List of Climate Research Centres

This incomplete list provides links to websites of some of the climate-related research enterprises at universities throughout the world, sorted by ISO country code. (Non-western sites are not well covered due to language barriers.)

University sites

Alphabetically by country


AU: Melbourne: Monash U - Geog & Env Sci - Climatology Research


AT: U Wien - Theoretical Meteorology and Climatology


BR: Buenos Aires - UBA Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera, CIMA | SMHI
BR: Sao Paolo - U San Pablo - Grupo de Estudos Climáticos - USP ::


CA: BC: Simon Fraser U - Climate, Oceans, and Paleo-Environments (COPE) Laboratory
CA: BC: UBC Climate Prediction Group
CA: BC: Victoria - UVic Cdn Inst for Climate Studies - Main Menu
CA: SK: U Sask - Geological Sciences
CA: SK: U Sask - Inst of Space and Atmospheric Studies
CA: MB: U Winnipeg- Dept of Geography
CA: MB: U Manitoba - Centre for Earth Observation Science (CEOS)
CA: ON: Carleton U - Climate Change Research Group
CA: ON: Kingston - Queens U Climatology
CA: ON: McMaster U - Climate Change Research Program
CA: ON: Nipissing U
CA: ON: Trent U - The Blue Lab - Climatology at Trent
CA: ON: U Ottawa - Department of Earth Sciences
CA: ON: U Ottawa - Laboratory for Paleoclimatology and Climatology
CA: ON: U Toronto - Centre for Global Change Science
CA: ON: U Western Ontario - NiCHE Env. History
CA: ON: York U - Earth & Space Sci & Engr - Atm Sci & Meteorology
CA: QC: McGill U - Global Environmental and Climate Change Centre
CA: NL: Memorial U - Dept. of Geography - climatology, Quaternary studies, remote sensing
CA: NL: Memorial U - Dept. of Physics and Physical Oceanography
CA: NS: Dalhousie U - Climate Change and Env - Energy
CA: NS:St Fr Xavier U, Acadia U et al - Environmental Sciences Research Centre


DE: Berlin: Freie U Berline - Inst for Meteorology: Middle Atmosphere
DE: Mainz: Gutenberg U - Institut für Geowissenschaften der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz


FR: Saclay (Paris): Inst Pierre Simon Laplace -- sciences de l'environnement
FR: Saclay: CNRS/LSCE - Labo des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (sous IPSL)
FR: U Versailles Saint Quentin: LSCE - Labo des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement
FR: U Joseph Fourier - LGGE - Labo de Glaciologie et G&eactue;ophysique de l'Env


JA: Mona: U West Indies at Mona, Dept of Physics


NL: Wageningen University - Earth System Science Group


UK: Cambridge - U Cambridge Centre for Atmospheric Sciences
UK: Manchester: MMU - Omega
UK: Norwich - U East Anglia - Climatic Research Unit
UK: Norwich: U East Anglia - CSERGE
UK: Norwich: U East Anglia - Research in ENV
UK: Oxford U - ClimatePrediction.Net
UK: Oxford U - Physics: Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics: climd: cd:
UK: Reading U - Walker Institute
UK: Reading: UR Dept of Meteorology
UK: U of Southampton: Natl Oceanography Centre - Ocean Circulation and Climate
UK: Swansea U - Swansea Glaciology
UK: U East Anglia - School of Env Studies
UK: Oceans 2025


US: AZ: Ariz State U Sch. of Life Sci - Biogeochemistry
US: AZ: U Arizona - Dept of Atm Sci
US: CA: U Cal, Riverside - Dept of Env Sciences
US: CO: Colo.St.U Department of Atmospheric Science | Faculty
US: CO: CU-Boulder - CIRES Teaching/Faculty
US: CO: CU-Boulder - Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
US: CT: Yale School of Forestry & Envir Studies - Masters of Envir Mgmt
US: FL: FSU Dept of Oceanography
US: GA: Georgia Tech - School of Earth and Atm Sci
US: MA: MIT CEEPR - Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research | Home
US: MA: MIT Center for Global Change Science
US: MA: MIT Ctr for Ocean Engr - MSEAS
US: MA: MIT Dept of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS)
US: MI: University of Michigan - AOSS
US: MN: U Minn - Dept of Soil, Water, and Climate
US: NC: Duke U - Nicholas School of the Environment
US: NJ: Princeton Env. Inst. - Carbon Mitigation Initiative
US: NJ: Princeton U - Atmospheric and Ocean Sciences Program
US: NM: NM Tech - Atmospheric Physics Research at NMT
US: NY: Columbia U - Dept of Earth and Envir Sci
US: NY: Columbia U - The Earth Institute at Columbia University
US: TX: UT Austin - Center for Space Research
US: UT: UU Dept of Meteorology
US: VA: George Mason U | Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Earth Sciences
US: VA: U Virginia Climatology Office
US: WA: U Wash. - Climate Impacts Group
US: WA: UW Dept of Atmospheric Sciences

The above list is far from complete. The following sites contain lists of educational institutions with climate-related teaching or research programs:

LIST: ProClim- InfoSystem > Universities and Federal Institutions
LIST: Promise EU partners
LIST: Distance Education in Climatology
LIST: Open Directory - Science: Earth Sciences: Atmospheric Physics