Signers of Skeptics' 2008 Manhattan Declaration on Climate

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Notes column tinted this colour for signers of these 'activist' statements:
SCS03: 2003 'State of Climate Science' letter from 1011 scientists to U.S. congress (81 tagged)
CMOS06: 2006 statement from 120 scientists at the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (all tagged)
CMOS08: 2008 statement from 130 scientists at the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (all tagged)
RealClimate 'activist' website by ten climate scientists, founded 2004
noSw07: April 2007 letter from 37 scientists to Martin Durkin protesting inaccurate portrayal of climate science in his film The Great Global Warming Swindle (all tagged)
Bali07: 2007 appeal letter by 212 scientists from 25 countries, to delegates at the Bali climate talks (all tagged)
CCSP08: 2008 Assessment Report from the U.S. Climate Change Science Program [10 authors tagged so far; not a petition/declaration]
UCS08: 2008 Union of Concerned Scientists' declaration from 1700 U.S. scientists and economists (165 tagged)
Monaco09: Jan. 2009 Monaco Declaration on ocean acidification from 155 ocean scientists from 26 countries (152 tagged)
CLI09June 2009 Open letter to Obama and Congress calling for agressive action on climate change; signed by 20 scientists (all listed)
UKsc09: Dec. 2009 'Statement from the UK science community' re-affirming climate change science and data after East Anglia email break-in, signed by 1700 UK scientists from 67 universities and 55 other institutions (106 listed, 2010-1-17).
Notes column tinted this colour for signers of these 'skeptic' statements
SEPP92 1992 'Statement by Atmospheric Scientists on Greenhouse Warming' from the 'Science and Environment Policy Project', 46 signers
LZ95: 1995 'Leipzig Declaration' organized by Fred Singer, signed by 80 scientists and 25 weathermen
CA02: 2002 skeptics letter to Canadian P.M. Jean Chretien
CA03: 2003 skeptics letter to Canadian P.M. Paul Martin
CA06: 2006 skeptics letter to Canadian P.M. Stephen Harper
UN07: 2007 skeptics letter to U.N. Sec. General Ban Ki-Moon
TGGWS: 2007 TV film The Great Global Warming Swindle interviewees
NIPCC: 2008 Heartland Inst. document Nature, Not Human Activity, Rules the Climate, ed. S. Fred Singer, 24 listed contributors
MHND: 2008 'Manhattan Declaration' from skeptics' conference in NYC
Cato09: 2009 newspaper ad by the Cato Institute challenging President Obama's stance on climate change; 115 signers
APS09: 2009 Petition to the American Physical Society to amend their statement on climage change
CCC09: 2009 'Copenhagen Climate Challenge' 158 signers
LISTS column tinted this colour for names who did not sign any skeptic declarations, yet are included on a list of 'skeptic' names by someone else:
JIMM08: Named on 2008 list from U.S. Sen. James Inhofe's staffer Marc Morano
LSDeniers: Profiled in Lawrence Solomons's 2006-7 'The Deniers' column series in Canada's National Post
LISTS column tinted this colour for someone who did sign one of the above skeptic statements, and is also included on a list of 'skeptic' names by someone else.

Some major compilations

I've also tagged authors included in a few major compilations of climate science articles. These are not petitions or calls for action, but further illustrate the author's standing in the literature.For details on these declarations and how I've annotated for them, see notes on open letters

Names are sorted in descending order of citation count, on their #4 most cited work. This somewhat idiosyncratic choice of sort key stresses depth against any potential "one big paper" effect. This does seem to make a reasonable proxy for prominence in their field. (Note that citation stats were collected by hand, over a few months, so exact order might vary slightly as papers continue to gain citations as time passes.)

