bali07 123: Richard A Anthes, FAGU1970 All PAPS CLIM 786432342285 45 WP? W.P? remote sensing, water vaporUCAR
59SCS03 CLI09 126: George M Woodwell, MNAS1958 All PAPS CLIM 428300298283 90 WP? W.P? carbon budget, biota and soilsDirector emeritus, Sr. Scientist, Woods Hole OI, Falmouth, MA
60 C&O127: Paul A Mayewski, FAGU, FAAAS1973 All PAPS CLIM 547397363281 276 WP? W.P? paleo, abrupt changeDirector, Climate Change Inst., U Maine, Orono, ME
61CMOS06 128: George J Boer, FCMOS1970 All PAPS CLIM 586359305281 285 WP? W.P? modelingCCCMA, Env. Canada
62 noSw07 Bali07 UCS08(LSDeniers) (TGGWS)131: Carl Wunsch, FAGU, FAAAS1966 All PAPS CLIM 428307303277 206 WP? W.P? ocean circulation, assimilationPAOC, MIT, Cambridge, MA
63 CGCS09134: Edward A Boyle, FAGU, FAAAS1976 All PAPS CLIM 365313281276 94 WP? W.P? ocean tracers, biogeochemEAPS, MIT, Cambridge, MA
64FB03 135: Syukuro Manabe, FAGU1958 All PAPS CLIM 332328291275 292 WP? W.P? thermal equilibrium, convectionGFDL, ESSA, Princeton, NJ
65SEPP92 LZ95 CA02 CA03 CA06 TGGWS UN07 Cato09 CCC09LSDeniers JIMM08136: Richard Lindzen, FAGU1964 All PAPS CLIM 372335295274 140 WP? W.P? QBO, maritime clouds, iris effect?M.I.T., Cambridge, MA
66  137: Barbara Finlayson-Pitts, FAAAS, FAGU, NAS, NAAS1973 All PAPS CLIM 13171226312273 56 WP? W.P? atm chem, MBL, ozoneU Calif, Santa Barbara, CA
67Bali07ESI01#2 140: Klaus Hasselmann, FAGU1957 All PAPS CLIM 576484295268 172 WP? W.P? climate dynamics, remote sensingprof. emertius
68Bali07 UCS08 CLI09 143: Stephen H Schneider, MNAS, FAAAS, FRANS, MacArthur1971AR3 wg2 CLA AR4All PAPS CLIM 1015279277267 683 WP? W.P? climate predictionStanford U
69SCS03 UCS08 147: Michael D King, FAGU1977 All PAPS CLIM 406322304264 148 WP? W.P? aerosols, remote sensingNASA EOS, Greenbelt, MD
70SCS03 UCS08 148: Pieter P Tans, FAGU1978 All PAPS CLIM 1023549275263 207 WP? W.P? carbon cycle balance, sinks, methaneCIRES; NOAA/CMDL, Boulder, CO
71 C&O149: John E Kutzbach, FAGU1966 All PAPS CLIM 412372264263 318 WP? W.P? paleo, MilancovitchU Wisconsin-Madison, WI
72Cato09 APS09 CCC09JIMM08157: William Happer, MNAS1964 All PAPS CLIM 541421327255 1 WP? W.P? particle physics (not climate related)Princeton U
73SotP09C&O161: Richard B Alley, FAGU1987AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 507388279254 258 WP? W.P? paleo, D-O events, LIDARPennsylvania State U
74Bali07 UCS08 166: Ray F Weiss, FAGU, FAAAS1970AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 437434242247 63 WP? W.P? ocean tracers, biogeochemScripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA
75 NPFhost172: Roger G Barry, FAGU1965AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 611537419242 339 WP? W.P? ice cover, historical trendsNSIDC, Boulder, CO
76FB03refs 173: William Rossow, FAGU1976 All PAPS CLIM 817608297241 217 WP? W.P? clouds, radiative balanceNASA GISS
77SCS03 realclimate Bali07 UCS08NPFhost176: Raymond S Bradley, FAGU1971 All PAPS CLIM 806759318237 327 WP? W.P? historical temp., LIAU. Mass
78  177: Peter V Hobbs, FAMS, FAGU, FAAAS1963 All PAPS CLIM 729594299235 200 WP? W.P? atm chem, aerosols, cloudsU Washington
79 SciBytes#10196: John H Seinfeld, FAAAS1967 All PAPS CLIM 181613731195227 282 WP? W.P? atm chem and physicsCalTech, Pasadena, CA
