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Embedded Processor Architecture and Compiler Research
at the
University of Toronto


August 6, 1999

This project involves research in both computer architecture and optimizing compilers. The project started many years ago on the premise that programmable digital signal processors (DSPs) needed better architectures so that they could be programmed efficiently using a high-level language. As programmable processor technology improved in speed, cost, and chip area, it became possible to integrate or embed the DSP as part of a system on a chip or within a standalone system such as a printer or a cell phone. With the growth of multimedia and communications, these embedded processors are often doing functions that are no longer considered simple DSP functions. It is now better to generalize this class of processors and call them embedded processors although for our purposes, the interesting aspect is that these processors are more tailored to specific applications rather than running a general purpose workload.

The principal investigators are Professor Paul Chow and Professor Corinna Lee.

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Paul Chow 2005-01-02