Mouse over column heading for explanation

Compiled by Jim Prall, Toronto, Canada, Nov. 2008 - present

Rank hereNotesListsName (homepage)NAT.PhD yearIPCCGS queriesmost cites2nd most3rd most4th mostClimate totalWikipedia?Areas of researchAffiliation
1CA03 CA06 UN07 MHNDLSDeniers JIMM0893: Freeman Dyson, MNAS1947 MSc All PAPS CLIM 749480404318 23 WP? W.P? particle physics (not climate related)retired, ex of Institute of Advanced Studies, Princeton, NJ
2UN07 MHND Cato09LSDeniers JIMM08164: Antonio ZichichiPhD All PAPS CLIM 680674580249 6 WP? W.P? particle physics (not climate related)emeritus, EMFCSC, Erice, U Bologna
3LZ95 UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM08197: David R Legates1988 All PAPS CLIM 673330273226 64 WP? W.P? precipitation records, statisticsU Delaware
4UN07 MHND Cato09 NIPCC09 CCC09LSDeniers JIMM08230: William M Gray1964 All PAPS CLIM 370361242210 78 WP? W.P? hurricaneshead of Tropical Met Project, Colorado State U
5SEPP92 CA02 CA03 UN07 MHND NIPCC08 Cato09 CCC09JIMM08278: Sherwood Idso1968 All PAPS CLIM 275242228189 163 WP? W.P? evaporation, plants, forecastsex of USDA, Arizona State U
6 MHND Cato09 CCC09LSDeniers JIMM08324: Syun-Ichi Akasofu, FAGU1961 All PAPS CLIM 248242175173 8 WP? W.P? solar wind, magnetosphereU Alaska (emeritus)
7UN07 NIPCC08 MHND NIPCC09JIMM08389: Lubos MotlPhD All PAPS CLIM 344228170150 0 WP? W.P? string theory (not climate related)Charles U, Prague
8CA03 UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM08 NPFhost446: James J O'Brien, FAGU1966 All PAPS CLIM 228183182135 232 WP? W.P? ENSO, ocean windsemeritus, founder of COAPS, Florida State U.
9MHND 456: Endel LippmaaPhD All PAPS CLIM 290265136133 0 WP? W.P? physics, chemistry of silicatesEstonian Academy of Science, Tallinn
10CA03 CCSP04 CA06 TGGWS UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM08500: Roy W Spencer1981 All PAPS CLIM 212178133124 92 WP? W.P? MSU satellite temp measurementU Alabama, Huntsville
11CA06 UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM08519: Wibjorn Karlen1976? All PAPS CLIM 311211204121 70 WP? W.P? paleo, tree rings, solar forcingemeritus, Stockholm U, Uppsala U
12MHND APS09 CCC09 626: Frank Tiplerprof All PAPS CLIM 1289197130102 2 WP? W.P? cosmology; anthropic principleTulane U, New Orleans, LA
13UN07 MHNDLSDeniers JIMM08710: Reid A Bryson1948 All PAPS CLIM 24014911492 167 WP? W.P? regional climate of North America, Indiaemeritus, ex of U Wisconsin
14CA02 CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM08717: Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen1981 All PAPS CLIM 2121049692 79 WP? W.P? climate policy, politicseditor, Energy & Environment; emeritus of Geography Dept, Hull U
15CA02 CA03 CA06 MHND 792: Arthur B Robinson1968 All PAPS CLIM 138968984 4 WP? W.P? DNA molecular clocks (not climate related)Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, Cave Junction, OR
16UN07 MHND APS09 CCC09JIMM08828: Peter StilbsTeknD All PAPS CLIM 4171048280 1 WP? W.P? physical chemistry: emulsions, surfactantsKTH, Stockholm
17MHND Cato09 850: Olav M Kvalheimprof All PAPS CLIM 2441798478 2 WP? W.P? chemistryU Bergen
18MHND 1067: Stanley B Goldenberg1980 MSc All PAPS CLIM 36012612559 13 WP? W.P? tropical cyclone developmentNOAA AOML, Miami, FL
19UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM081182: Bjarne Andresen1974 All PAPS CLIM 1051015250 5 WP? W.P? thermodynamics (not climate specific)Niels Bohr Inst., U Copenhagen
20MHND 1197: Bruce E Borders__ All PAPS CLIM 98746849 18 WP? W.P? forestryU Georgia, Athens, GA
21CA06 UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM081230: Nils-Axel Moerner1969 All PAPS CLIM 90757147 88 WP? W.P? paleogeophysics, sea levelemeritus, ex of Stockholm U
22CA06 UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM081252: Arthur RorschPhD All PAPS CLIM 211565246 3 WP? W.P? molecular geneticsemeritus, ex of Leiden U