80Nobel Prize 1995 UCS08NPFhost199: Mario J Molina, FAGU, MNAS1972AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 1389262216225 80 WP? W.P? atm chemistry, ozone lossScripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA
81SCS03C&O208: Lloyd D Keigwin, FAGU__ All PAPS CLIM 350283236217 172 WP? W.P? paleo, rapid changeWHOI, Falmouth, MA
82 NPFhost209: Michael Ghil, FAGU1975 All PAPS CLIM 336356233217 364 WP? W.P? paleo, time seriesCERES-ERTI,
83CCSP08 212: Dennis P Lettenmaier, FAGU, FAAAS1975 All PAPS CLIM 460421222217 585 WP? W.P? BOREAS, hydrologyCivil Eng., U Washington, Seattle
84 NPFhost213: David A Randall, FAGU, FAAAS1976AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 552365261215 286 WP? W.P? modeling, dynamics, boundary layerColorado State U, Fort Collins
85  218: Judith Lean, FAGU1980AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 527226217215 197 WP? W.P? radiative forcing, solar var.Naval Research Lab, Washington, DC
86UCS08 220: Anne H Ehrlich, FAAAS1964 All PAPS CLIM 969824644213 29 WP? W.P? population, ecologyStanford U
87SCS03 223: Ellen Mosley-Thompson, FAGU1970AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 376264262213 348 WP? W.P? glaciers, ice coresOhio State U, Columbus
88SCS03 CLI09 224: Lonnie G Thompson, FAGU, MNAS1976AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 276264262213 266 WP? W.P? glaciers, ice coresOhio State U, Columbus
89FB03 226: Eric F Wood, FAGU1974 ScD All PAPS CLIM 434300259212 291 WP? W.P? hydrology and climatePrinceton U
90not mainly solar 229: William F Ruddiman, FAGU1969 All PAPS CLIM 477284249211 169 WP? W.P? paleo, anthro forcingsemeritus of U Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
91Bali07 UCS08NPFhost235: Mark A Cane, FAGU, FAAAS1975 All PAPS CLIM 414333225208 265 WP? W.P? SST, ENSOLamont-Doherty Earth Obs., Colubmia U.
92  238: André Berger, FAGU1973AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 661420252206 547 WP? W.P? orbital forcings, paleoUniversité catholique de Louvain, Inst d.Astro et de Géophys G. Lemaitre, Belgium
93CCSP04 242: Venkatachalam Ramaswamy, FAGU1982AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 1163350207205 316 WP? W.P? attributionNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, USA
94 SciBytes#1 NPFhost243: Daniel J Jacob, FAGU1985AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 312253242204 226 WP? W.P? modeling, atm chemistryDept of Earth and Planetary Sci, Harvard U
95SCS03 CLI09 244: Peter H Gleick, FAAAS1986 All PAPS CLIM 490312238204 181 WP? W.P? water resourcesPres and founder, Pacific Inst, Oakland, CA
96CLI09 245: Michael B McElroy, FAGU, FAAAS1962 All PAPS CLIM 591239227204 55 WP? W.P? atm chem, isotopesHarvard U, Cambridge, MA
97  247: Wolf H Berger, FAGU1968 All PAPS CLIM 1479266208203 255 WP? W.P? oceanography, isotopes, paleoU California San Diego, CA
98UKsc09 255: Timothy N Palmer, FRSPhDAR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 471269258200 157 WP? W.P? ECMWF, validationECMWF, UK
99 JIMM08256: Vincent Courtillot, FAGU1978 All PAPS CLIM 351248202200 52 WP? W.P? volcanoes, geomagnetic fieldInst. De Physique du Globe; U.Paris
100 C&O257: William Ka-Ming Lau, FAGU1977 All PAPS CLIM 348250238199 269 WP? W.P? climate variability, oscillationsNASA Goddard, Greenbelt, MD
101  263: Malcolm K Hughes, FAGU1970 All PAPS CLIM 824822224197 176 WP? W.P? historical temp., LIAU Ariz.
