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ECE253F: Digital and Computer Systems
Paul Chow and Parham Aarabi
Fall 2003
The main course web page is on CCNET at
This page is used to provide supplementary information that is related
to the course material that you can use for further investigation.
- Professional Behaviour and Ethics
- A short
statement on what it means to be a Professional.
Everyone should read this.
- Moore's Law
- This is an interesting page from Intel's web site showing a plot of
the number of transistors in the various Intel processors.
It also has a link to Gordon Moore's original paper.
- International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS)
- This is a prediction of where the semiconductor
technology is going and is commonly cited by people when
they want this kind of data about the future. It's kind of
dry reading, but has useful numbers.
- Mask Making at Intel
- Found this and it is an overview that you can understand. It talks about the
challenges of making ever-smaller transistors.
- IEEE Spectrum Sept 2003 - IC Mask Making
- There is an interesting article entitled, ``A little light
magic'' that talks about how IC masks are made. If the link
doesn't work, you should be
able to access this site through the UofT library web site. Go to
e-Journals and search on ``Spectrum''.
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Paul Chow