Project List and Links

FaceTime: Measuring on-camera screen time

Cabbaga Jumble-aya: Counting coins in a Picture

Ghostwriter:  Helping Writer’s Block

Dirty Room Notifier: Help airbnb Owners

Auto Transcriber: Transcription of Music

MaskOff: Detect If and How Well Person is Wearing a Mask

Monumentum: Identify Monuments

FRINN:  Classify Fruits and Ripeness

ClutterCutter: Helping Organize Incoming Mail 

LangLang: Automatically Classify Spoken Audio Language

Darwin: Train Agents to Survive

AirUI: Sound-based User Interface

DeepQube: Solve Rubiks Cubes

MatchPredictor: Predict Premier League Football Matches

FilmColorizer: Colour Black and White Films

LockdIn: Determine if People are Paying Attention on Video

FieldworkAnimalDetector: Distinguish Hyena Sounds From Lions

ToxicCommentClassifier: Classify Comment Toxicity

REScipe: Find a Recipe from a Picture of a Meal

MirrorMe: Transfer Facial Expressions