102LZ95 265: William B Hubbard, FAGU1967 All PAPS CLIM 807265225194 12 WP? W.P? planetary science, JupiterU Arizona
103FB03 267: Graeme L Stephens, FAGU, FAAAS1977 All PAPS CLIM 418307201194 232 WP? W.P? clouds, water vaporColorado State U, Fort Collins
104SCS03 268: Donald L Anderson, FAGU1962 All PAPS CLIM 1837611471193 26 WP? W.P? geophysics modelingOxford
105LZ95 273: Manik Talwani, FAGU1959 All PAPS CLIM 380236197191 8 WP? W.P? gravity gradiometryRice U, Houston, TX
106  275: Rik Wanninkhof, FAGU1986AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 761277260190 121 WP? W.P? ocean CO2 sinkAtlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA
107  279: John E Walsh, FAAAS1974AR4 wg1 leadAll PAPS CLIM 548409214189 218 WP? W.P? arctic, antarctic climateUniversity of Alaska, USA
108Bali07 UCS08 CVX 282: Guy P Brasseur, FAGU1976AR4 wg1 CLA ch.7All PAPS CLIM 486299219187 193 WP? W.P? atm. Chemistry, ozone, sulphur cycleNCAR, Boulder
109CMOS06 CMOS08 286: Ian Burton, FRSC, FWAAS1962AR4 wg2All PAPS CLIM 980230218186 246 WP? W.P? adaptation, risk managementEnv. Canada AIRG; emeritus, IES, U Toronto, ON
110  288: James A Coakley, FAAAS1972 All PAPS CLIM 1047343198186 111 WP? W.P? indirect aerosol forcing, ship exhaustCOAS, Oregon State U
111  289: Michael I Mishchenko, FAGU1987 All PAPS CLIM 338293193186 92 WP? W.P? optical effects of aerosolsNASA GISS, ITPA Stony Brook U
112  294: Owen B Toon, FAGU1975 All PAPS CLIM 281205220183 234 WP? W.P? soot, radiative forcing, nuclear winterU. Colorado, Boulder
113Monaco09 318: Richard Feely, FAGU1974AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 277256190175 128 WP? W.P? ocean CO2 sinkNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Pacifi c Marine Environmental Laboratory, USA
114  319: Thompson Webb III, FAAAS1966 All PAPS CLIM 275268236173 394 WP? W.P? paleo, modeling, LGMBrown U, Providence, RI
115noSw07 321: Harry Elderfield, FAGU1970 All PAPS CLIM 221215196173 137 WP? W.P? paleo, ocean tracersU Cambridge
116 MHND Cato09 CCC09LSDeniers JIMM08324: Syun-Ichi Akasofu, FAGU1961 All PAPS CLIM 248242175173 8 WP? W.P? solar wind, magnetosphereU Alaska (emeritus)
117FB03 327: Eugene M Rasmusson, FAGU, FAAAS1966 All PAPS CLIM 982379325171 65 WP? W.P? ENSO, monsoonsemeritus of U Maryland
118  329: Russ E Davis, FAGU1967 All PAPS CLIM 366325233170 179 WP? W.P? ocean circulationIGPP, Scripps Inst., La Jolla, CA
119  331: Kurt Lambeck, FAGU1967AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 336239253169 108 WP? W.P? sea level riseAustralian National University, Australia
120CVX 334: Richard S Stolarski, FAGU, EAM1966 All PAPS CLIM 249206204169 85 WP? W.P? stratospheric ozone, CFCsNASA Goddard, Greenbelt, MD
121 NPFhost335: Scott Doney, FAGU1991 All PAPS CLIM 736198199169 263 WP? W.P? chem oceanographyWoods Hole Oceanographic Inst
122UCS08 336: Alan K Betts, FAGU, FAAAS1970 All PAPS CLIM 379348198169 96 WP? W.P? land-atm exchanges, modelingfounder, Atmospheric Research, Pittsford, VT
123 NPFhost337: Patrick J Bartlein, FAAAS1978 All PAPS CLIM 236178173169 298 WP? W.P? paleo, data assimilation, visualizationU Oregon, Eugene, OR
124  339: F Sherwood Rowland, FAGU,, Nobel1952 All PAPS CLIM 1698459229168 78 WP? W.P? ozone hole, CFCs, atm chemU Calif at Irvine, CA
125  341: Christopher P McKay, FAGU1982 All PAPS CLIM 210176176167 287 WP? W.P? ice, planetary scienceNASA Ames Lab,
