
Spring 2005

Andreas Moshovos


Subroutines – Examples


We will look at two subroutine examples. We may not cover both of them during the lectures. You may use those that we do not cover as practice questions. That is, try to develop code for the C equivalents and then compare your solution to the ones presented here.


1. Searching Through a Sorted Binary Tree


A binary tree is a data structure comprising several nodes. Each node has three components:

      1. A data value

      2. A left child

      3. A right child


Both children are also nodes. In C we can define a tree using the following structure:


struct node_t


      int   value;

      struct node_t *left;

      struct node_t *right;



A binary tree is sorted if the following two conditions apply at each node:

      1. The values of all nodes in the left subtree of a node are less than the value of the node.

2. The values of all nodes in the right subtree of a node are greater than or equal to the value of the node.


The following figure shows a sorted binary tree:

The following C function searches a sorted binary tree for a given value. It returns 1 if the value is found otherwise it returns 0:



search_st (struct node_t *tree, int value)


struct node_t   *curr = tree;

while (curr)


if (curr->value == value) return 1; // value found

if (value < curr->value)            // if value less than that of the current node search the left

          curr = curr->left;            // subtree

else  curr = curr->right;           // search the right subtree


return 0;



This routine uses the curr pointer to start searching from the top node following the left or right child pointers until either the value is found or there are no more nodes to search. The following figure shows the path the function will follow if called to search for value 13.


At the machine level the tree has to be represented in memory. Each node can be represented using three consecutive long words in memory. The first can be used to hold the data value, the second longword contains a pointer to the left child while the third longword contains a pointer to the right child. A pointer has a value which can be used as an address to refer to some other object in memory. Here’s a series of “DC” assembler directives that form our example tree:


NULL  equ   0

      org   $30000

node0 dc.l  10, node1, node2  ; top node

node1 dc.l  5, NULL, node3    ; top node’s left child

node2 dc.l  20, node4, node5  ; top node’s right child

node3 dc.l  8, NULL, NULL    

node4 dc.l  15, NULL, NULL

node5 dc.l  30, NULL, NULL


Note that the exact order in which the nodes appear in memory is *not* important. That is the following statements define the same tree (when viewed in the abstract) but with a different in memory layout:


NULL  equ   0

      org   $30000


node2 dc.l  20, node4, node5  ; top node’s right child

node0 dc.l  10, node1, node2  ; top node

node3 dc.l  8, NULL, NULL    

node1 dc.l  5, NULL, node3    ; top node’s left child

node5 dc.l  30, NULL, NULL

node4 dc.l  15, NULL, NULL


The next important step is to figure out what the stack layout should be for a correct implementation of st_search. This subroutine takes two arguments: a pointer and a value. So, the stack when st_search is called should contain three long words as follows:



Return address


Parameter tree


Parameter value


With this in hand now we can start writing the subroutine. A concern any time we start developing a subroutine is that often we cannot tell immediately how many registers and local variables (allocated on the stack) we will need. This is important to know as we will have to save registers on the stack prior to using them and since we will have to allocate local variables on the stack. The net effect will be that the relative distance from the stack pointer of the parameters may change. A methodology that would work is to write the subroutine using names for the various parameters and locals and once the subroutine is complete to rewrite saving/restoring any registers we used and replacing parameter names with appropriate displacements from the top of the stack:


Here’s the first implementation that uses names for parameters and ignores saving/restoring registers:



move.l      value, d0         ; d0 holds the value we are searching for

movea.l     tree, a0          ; we use a0 for curr. This does curr = tree


loop        cmp.l       #0, a0           

beq         notfound          ; if curr == 0 then exit the while loop

            move.l      (a0), d1          ; read curr->value into d1

            cmp.l       d1, d0            ; compare curr->value and value

            beq         found             ; (curr->value == value)

            bgt         goleft            ; (curr->value < value)

goright     movea.l     8(a0), a0         ; curr = curr->right

                                          ; note that 0(a0) = value

                                          ;           4(a0) = left

                                          ;           8(a0) = right

            bra   loop


goleft      movea.l     4(a0), a0         ; curr = curr->left

            bra   loop


found       move.l      #1, d0            ; found, return value = 1

            bra   epilogue


notfound    clr.l d0                      ; not found, return value = 0





As we can now see we used registers a0, d0 and d1. We do not need to save d0 since we can changed it freely as it used for the return value. We should save a0 and d1 (in GNU’s gcc I think that a0 is used for the return value when a subroutine returns a pointer C datatype). Thus after the prologue section of search_st the stack will look as follows:


