The DEBS series of conferences: DEBS'07, DEBS'08, DEBS'09.
The Event-based research portal on "everything events"
The Complexevents industry portal on "complex-event processing". Complex-event processing (CEP).
The Event Processing Technical Society (EPTS) site. EPTS.
Instructor: Professor Hans-Arno Jacobsen [ Contact Information ] Office hours: Catch me right after class, or by appointment. Room: TBD Time: TBD Textbook: Research papers et al. Previous years: 2009 is the first year we are focusing entirely on Events 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001.
Below is a list of potential topics covered:... TBD (around January 2009), see above links to get an idea of the subject
1. Event processing overview and introduction 2. Event processing Applications 1. RFID & sensor networks 2. Financial & algorithmic trading 3. IT & network management and diagnostics 4. Business process management and business activity monitoring 3. Theories of events & events per se 4. Formalisms 5. Event processing languages 1. Event stream processing 2. Rule-based event processing 3. Event processing languages 4. Others (language embedded, graphical, ... 6. Event processing models, types, and formats 7. Matching and filtering 8. The Rete algorithm 9. Stream processing and continuous query processing 10. Dissemination and content-based routing 11. Messaging 12. Publish/Subscribe per se 13. Intelligent event processing 14. Event-based programming 15. Standards and industry landscape 16. Outlook, research questions & vision 17. Course project presentations 18. Invited and guest lecture(s)
The following constitutes a tentative outline of the course.
Take away: ... Slides: ...
This course is project-based, i.e., you have to propose and carry out a project that investigates an issue within the scope of middleware systems. A list of suggested topics will be discussed in class.
The guidelines for research projects are as follows:
The course project may be conducted in groups of two students. In the course project you should demonstrate the ability to do research by solving a small research problem. The emphasis of the project is to apply a solid research methodology from beginning to end. You will learn about what a solid research methodology is in reading and analysis various research papers throughout the course (i.e., for the expert topics and the additional lectures of the course.)
For your final project write-up you must use the proposed format (cf. ACM proceedings format.) Do not write more than 8 pages in the given format. Note, you may write less, if you are able to express your project results in fewer pages.
Your project report must be of "publishable quality". This means, the presentation should not include typos, not contain too many grammatical errors, etc. It DOES NOT mean that your paper must be ready for publication in a major conference. (Even though this would be a desirable future result, but is not necessary in order to achieve a good result in the course !)
- submit a progress report by e-mail in ASCII (plain e-mail) anytime before TBA - it should contain: - brief and concise description of the problem you are working on - describe your approach - summary of accomplishments so far - next steps - problems encountered and how you anticipate to solve themProject Proposals:
- just send me a ***plain e-mail*** with a description - NO!!! Attachement (will be returned on simply trashed.) - the proposal should follow the Statement of Work (SOW) Pattern introduced by Gordon Lee in his lecture (first lecture) - the proposal should include the following points: - problem statement: identify the problem - relevance: state why this is an important problem - related approaches: briefly review what others have done to solve this problem - approach: say what you intend to do to solve the problem - describe anticipated difficulties
A list of suggested project topics will be distributed in class a few weeks after the beginning of the semester.
The course mark is broken down as follows:
The expert topics are topics that you select among a set of topics outlined in the first additional lecture on Monday, January 15th. An expert topic requires you to read a few papers on a specific topic. You will then have to conduct a focused 20 minute presentation on the topic and lead a subsequent discussion of about 40 minutes. Leading a discussion can best be done by preparing a few controversial questions about the reading material and bluntly asking them. Often, it is a challenge to get other students in the class to respond and engage them in the discussion, so prepare for that.
Date, time, and modus operandi to be determined. Often we opt for a 48 hour take-home exam towards the end of the course. The exam poses a little research problem that is to be solved (see past years.) To accommodate part-time students we select a Friday Monday period (i.e., actually longer than 48 hours.) The exam tests whether you can apply the concepts covered in class on a specific and well-defined research question.