126  342: Michael L Bender, FAGU1970 All PAPS CLIM 832253234166 71 WP? W.P? Vostok ice corePrinceton U
127LZ95 350: Klaus Wyrtki, FAGU1950 All PAPS CLIM 349305242165 15 WP? W.P? oceanography, sea level, ENSOU Hawaii
128  363: Keith A Kvenvolden, FAGU1961 All PAPS CLIM 319311223160 51 WP? W.P? gas hydratesUSGS
129  364: Heinrich D Holland, FAGUPhD All PAPS CLIM 684578175160 65 WP? W.P? paleoclimate, oceansHarvard
130SCS03 UCS08 367: Donald J Wuebbles, FAGU, FAAAS1983AR1-2 CLA AR3All PAPS CLIM 422175174159 263 WP? W.P? methane, attribution, rad forcing, atm chemU Illinois Urbana
131Bali07 371: Kip V Hodges, FAGU1982 All PAPS CLIM 310284198157 130 WP? W.P? paleo, atm dynamicsSESE, Arizona State U, Phoenix, AZ
132CMOS06 CMOS08 Bali07 377: John P Smol, FRSC1982 All PAPS CLIM 191170157154 228 WP? W.P? biogeochem, diatoms, response to clim.chQueen's U, Kingston, ON
133 NPFhost387: Dennis L Hartmann, FAGU, FAAAS1975 All PAPS CLIM 288281144151 181 WP? W.P? variability, clouds, radiative balanceU Washington
134UCS08 388: James C Zachos, FAGU1988AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 951206202150 243 WP? W.P? paleo, abrupt change, geochemUniversity of California, Santa Cruz, USA
135  390: S Majid Hassanizadeh, FAAAS1979 All PAPS CLIM 239206165150 16 WP? W.P? hydrodynamics, modelingUtrecht U
136  393: Richard Turco, FAGU1971 All PAPS CLIM 317165155149 96 WP? W.P? aerosols, 'nuclear winter', stratospheric chemUCLA, Los Angeles, CA
137ISI highly cited 397: Roger Atkinson, FAGU, FAAAS1969 All PAPS CLIM 491194175148 161 WP? W.P? atm chemistryU Calif. Riverside
138 (LSDeniers) NPFhosts400: Stephen E Schwartz, FAGU, FAAAS1968AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 1005359309147 195 WP? W.P? radiative forcingBrookhaven National Lab
139UCS08 402: Ronald G Prinn, FAGU, FAAAS1971AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 241213232146 219 WP? W.P? atm chemistry, predictionDept of Earth, Atm and Planetary Sci, MIT, USA, New Zealand
140  403: Eric Baron, FAGU__ All PAPS CLIM 577232189146 59 WP? W.P?  U Oklahoma, Norman, OK
141 NPFhost410: Judith A Curry, FAGU1982 All PAPS CLIM 626209205144 181 WP? W.P? clouds, atm physics, hurricanesGeorgia Tech
142 ESI01#25413: David Pollard, FAGU1979 All PAPS CLIM 383350159144 323 WP? W.P? biosphere carbon modelPenn State U
143realclimate SCS03 UCS08 415: Raymond Pierrehumbert, FAGU1980 All PAPS CLIM 176154150144 132 WP? W.P? dynamics, shear, instabilitiesU Chicago
144 C&O424: Anthony J Gow, FAGU   __ All PAPS CLIM 451182166141 32 WP? W.P? GISP ice cores 
145  426: Devendra Lal, FAAASPhD All PAPS CLIM 636346214140 75 WP? W.P? isotopes, GCRs, limnologyScripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA
146  432: Chet Langway, FAGU1965 All PAPS CLIM 208159153140 19 WP? W.P? paleo, ice cores, isotopesretired, ex of CIPRE, U Buffalo, NY
147 LSDeniers JIMM08434: Claude J Allegre, FAGU, MNAS1962 All PAPS CLIM 220173163139 47 WP? W.P? volcanic gases, isotopes, weatheringInst. De Physique du Globe; U.Paris
148UCS08 436: Rafael L Bras, FAGU1975 All PAPS CLIM 316245243138 153 WP? W.P? hydroclimatologyDean, Samueli School, UC Davis, CA
149CA03 UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM08 NPFhost446: James J O'Brien, FAGU1966 All PAPS CLIM 228183182135 232 WP? W.P? ENSO, ocean windsemeritus, founder of COAPS, Florida State U.