23MHND 1296: Douglas SouthgatePhD All PAPS CLIM 107795144 31 WP? W.P? agricultural economics, deforestationOhio State U, Columbus, OH
24MHND CCC09 1304: Mitchell K TaylorPhD All PAPS CLIM 97966943 10 WP? W.P? polar bear biologyDept. of Envir, Igloolik, NU
25CA06 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM081356: Paul CopperPhD All PAPS CLIM 60404640 22 WP? W.P? paleo, reef ecologyLaurentian U (emeritus)
26NZCSC UN07 MHND CCC09 1362: William P de LangePhD All PAPS CLIM 52454240 9 WP? W.P? tsunamis, coastal climate hazardsEarth and Ocean Sci, Waikato U
27MHND Cato09 CCC09 1375: Goesta Walin1972 All PAPS CLIM 89484439 11 WP? W.P? THC, ocean heat transportGoteborg U
28UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM081397: Brian PrattPhD All PAPS CLIM 57555437 6 WP? W.P? geology, sedimentology, oil explorationU Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, SK
29MHND 1415: Indur M Goklany1973 All PAPS CLIM 50443837 51 WP? W.P? climate policyclimate policy analyst, Vienna, VA
30MHND Cato09 CCC09 1462: Wayne D GoodfellowPhD All PAPS CLIM 61383834 9 WP? W.P? paleo, ocean evolutionGeologic Survey of Canada; Adjunct prof., U Ottawa, ON
31UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09LSDeniers JIMM081474: Cliff OllierPhD All PAPS CLIM 102423633 33 WP? W.P? landforms, weathering, tectonicsemeritus, U Western Australia
32MHND CCC09 1481: Walter StarckPhD All PAPS CLIM 51403832 2 WP? W.P? fish biologyauthor, photographer, diver, Townsville
33UN07 MHND NIPCC09 CCC09JIMM081495: Don J EasterbrookPhD All PAPS CLIM 79696231 33 WP? W.P? paleo, sedimentary coresWestern Washington U
34SEPP92 LZ95 CA02 CA03 CA06 TGGWS UN07 MHND NIPCC08 APS09JIMM081503: S Frederick Singer, FAGU1948 All PAPS CLIM 56343331 110 WP? W.P? Skeptic of: AGW, CFC-ozone link, 2nd-hand smokeformer director, US NWS, emeritus prof. U Virginia
35CA03 CA06 TGGWS UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM081517: Ian D Clark1987 All PAPS CLIM 693383830 32 WP? W.P? isotope hydrogeology, paleoU Ottawa, Ontario
36LZ95 CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09 1518: Gary D Sharp1972 All PAPS CLIM 45373830 30 WP? W.P? tuna ecologyCenter for Climate and Ocean Studies, Salinas, CA
37MHND Cato09 CCC09 1547: Bjorn A MalmgrenPhD All PAPS CLIM 53503529 42 WP? W.P? paleo, planktonretired professor, Lerum
38MHND 1553: Michael CloverPhD All PAPS CLIM 115593229 0 WP? W.P? nuclear physics, carbon datingScience Applications International Corp, San Diego, CA
39MHND Cato09 CCC09 1555: Ole Humlum1980 All PAPS CLIM 46393229 54 WP? W.P? physical geographyU Oslo
40MHND CCC09 1573: George V Chilingar1956 All PAPS CLIM 58383728 20 WP? W.P? petroleum geology, sedimentsU Southern Calif, CA
41LZ95 UN07 MHND Cato09 NIPCC09 CCC09JIMM081574: Anthony R Lupo1995 All PAPS CLIM 46383528 80 WP? W.P? blocking anticyclonesU Missouri, Columbia, MO
42MHND Cato09 CCC09 1580: Forese-Carlo Wezelprof All PAPS CLIM 67403228 9 WP? W.P? Mediterranean basin tectonicsUniversita degli Studi, Urbino
43CA02 CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM081582: R Timothy Patterson1986 All PAPS CLIM 49353228 50 WP? W.P? paleo, foramenifera, Younger DryasCarleton U, Ottawa
44CA02 CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND NIPCC08 Cato09 NIPCC09 CCC09JIMM081583: Madhav Khandekar1950s All PAPS CLIM 84493028 40 WP? W.P? ENSO effect on Canadaformer research scientist, Env. Canada
45NZCSC CA06 UN07 MHND NIPCC08 Cato09 NIPCC09 CCC09LSDeniers JIMM081633: Robert M Carter1968 All PAPS CLIM 59574925 57 WP? W.P? sediments, SW PacificJames Cook University
46CA02 CA03 CA06 MHND NIPCC08 Cato09 NIPCC09 CCC09JIMM081651: George Taylor1974 MSc All PAPS CLIM 170922525 85 WP? W.P? regional climate of Oregon; data setsemeritus, ex of Oregon State U
47CA06 UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM081652: Robert H Essenhigh1959 All PAPS CLIM 72472525 5 WP? W.P? coal combustionemeritus ex of Ohio State U
