This course is about practical applications of advanced digital design concepts. Lecture topics will be related to design with embedded processors, FPGAs and ASICs. The practical aspect of the course is focused around significant projects to be implemented on FPGAs.
Lectures will cover topics such as architecture design, design flows, design with HDLs, good design practices, timing, clock domains, high-speed data links, ASIC and FPGA technologies. Some lectures will also be devoted to issues in the lab and design reviews of some projects.
Labs and projects will be implemented on the Xilinx Multimedia board and the XUP Virtex II Pro Development System. The goal of the project is to provide a real design opportunity using state-of-the-art tools and technology.
To get familiarity with the tools and the hardware you will start with some canned tutorials. This only gets you started and you will be expected to do a lot of digging on your own, as you would do in any real design position.
What you gain from doing the project is practical experience on managing and implementing complex designs, specifically in the approaches for large digital systems encompassing a lot of gates and a lot of software.
More specifically:
The reality of being a good designer is knowing how to debug, whether it is your own design, or the tools.