150UCS08 454: Knut Aagaard, FAGU1966 All PAPS CLIM 527215148133 56 WP? W.P? sea ice, THCU Washington
151  457: Isaac M Held, FAGU1976AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 237200158132 148 WP? W.P? atm. Eddies, modelingPrinceton U, NJ / NOAA GFDL
152SCS03NPFhost462: Peter B Rhines, FAGU1967 All PAPS CLIM 275254150131 56 WP? W.P? oceanography, circulation, abrupt changeU Washington
153  464: Thomas P Ackerman, FAAAS1976 All PAPS CLIM 2221873135131 144 WP? W.P? radiative forcing, cloudsU Washington
154  471: George Gloeckler, FAGU1965 All PAPS CLIM 218129129129 8 WP? W.P? geomagnetism, solar windU Maryland (emeritus); U Michigan
155  474: David W Fahey, FAGU1979AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 298215155128 100 WP? W.P? GL ozone, atm chemistryNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Earth System Research Laboratory, USA
156dT(2x)>1.5C 476: Jeffrey Park, FAGU__ All PAPS CLIM 168148134128 164 WP? W.P? climate sensitivityYale U, New Haven, CT
157Bali07 478: Paulo Artaxo, FAAAS1985AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 268215204127 210 WP? W.P? smoke and cloud formationInstituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
158SCS03 UCS08NPFhost479: Alan Robock, FAAAS1977 All PAPS CLIM 320220216126 374 WP? W.P? soil moisture variabilityRutgers U, NJ
159NAS chair FB03NPFhost483: Anthony J Busalacchi, FAGUPhD All PAPS CLIM 259184132126 118 WP? W.P? ocean modelingU Maryland
160CMOS06 CMOS08 488: Eddy C Carmack, FAGU1972 All PAPS CLIM 534218150125 45 WP? W.P? sea ice, THC, arctic haloclineInst of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, BC
161Bali07 492: John Wahr, FAGU1979 All PAPS CLIM 240197134125 132 WP? W.P? GRACE remote sensingCIRES fellow
162UCS08 495: Ruth S DeFries, FAGU1980 All PAPS CLIM 378326187124 73 WP? W.P? biogeochem, land coverU Maryland
163Bali07 UCS08 CLI09ESI06#18497: Warren M Washington, FAAAS1964 All PAPS CLIM 270187164124 274 WP? W.P? modeling, feedbacksNCAR, Boulder
164FB03 Bali07 505: Lynne D Talley, FAGU1982AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 265164144123 53 WP? W.P? ocean circulation, polar regionsScripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, USA
165  508: Claude Jaupart, FAGUno cv All PAPS CLIM 323209123123 31 WP? W.P? volcanoes, basaltsInst. De Physique du Globe; U.Paris
166Bali07 UCS08 510: Murugesu Sivapalan, FAGU1986 All PAPS CLIM 383256167122 169 WP? W.P? hydrology, modelingU Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, IL
167 NPFhost518: Kirk Bryan, FAGU1957 All PAPS CLIM 770281215121 163 WP? W.P? ocean modelingGFDL, ESSA, Princeton, NJ
168CMOS06 CMOS08 528: Lawrence A Mysak, FCMOS, FAGUPhD All PAPS CLIM 524166132120 183 WP? W.P? atm-ocean coupling, modelingMcGill U, Montreal, QC
169Bali07 CVX 533: Ulrike Lohmann, FAGU1996AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 317183175117 287 WP? W.P? rad forcing, sensitivity, CCNsETH Z?rich, Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science, Switzerland
170SCS03 UCS08 SotP09 534: Daniel P Schrag, FAGU1993 All PAPS CLIM 611313171117 176 WP? W.P? paleo, snowball earthHarvard U
171 C&O543: David A Hodell, FAGU1986 All PAPS CLIM 254186179115 206 WP? W.P? paleo, droughtU Cambridge
172  553: Keith Shine, FRS1980sAR2 leadAll PAPS CLIM 308215193113 209 WP? W.P? radiative forcingsOxford U, U Reading
173Bali07 560: Conway Leovy, FAAAS1963 All PAPS CLIM 782308113113 89 WP? W.P? atm dynamics, dust, Marsemeritus of U Washington, Seattle
174CLI09 567: Donald Kennedy, MNASPhD All PAPS CLIM 256145135112 86 WP? W.P? biology, envir health policyStanford U, CA
175SCS03C&O576: John T Andrews, FAGU1965 All PAPS CLIM 328157149111 237 WP? W.P? paleo, ice coresU Colorado, Boulder, CO
176CMOS06 CMOS08 584: Stephen Calvert, FAGU1964 All PAPS CLIM 219160139110 69 WP? W.P? marine sediments, trace elementsemeritus, ex of U British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
177  595: Vijay K Gupta, FAGU1973 All PAPS CLIM 207206146108 79 WP? W.P? mesoscale hydrologyCIRES fellow