48CA06 UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM081653: Ian PlimerPhD All PAPS CLIM 53282425 6 WP? W.P? mining geologyU Adelaide
49MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM081666: Gerhard Kramm1994 All PAPS CLIM 71282824 29 WP? W.P? atm dry deposition, trace gasesU Alaska, Fairbanks, AK
50LZ95 CA06 UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM081667: Harry NA PriemPhD All PAPS CLIM 57312724 4 WP? W.P? geology, isotopesemeritus, ex of Utrecht U
51MHND 1676: Chris YakymyshynPhD All PAPS CLIM 131875723 0 WP? W.P? optical instrumentationVP techn., Field Metrics Inc, Seminole, FL
52UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM081715: David Deming1988 All PAPS CLIM 45262122 37 WP? W.P? geologic thermal conductionU Oklahoma, Norman
53MHND 1716: Keith LockitchPhD All PAPS CLIM 48474621 1 WP? W.P? physics, environmental commentaryAyn Rand Institute, Irvine, CA
54LZ95 CA02 CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM081722: Asmunn MoenePhD All PAPS CLIM 47322321 23 WP? W.P? modeling, boundary layerformer head of forecasting for S.E. Norway, Met Inst., Oslo
55UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM081737: David KearPhD All PAPS CLIM 28272420 3 WP? W.P? geologyformer DG of DSIR, NZ
56UN07 NIPCC08 MHND NIPCC09JIMM081739: Dick ThoenesPhD All PAPS CLIM 63262320 6 WP? W.P? chem eng, lasersemeritus, ex of U of Technology, NL
57CA02 CA03 UN07 MHND Cato09 NIPCC09 CCC09JIMM081740: Craig D Idso1998 All PAPS CLIM 43292220 24 WP? W.P? temp recordsHeartland Institute
58MHND 1745: W Ted HindsPhD All PAPS CLIM 148402120 18 WP? W.P? ecology and contaminants, beetlesretired, ex of PNNL, Richland, WA
59LZ95 CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND NIPCC08 NIPCC09 CCC09LSDeniers JIMM081766: Zbigniew Jaworowski1963 All PAPS CLIM 34332119 15 WP? W.P? radioactivity risks, isotopesCentral Lab for Radiological Protection, Warsaw
60CA06 UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM081784: Boris WinterhalterPhD All PAPS CLIM 51462018 7 WP? W.P? marine geologyretired, ex of U Helsinki
61MHND 1804: Rune B LarsenPhD All PAPS CLIM 105261817 3 WP? W.P? mining geologyNordic Mining ASA and NTNU, Trondheim
62MHND Cato09 1829: Mark L CampbellPhD All PAPS CLIM 31241815 0 WP? W.P? gas phase kineticsUS Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD
63MHND CCC09 1837: Atholl Sutherland-Brown1952 All PAPS CLIM 66201615 0 WP? W.P? geologic surveys, mineral depositsretired; Victoria, BC
64CA06, UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM081838: William JR AlexanderPhD All PAPS CLIM 37191615 4 WP? W.P? civil engineering, isotope geologyemeritus, ex of U Pretoria
65MHND 1855: Geoffrey G DuffyPhD All PAPS CLIM 19181514 0 WP? W.P? chem eng of coal and wood burningU Aukland, NZ
66MHND 1856: Dalcio K DacolPhD All PAPS CLIM 17161514 0 WP? W.P? acousticsUS Naval Research Lab, Washington, DC
67CA02 CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM081858: Fred A Michel1982 All PAPS CLIM 32191114 13 WP? W.P? paleo, isotope hydrogeologyU Ottawa, Ontario
68NZCSC MHND Cato09 CCC09LSDeniers JIMM081881: David BellamyBSc All PAPS CLIM 622073712 24 WP? W.P? peatlands, wetland ecologyex of World Land Trust
69UN07 MHND NIPCC08 NIPCC09LSDeniers JIMM081898: Tom SegalstadPhD All PAPS CLIM 23181212 6 WP? W.P? minerology, petrologyU Oslo
70UN07 MHND Cato09JIMM081911: Joel M Kauffman1963 All PAPS CLIM 39241511 2 WP? W.P? drug chemistryemeritus, U of the Sciences, Philadelphia
71MHND 1917: John W Brosnahanno cv All PAPS CLIM 17151311 1 WP? W.P? remote sensingatm science consultant, Vanderpool, TX
72UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM081923: John M NicolPhD All PAPS CLIM 36191910 0 WP? W.P? physics, optical spectroscopyemeritus, ex of James Cook U
73MHND NIPCC09 CCC09 1932: H Michael Mogilno cv All PAPS CLIM 48151210 12 WP? W.P? weather education for childrenweather educator, Naples, FL