Saved a0



Saved d1



Return address



Parameter tree



Parameter value



Now that we have figured out what we need to put on the stack we can rewrite the function (changes/additions shown in bold):



            movem.l     d1/a0, -(a7)      ; save the registers we change


            move.l      16(a7), d0        ; d0 holds the value we are searching for

movea.l     12(a7), a0        ; we use a0 for curr. This does curr = tree


loop        cmp.l       #0, a0           

beq         notfound          ; if curr == 0 then exit the while loop

            move.l      (a0), d1          ; read curr->value into d1

            cmp.l       d1, d0            ; compare curr->value and value

            beq         found             ; (curr->value == value)

            bgt         goleft            ; (curr->value < value)


goright     movea.l     8(a0), a0         ; curr = curr->right

                                          ; note that 0(a0) = value

                                          ;           4(a0) = left

                                          ;           8(a0) = right

            bra   loop


goleft      movea.l     4(a0), a0         ; curr = curr->left

            bra   loop


found       move.l      #1, d0            ; found, return value = 1

            bra   epilogue


notfound    clr.l d0                      ; not found, return value = 0



            movem.l     (a7)+, d1/a0      ; restore the registers we changed to their original values



SECOND EXAMPLE: Detecting whether a string is a palindrome (or carcinic)


A series of letters is a palindrome if it reads exactly the same if read from left to right or from right to left. For example “abba” is a palindrome and so is “lalal”. “lala” is not a palindrome.


We want to write a function that returns 1 if its string parameter is a palindrome. The function should return a 0 otherwise. Before we do so, let’s first explain what is a string. A string at the machine level is a sequence of bytes. The C implementation of strings uses a zero-terminated sequence of bytes. That is, the end of the string is marked by a byte whose value is zero. This zero is not part of the string, it only marks its end. Hence we cannot have a string that contains the 0 byte. So, “abba” will be represented as five bytes with values: ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘b’, ‘a’ and 0, where for example ‘a’ is the ASCII code for the character a. So, if in C we write:


char s[] = “abba”;


In assembly we would write:


s dc.b      ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘b’, ‘a’, 0


So, a string is really an unidimensional array. So, using just “s” we are effectively referring to the address of its first element (same as &s[0]).


The function palindrome will have the following interface:



palindrome (char *a)




Hence “a” will be a long word whose value is the address where the string starts at.

Here’s an implementation of palindrome in C:



palindrome (char *a)


char *e;


if (a == NULL) return 1;    // NULL string is a palindrome (we define this)

e = a;

while (*e != 0) e++;              // find the terminating zero

if (e == a) return 1;       // empty string (just a terminating zero) is a palindrome

e--;                        // point to the last character

while ((*a != 0) && (*a == *e))





if (*a == 0) return 1;      // is a palindrome

return 0;



Here’s the implementation where we initially ignore saving/restoring registers and the actual distance of parameters from the top of the stack:


      org   $20000


      movea.l     a, a0       ; get the string’s starting address into a0

      beq         isP         ; if NULL return 1

      movea.l     a0, a1      ; e lives in a1, copy a into a1


      move.b      (a1), d1    ; read *e into d1

      beq         loop1Done   ; if (*e == 0) done

      addq.l      #1, a1      ; e++

      bra         loop1



      cmpa.l      a1, a0      ; if (e == a) return 1

      beq         isP


      subq.l      #1, a1      ; e—



      move.b      (a0), d0    ; d0 = *a

      beq         loop2Done

      move.b      (a1), d1    ; d1 = *e

      cmp.b       d1, d0      ; if (*a != *e) done

      bne         loop2Done

      addq.l      #1, a0

      subq.l      #1, a1

      bra         loop2


      cmp.b       #0,d0       ; if (*a == 0) return 1

      beq         isP


      clr.l       d0

      bra         epilogue


      move.l      #1, d0




So, we are changing registers d0, d1, a0 and a1 and thus we need to save the last three. Here’s the updated code:


      org   $20000


      movem.l     d1/a0-a1, -(a7)

      movea.l     16(a7), a0        ; get the string’s starting address into a0

      beq         isP         ; if NULL return 1

      movea.l     a0, a1      ; e lives in a1, copy a into a1


      move.b      (a1), d1    ; read *e into d1

      beq         loop1Done   ; if (*e == 0) done

      addq.l      #1, a1      ; e++

      bra         loop1



      cmpa.l      a1, a0      ; if (e == a) return 1

      beq         isP


      subq.l      #1, a1      ; e—-



      move.b      (a0), d0    ; d0 = *a

      beq         loop2Done

      move.b      (a1), d1    ; d1 = *e

      cmp.b       d1, d0      ; if (*a != *e) done

      bne         loop2Done

      addq.l      #1, a0

      subq.l      #1, a1

      bra         loop2


      cmp.b       #0,d0       ; if (*a == 0) return 1

      beq         isP


      clr.l       d0

      bra         epilogue


      move.l      #1, d0


      movem.l     (a7)+, d1/a0-a1



There are ways of optimizing the routine at the algorithmic level. Our goal here was to illustrate one possible implementation.