178  607: Edward S Sarachik, FAGU, FAAASPhD All PAPS CLIM 181116115106 56 WP? W.P? ENSO, ocean circulationsU Washington, Seattle, WA
179  608: Jerry X Mitrovica, FAGU1991 All PAPS CLIM 131125110106 68 WP? W.P? geodynamicsU Toronto
180 NPFhost609: R Alan Plumb, FAGUPhD All PAPS CLIM 16612211106 51 WP? W.P? tracers in arctic stratospherePAOC, MIT, Cambridge, MA
181SCS03 613: Gerald R North, FAGU, FAAAS1966 All PAPS CLIM 710282173105 215 WP? W.P? paleo, modeling, attributionTexas A&M U, College Station, TX
182  614: Martin I Hoffert, FAAAS1967 All PAPS CLIM 356174163105 65 WP? W.P? ocean mixing, sensitivityU Massachusetts
183SCS03 620: Amy Clement, FAGU1999AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 472164143103 173 WP? W.P? forcings, circulationUniversity of Miami, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, USA
184CA02 CA03 CA06JIMM08625: Petr Chylek, FAGU1970 All PAPS CLIM 160131106103 104 WP? W.P? radiative transfer, albedo, black carbonLANL; Dalhousie U, Halifax, NS
185Bali07 627: Anny Cazenave, FAGU1975AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 143137128102 154 WP? W.P? sea level riseLaboratoire d.Etudes en G?ophysique et Oc?anographie Spatiale (LEGOS), CNES, France
186CMOS06 CMOS08 638: Theodore G Shepherd, FCMOS1984AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 218115105100 93 WP? W.P? atm dynamics, chem, nonlinear stabilityUniversity of Toronto, Canada
187  641: Anne M Thompson, FAMS, FAGU, FAAAS1978 All PAPS CLIM 30114112799 137 WP? W.P? biogeochem, remote sensingPenn State U
188UCS08 661: Henry N Pollack, FAGU1963AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 40023316997 76 WP? W.P? borehole tempsUniversity of Michigan, USA
189Bali07 687: Jurgen Willebrand, FAGU1973AR3 AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 26114611395 68 WP? W.P? dynamics, parameterizationInstitut fur Meereskunde, Kiel, Germany
190UCS08 690: R Steven Nerem, FAGU1989AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 14711211095 104 WP? W.P? antarctic climate change, TOPEXUniversity of Colorado at Boulder, USA, CIRES fellow
191Bali07 UCS08 697: Kurt M Cuffey, FAGU1999 All PAPS CLIM 15413512394 53 WP? W.P? ice core data, paleo temp UC Berkeley, CA
192UCS08 SotP09 702: Gifford H Miller, FAGU1975 All PAPS CLIM 12812811193 169 WP? W.P? ice sheets, paleo, LGMU Colorado, Boulder, CO
193CMOS06 CMOS08 719: Thomas F Pedersen, FAGU1979 All PAPS CLIM 25819012391 112 WP? W.P? oceanic nutrients, oxygenation, paleoU Victoria, BC
194  720: David A Yuen, FAGU__ All PAPS CLIM 21915810091 37 WP? W.P? geology, isostacy, modelingU Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
195SCS03 UCS08 728: Jerry D Mahlman, FAGU1967AR1 AR2 AR3 Review PanelAll PAPS CLIM 5791009590 38 WP? W.P? attribution, carbon sinks, ozoneSr. Research Assoc., ISSE, NCAR, Boulder, CO
196 C&O746: Teh-Lung Ku, FAGU__ All PAPS CLIM 25814111488 70 WP? W.P? paleo, isotopesWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA
197(TGGWS) ?(LSDeniers) (JIMM08)763: Eigil Friis-Christensen, FAGU1971 All PAPS CLIM 4263908887 43 WP? W.P? GCRs, solar cycle effect on climateDirector, Danish Space Research Inst
198Bali07 780: Jeffrey J McDonnell, FAGU1989 All PAPS CLIM 1801289085 86 WP? W.P? hillslope hydrologyOregon State U
199  821: Edward V Browell, FAGU1974 All PAPS CLIM 1971138181 96 WP? W.P? aerosols, LIDAR, PSCsNASA Langley
200CMOS06 CMOS08 840: James P Bruce, FCMOSPhD All PAPS CLIM 2352108379 69 WP? W.P? soil and water conservation, soil carbonSoil and Water Conservation Society
201 NPFhost857: L Ruby Leung, FAAASPhDAR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 1061048877 126 WP? W.P? hydrology, downscaling, aerosolsNOAA Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA
202  872: Richard H Moss, FAAAS1987 All PAPS CLIM 48037711375 136 WP? W.P? land cover, impacts and risksWWF
203  894: Peter Schlosser, FAGU1985 All PAPS CLIM 245927973 107 WP? W.P? deep water formationLamont-Doherty Earth Obs., Colubmia U.
