Paul Chow

Dusan and Anne Miklas Chair in Engineering Design

* Member and Past Chair of the Computer Engineering Research Group
* Member of the Electronics Research Group
* Past Chair of the ECE Option for Engineering Science

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
10 King's College Road
Room SFB540 (for shipping)
University of Toronto
Toronto, Ontario M5S 3G4

Office: Engineering Annex, EA320
Voice: (416) 978-2402
FAX: (416) 946-8734
Email: insert-my-initials @

Note: g/insert-my-initials/s//pc/

* Research Projects
My interests centre around building things, mostly with FPGAs and VLSI technology. As part of building things, I like to think about how to do it right, especially as the complexity of the world increases. I have particular interests in computer architecture focusing on building fast microprocessors and application-specific processors using FPGAs.

Some of the chip building actually gets done in my VLSI Systems Design course.

* Grad Studies: What, Why, Where, How
Some things you might want to know.

* Courses
About past and present courses.

* Graduate students: Present and Past

* Picture Gallery
Including what I look like without sunglasses smiley.gif

Paul Chow 2014-10-16