74LZ95 MHND Cato09 CCC09 1936: Arlin B SuperPhD All PAPS CLIM 12111110 6 WP? W.P? meteorologistretired, ex of Bureau of Reclamation, St. Could, MN
75MHND Cato09 CCC09 1937: M Ismail Bhatno cv All PAPS CLIM 13111110 3 WP? W.P? petrology, earthquakesU of Kashmir, Srinagar
76NZCSC CA06 UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM081946: Gerrit J van der LingenPhD All PAPS CLIM 4422119 1 WP? W.P? beach sand sedimentationretired, ex of NZ Geological Survey, Wellington
77MHND 1948: Roger YoungMSc All PAPS CLIM 2417119 3 WP? W.P? ground-penetrating radar, oil explorationgeophysics consultant, Bedford
78LZ95 CA06 UN07 MHND Cato09 APS09 CCC09JIMM081950: Howard C HaydenPhD All PAPS CLIM 2614109 0 WP? W.P? physicsemeritus, ex of U Connecticut
79MHND CCC09 1952: Peter J OliverPhD All PAPS CLIM 201699 1 WP? W.P? geologyretired research scientist, Upper Hut, NZ
80MHND CCC09 1958: Jay H LehrPhD All PAPS CLIM 6615148 38 WP? W.P? groundwater hydrologyScience Director, The Heartland Institute, Chicago
81MHND Cato09JIMM081962: Jennifer MarohasyPhD All PAPS CLIM 6032118 17 WP? W.P? weed controlInst. For Public Affairs (think tank)
82CA02 CA03 CA06 TGGWS UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM081969: Timothy BallPhD All PAPS CLIM 131098 10 WP? W.P? historical record, northern CanadaNat. Resources Stewardship Project (think tank)
83MHND NIPCC08 Cato09 NIPCC09 1971: Gerd-Rainer Weber__ All PAPS CLIM 171688 11 WP? W.P? Regional climate, GermanyGerman Coal Mining Association
84MHND Cato09 CCC09 1973: James DeMeoPhD All PAPS CLIM 14988 13 WP? W.P? Saharasia theory of patriarchyretired professor
85MHND Cato09 APS09 CCC09 1983: Thomas P Sheahen1966 All PAPS CLIM 671287 1 WP? W.P? superconductorsex of NREL, SAIC; Oakland, MD
86MHND 1984: Oleg G SorokhtinPhD All PAPS CLIM 371087 20 WP? W.P? oceanographydirector, Ocean Lab, Russian Acad of Sciences, Moscow
87UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM081987: Albrecht GlatzlePhD All PAPS CLIM 211877 0 WP? W.P? agrobiologyINTTAS, Paraguay
88MHND Cato09 CCC09 1991: Susan J CrockfordPhD All PAPS CLIM 12977 5 WP? W.P? anthropology, archaeozoologyAdjunct Assoc. Prof., Anthropology, U Victoria, BC
89MHND Cato09 CCC09 1992: Curt D RosePhD All PAPS CLIM 10977 0 WP? W.P? marine toxicity of contaminantsretired, ex of Bishop's U, Sherbrooke, QC
90MHND 1994: Chris SchoneveldPhD All PAPS CLIM 5528246 0 WP? W.P? garnetsretired exploration geologist
91MHND Cato09 APS09JIMM081995: David Douglass1965? All PAPS CLIM 3017166 16 WP? W.P? climate sensitivity to solar irradianceU. Rochester, NY
92CA06 UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM082003: L Graham SmithPhD All PAPS CLIM 2925106 2 WP? W.P? trace gas measurementU Western Ontario, London, ON
93MHND CCC09 2004: Ferenc Marc MiskolcziPhD All PAPS CLIM 1211106 9 WP? W.P? atm physics, remote sensingretired, ex of NASA Langley, Hampton, VA
94CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND NIPCC08 Cato09 CCC09JIMM082005: Lee C GerhardPhD All PAPS CLIM 151096 21 WP? W.P? petroleum explorationemeritus, U Kansas
95MHND CCC09 2006: Michael S CoffmanPhD All PAPS CLIM 111096 3 WP? W.P? forest habitat classifcationCEO of Sovereignty International, Bangor, ME
96MHND CCC09 2007: William M BriggsPhD All PAPS CLIM 391586 12 WP? W.P? forecast accuracystatistical consultant
97MHND APS09 2008: Peter D Friedman2002 All PAPS CLIM 191286 2 WP? W.P? fluid mechanics of droplets and jetsU Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA
98UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM082018: Robert G RoperPhD All PAPS CLIM 19966 1 WP? W.P? atm turbulenceemeritus Georgia Inst of Tech, Atlanta, GA
99CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND NIPCC08 NIPCC09 CCC09JIMM082022: William KininmonthMSc All PAPS CLIM 1312105 18 WP? W.P? Australia temp trendsformer head, AU Natl Climate Centre
100UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM082033: Horst MalbergPhD All PAPS CLIM 512565 7 WP? W.P? meteorologyformer director, Institut für Meteorologie, Free U of Berlin
101CA06 UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM082036: Douglas M Leahey1971 All PAPS CLIM 24655 2 WP? W.P? tar sands, sour gas flares, atm transport; petroleumconsultant, Calgary, AB
102MHND 2050: Donald N ParkesPhD All PAPS CLIM 311364 0 WP? W.P? human ecologyretired professor
103MHND CCC09 2055: Claude C Culross1979 All PAPS CLIM 18854 0 WP? W.P? oil & coal chemistryretired, ex of ExxonMobil, Baton Rouge, LA
104MHND CCC09 2059: Peter K LinkPhD All PAPS CLIM 40654 17 WP? W.P? petroleum geologyretired, ex of Tulsa U; Evergreen, CO
105UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM082062: Dan R CarruthersMSc All PAPS CLIM 433744 1 WP? W.P? arctic wildlifeconsultant
106UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM082063: David MW EvansPhD All PAPS CLIM 161144 1 WP? W.P? carbon accounting, softwarecarbon accountant, electrical engineer
107LZ95 MHND CCC09 2070: Robert A Neff__ All PAPS CLIM 171493 2 WP? W.P? meteorologyformer USAF meteorologist
108CA02 CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM082071: Rob K ScagelMSc All PAPS CLIM 151283 2 WP? W.P? tree seedlingsconsultant
109MHND 2076: Harald Kehl1985 All PAPS CLIM 21953 0 WP? W.P? ecosystems, vegetationTU Berlin
110MHND 2087: Wojciech J SzaleckiPhD All PAPS CLIM 8833 0 WP? W.P? organic chemretired, ex of U Lodz and U Colorado
111MHND CCC09 2090: Robert W DurrenbergerPhD All PAPS CLIM 9433 11 WP? W.P? climatologyformer AZ state climatologist; past pres of AASC, ex of Ariz State U, Sun City AZ
112MHND 2091: Clive SchaupmeyerMSc All PAPS CLIM 4433 1 WP? W.P? potato agronomy(no academic affiliation)
113NZCSC CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND NIPCC08 Cato09 NIPCC09 CCC09LSDeniers JIMM082095: Vincent R Gray1946 All PAPS CLIM 261572 5 WP? W.P? coal, lumberemeritus, ex of Colorado State U
114MHND Cato09 CCC09 2108: Colin M BartonPhD All PAPS CLIM 5432 0 WP? W.P? coal geologyretired, ex of CSIRO, Melbourne
115MHND 2110: Jack WedelBSc All PAPS CLIM 5432 0 WP? W.P? arctic hydrologyretired, ex of Environment Canada
116NZCSC MHND 2114: Warwick S HughesMSc All PAPS CLIM 20922 4 WP? W.P? geology, challenges temp recordsretired, Canberra
117CA06 UN07 MHNDJIMM082116: Alister McFarquharPhD All PAPS CLIM 4422 1 WP? W.P? agricultural economicsDowning College (prof or student??)
118MHND 2119: Detlef HebertPhD All PAPS CLIM 3322 1 WP? W.P? isotopes in groundwaterInst fur Angewandte Physik, Tech U, Freiberg
119MHND CCC09 2120: Roar LarsenPhD All PAPS CLIM 17322 1 WP? W.P? petrochem eng, clathrate hydrateschief scientist, SINTEF, Trondheim
120MHND Cato09 APS09 2122: Michael N MoncePhD All PAPS CLIM 5222 0 WP? W.P? atomic physicsConnecticut College, New London, CT
121MHND 2123: T Jim SprottPhD All PAPS CLIM 4222 0 WP? W.P? forensic chemist; cot (crib) deathconsultant, Auckland, NZ
122MHND 2126: Donald W FarleyMeng All PAPS CLIM 11841 0 WP? W.P? water resources engineering(no academic career) Gatineau, QC
123CA02 CA03 CA06 MHND Cato09 CCC09 2129: Cdr. MR (Dick) MorganPhD All PAPS CLIM 6331 9 WP? W.P? temp trends Eastern CanadaFRMS, retired, ex of UKMO, U Exeter; Dartmouth, NS
124 CA06 UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM082132: Alfred H Pekarek1974 All PAPS CLIM 8321 1 WP? W.P? stratigraphy, tectonicsSt. Cloud State U, Minneapolis, MN
125NZCSC UN07 MHNDJIMM082136: Bryan LeylandMSc All PAPS CLIM 5221 1 WP? W.P? hydroelectric powerconsultant, power engineer
126CA02 CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM082139: David E Wojick1974 All PAPS CLIM 6211 9 WP? W.P? civil engr; soil carbon; critiques of IPCCenergy consultant
127MHND 2140: Rob MeleonPhD All PAPS CLIM 84211 0 WP? W.P? virus biochemistCSO, Pepscan, Lelystad