204CMOS06 CMOS08 921: Jacques Derome, FCMOS1972 All PAPS CLIM 210908770 75 WP? W.P? dynamics of seasonal meanMcGill U, Montreal, QC
205  928: Jean-Bernard Minster, FAGUPhD All PAPS CLIM 7322337670 18 WP? W.P? plate tectonics, GPS, remote sensingScripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD, La Jolla, CA
206SCS03 964: Sharon L Smith, FAGUno cvAR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 8901227067 116 WP? W.P? permafrost, marine biotaGeological Survey of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Canada
207  965: G Michael Purdy, FAGU1974 All PAPS CLIM 162686867 5 WP? W.P? marine crustal geology, oceanographyLamont-Doherty Earth Obs., Columbia U, Columbia, NY
208 C&O971: George C Reid, FAGU1954AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 1201128966 38 WP? W.P? variability; solar CCNsNational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA
209CMOS06 Bali07 CMOS08 975: Garry KC Clarke, FAGU1967AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 132817966 59 WP? W.P? glaciersEarth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, Canada
210Bali07 985: Michael Schulz, FAGUno cvAR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 197975866 226 WP? W.P? aerosols, meas and modelingInstitut Pierre Simon Laplace, LSCE, CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, Saclay, FR
211not mainly solar 1058: Mike Lockwood, FRS, FInstP, FRAS1978 All PAPS CLIM 2411637460 94 WP? W.P? solar magnetism and sunspotsRutherford Appleton Lab, Chilton
212CMOS06 CMOS08 1061: Peter A Taylor, FCMOSPhD All PAPS CLIM 88676560 69 WP? W.P? boundary layer dynamics modelingYork U, Toronto, ON
213CMOS06 CMOS08 1063: Gordon McBean, FCMOSPhD All PAPS CLIM 85676360 78 WP? W.P? atm physics, boundary layerU Western Ontario, London, ON
214noSw07 1078: Nigel Bell, FIEEMPhD All PAPS CLIM 18013210658 107 WP? W.P? pollution; ozone and climateImperial College, London
215Bali07 1087: Robert Bindschadler, FAGU1978 All PAPS CLIM 81706158 64 WP? W.P? ice sheet dynamicsHydrospheric/Biospheric Laboratory
216  1091: Wiford F Weeks, FAGU, NAE1956 All PAPS CLIM 2231638157 17 WP? W.P? sea ice, glaciology, polar researchretried, ex of CRREL, Hanover, NH
217  1121: Richard M Goody, FAGU1949 All PAPS CLIM 10131256155 36 WP? W.P? atmospheric radiation budgetHarvard U
218  1180: Margaret A Tolbert, FAGU1986 All PAPS CLIM 119605650 70 WP? W.P? atm chem, CFCsU Colorado / CIRES, Bounder, CO
219CMOS06 CMOS08 1206: R Allyn Clarke, FCMOSPhD All PAPS CLIM 106865049 27 WP? W.P? Labrador current, ocean circulationScientist Emeritus, Bedford Inst of Oceanography, NS
220  1213: H Thomas Rossby, FAGU__ All PAPS CLIM 184936248 5 WP? W.P? ocean circulationU Rhode Island, Kingston, RI
221  1243: Gary J Rottman, FAGU1972 All PAPS CLIM 1381128246 28 WP? W.P? solar irradiance measurementsUCAR Sr research scientist
222  1259: Steven Emerson, FAGU1974AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 50494846 63 WP? W.P? biogeochem tracersSchool of Oceanography, University of Washington, USA