128UN07 MHND NIPCC08 NIPCC09 CCC09JIMM082141: Fred Goldberg1975 All PAPS CLIM 3111 8 WP? W.P? mech eng - thermal cuttingconsultant, plasma cutting; not employed at Royal Inst. Of Tech
129CA06 UN07 MHNDJIMM082144: Marcel LerouxPhD All PAPS CLIM 201130 28 WP? W.P? dynamic analysisdeceased, ex of Jean Moulin U
130MHND 2145: Renato HenriquesPhD All PAPS CLIM 3320 2 WP? W.P? geologyauxiliary professor, U Minho, Braga
131MHND 2147: Gregory J BallePhD All PAPS CLIM 4220 0 WP? W.P? fluid flow in Karman groovesU Washington, Seattle, WA
132MHND 2149: Les E McDonaldRP ? All PAPS CLIM 18710 3 WP? W.P? aquatic biology, mining impactsretired, ex of BC Env. Protection, Cranbrook, BC
133MHND Cato09 CCC09 2150: Gordon J FulksPhD All PAPS CLIM 19710 0 WP? W.P? ionosphere, cosmic ray detectionretired
134MHND CCC09 2153: Neil WaterhousePhD All PAPS CLIM 10310 2 WP? W.P? tantalum filmsretired, ex of NRC, BNR, Ottawa, ON
135CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND NIPCC08 Cato09 NIPCC09 CCC09JIMM082158: Richard S CourtneyPhD All PAPS CLIM 2110 12 WP? W.P? questions climate scienceconsultant
136MHND CCC09 2160: Stephen C BrownPhD All PAPS CLIM 3110 0 WP? W.P? ag extension, GPS/GIS mappingAg Extension Service, U Alaska, Fairbanks, AK
137MHND CCC09 2161: George A ReillyPhD All PAPS CLIM 36900 0 WP? W.P? geologyretired (no academic career?), Winnipeg, MB
138MHND 2162: Milos Setekno cv All PAPS CLIM 5500 1 WP? W.P? coal chemistrysr. scientist, Bureau of Meteorolgy, Melbourne
139MHND 2165: Robert Jacomb FosterBE All PAPS CLIM 2200 4 WP? W.P? petroleum geoscienceex of Shell Group, BHP Petroleum
140UN07 MHNDJIMM082166: Richard MackeyPhD All PAPS CLIM 4200 4 WP? W.P? statisticswriter, Canberra
141UN07 MHND CCC09JIMM082167: Ernst-Georg BeckDipl. Bio All PAPS CLIM 18200 2 WP? W.P? nutrition science 
142MHND CCC09 2168: Edward LiebschMS All PAPS CLIM 4200 1 WP? W.P? emissions from coal burningSr. Air Quality Scientist, HDR Inc., Minneapolis, MN
143MHND CCC09 2169: Romuald BartnikPhD All PAPS CLIM 4200 0 WP? W.P? ketone chemistry 
144MHND 2170: Edgar L GartnerDipl. All PAPS CLIM 2200 0 WP? W.P? env policy and economicsex of WWFN Germany; consultant to chemical industry
145MHND 2177: Frederick Bopp III1977 All PAPS CLIM 1100 1 WP? W.P? toxic waste cleanup consultantconsultant, Earth Quest, Downingtown, PA
146TGGWS MHND Cato09 NIPCC09 CCC09JIMM082178: Piers CorbynMSc All PAPS CLIM 2100 1 WP? W.P? meteorologyindep. Weather forecaster (no academic career)
147MHND NIPCC08 Cato09 NIPCC09 CCC09 2179: Joseph S D'Aleo1970 MSc All PAPS CLIM 6100 1 WP? W.P? no academic work since MSc thesis 
148MHND CCC09 2180: Joe BastardiBSc All PAPS CLIM 1100 0 WP? W.P? weather forecastingAccuWeather, Inc, State College, PA
149MHND CCC09 2181: James W BuckeePhD All PAPS CLIM 2100 0 WP? W.P? astrophysicsCalgary, AB
150MHND CCC09 2182: Per EngenePhD All PAPS CLIM 5100 0 WP? W.P? biologyno academic career
151MHND CCC09 2184: Albert F JacobsMSc All PAPS CLIM 2100 0 WP? W.P? retired geologistco-founder, Friends of Science think tank, Calgary, AB
152LZ95 MHND 2187: Heinz Hug__ All PAPS CLIM 1000 3 WP? W.P? questions greenhouse effectlecturer, Wiesbaden
153CA02 CA03 CA06 UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM082188: David NowellMSc All PAPS CLIM 2000 3 WP? W.P? meteorology; volcanism and climateFRMS, past chair of NATO Met. Grp, Ottawa
154MHND 2195: Wolfgang Thune__ All PAPS CLIM 1000 1 WP? W.P? critiques of climate scienceTV meteorologist
155MHND CCC09 2196: Louis H FowlerMA All PAPS CLIM 0000 0 WP? W.P? ozone monitoring, sonar arraysretired (technician?), ex of U Texas at Austin, TX
156MHNDJIMM082197: David GrayPhD All PAPS CLIM 0000 0 WP? W.P? electrical engineeringMessiah College
157MHND CCC09 2198: Thomas B GrayMS All PAPS CLIM 12000 0 WP? W.P? meteorologistretired, ex of USAF, Yachats, OR
158UN07 MHNDJIMM082202: RWJ KouffeldPhD All PAPS CLIM 1000 0 WP? W.P? energy efficient housingEnergy conversion, Delft U Tech