223  1326: Robert L Molinari, FAAAS1970AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 167885942 43 WP? W.P? ocean circulation, Indian OceanNOAA AOML, USA
224Bali07 UCS08 CLI09 1349: Richard CJ Somerville, FAAAS1966AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 2871029040 210 WP? W.P? modeling, clouds, ITCZScripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego, USA
225CMOS06 CMOS08 1352: Paul H LeBlond, FCMOSPhD All PAPS CLIM 486685540 11 WP? W.P? oceanography, conservationU British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
226SCS03 UCS08 1357: Marcia B Baker, FAGUPhD All PAPS CLIM 64494540 68 WP? W.P? cloud physics, CCN, modelingemeritus of U Washington, Seattle, WA
227SCS03 UCS08 Monaco09 CLI09 1372: Michael C MacCracken, FAAAS1968AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 148644739 179 WP? W.P? dust, modeling, impactsLLNL, Livermore / Climate Institute
228FB03refs 1425: George Ohring, FAAAS__ All PAPS CLIM 52434436 88 WP? W.P? clouds, aerosols, radiation balanceNOAA
229SEPP92 LZ95 CA02 CA03 CA06 TGGWS UN07 MHND NIPCC08 APS09JIMM081503: S Frederick Singer, FAGU1948 All PAPS CLIM 56343331 110 WP? W.P? Skeptic of: AGW, CFC-ozone link, 2nd-hand smokeformer director, US NWS, emeritus prof. U Virginia
230CMOS06 1554: Charles A Lin, FCMOS__ All PAPS CLIM 88423229 54 WP? W.P? hydrology, modeling, floodsMcGill U, Montreal
231LZ95 1616: Joseph Cain, FAGU__ All PAPS CLIM 104413626 5 WP? W.P? solar wind, geomagnetismFlorida State U
232CMOS08 1909: Geoff S Strong, FCMOS1986 All PAPS CLIM 72201611 7 WP? W.P? atm moisture budgetU Alberta, Edmonton, AB
233  1943: Paola Rizzoli, FAGU1968AR4 wg1All PAPS CLIM 4530129 2 WP? W.P? sea level, Venice flood defensesMassachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, Italy
234CCC09 1979: Arthur John (Jock) Allison, ONZMPhD All PAPS CLIM 1171197 0 WP? W.P? sheep breedingA2 Milk Corp; formerly of NZ Min Ag, Dunedin
235CMOS08 2021: Claude Labine, FCMOS__ All PAPS CLIM 2816125 7 WP? W.P? tundra microclimateCampbell Scientific (Canada) Corp.
236CCC09 2148: James E Dent, FCIWEM,, FRMetSBSc All PAPS CLIM 5220 0 WP? W.P? flood warningOPACHE, Hadleigh, Suffolk
237SotP09 2380: William Chameides, MNAS   __ All PAPS CLIM (stats not checked) WP? W.P?   
238  2444: Dieter Ehhalt, FAGU   __ All PAPS CLIM (stats not checked) WP? W.P?   
239  2452: Dara Entekhabi, FAGU1990 All PAPS CLIM (stats not checked) WP? W.P? data assimilationPAOC, MIT, Cambridge, MA
240  2466: Fred Fehsenfeld, FAGU1962 All PAPS CLIM (stats not checked) WP? W.P? tropospheric chemistryCIRES fellow
241  2502: Tamas Gombosi, FAGU1974 All PAPS CLIM (stats not checked) WP? W.P? space physicsU Michigan
242  2540: Thomas A Herring, FAGU__ All PAPS CLIM (stats not checked) WP? W.P?  MIT EAPS
243SCS03 2623: James W Kirchner, FAGU__ All PAPS CLIM (stats not checked) WP? W.P? river sedimentsU Calif, Berkeley, CA
244 NPFhost2709: James C McWilliams, FAGU__ All PAPS CLIM (stats not checked) WP? W.P?  NCAR, Boulder
245  2726: Peter Molnar, FAGU1970 All PAPS CLIM (stats not checked) WP? W.P?  CIRES fellow
246  2743: Andrew Nagy, FAGU__ All PAPS CLIM (stats not checked) WP? W.P?  U Michigan