159MHND CCC09 2205: John ShadeMSc All PAPS CLIM 5000 0 WP? W.P? statisticsIndustrial Statistics Consultant, GDP, Dunfermline
160MHND 2206: Roderick W Van Koughnet1990 MSc All PAPS CLIM 1000 0 WP? W.P? oil explorationSenior Geoscientist, L&M Petroleum, Wellington, New Zealand
161MHND 2208: Josef ZborilMSc All PAPS CLIM 1000 0 WP? W.P? mettalurgyConfederation of Industry, Prague
162MHND CCC09 2211: Gary B KubatBSc All PAPS CLIM 100 2 WP? W.P? meteorologistO'Fallon, IL
163MHND CCC09 2214: Bruce SchwoeglerBS All PAPS CLIM 101 0 WP? W.P? meteorologistwriter and meteorologist, MySky, Lakeville, MA
164UN07 MHNDJIMM082215: John McLeanBA All PAPS CLIM 00 2 WP? W.P? programmer(non-academic)
165MHND 2219: John W BalesPhD All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? mathTuskegee University, Waverly, AL
166MHND 2220: Matthew BastardiBSc All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? no academic publicationFlorida
167MHND 2222: Andre Bernier__ All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? meteorologistWJW-TV, Cleveland, OH
168MHND 2223: Sally Bernier__ All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? meteorologistCleveland, OH
169MHND 2225: James ClarkeBSc All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? TV meteorologistWZVN-TV, Ft. Myers, FL
170MHND CCC09 2226: Charles A Clough1982 MSc All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? atmospheric effects of armamentsretired, ex of US Army Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD
171MHND CCC09 2227: Allan Corteseno cv All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? retired computer professionalBillerica, MA
172MHND Cato09 2229: John FergusonPhD All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? computer control systemsretired (no academic career)
173MHND 2231: Maureen T Gallagher1979 All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? micropaleontology (thesis topic)consultant, petroleum geology, Calgary, AB
174MHND 2232: Rigoberto GarciaMC All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? urban sustainabilitydoctoral student, El Colegio de México, México City
175MHND CCC09 2235: Charles HammonsPhD All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? software consulting(no academic career) Coyle, OK
176MHND CCC09 2236: Ross Haysno cv All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? atm sciNASA Columbia Sci Balloon Facility, Palestine, TX
177MHND 2237: Art HornBA All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? meteorologyThe Art of Weather website
178MHND 2239: Steve HynekBSc All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? meteorologyDairyland Power Coop, La Crosse, WI
179MHND CCC09 2240: Terrell K Johnson__ All PAPS CLIM 500 0 WP? W.P? wildlife managementGreen River, WY
180MHND CCC09 2241: Bill KappelBSc All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P?  Applied Weather Assoc., U Colorado
181UN07 MHNDJIMM082244: William F LindqvistPhD All PAPS CLIM 10 0 WP? W.P? geologistconsulting geologist, Tiburton, CA
182MHND 2246: Amos J Meyer IIno cv All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? black hole theorypast VP, Chase Bank and theoretical physicist, Westport, CT
183MHND 2249: Curtis OsgoodBS All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? meteorologyconsulting meteorologist, Granby, MA
184MHND 2251: Pat PalmerMAgrSc All PAPS CLIM 80 0 WP? W.P? pollution controlretired, ex of Crop Res Div, DSIR, Christchurch
185MHND 2252: James A Peden__ All PAPS CLIM 160 0 WP? W.P?  Atmospheric Physicist, webmaster Middlebury Networks, CT
186MHND CCC09 2253: Daniel Joseph PounderMS All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? meteorologyWILL-TV at U Illinois, Urbana
187MHND 2254: Patrick PowellBS All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? meteorologyWLUK-TV, Green Bay, WI
188MHND 2255: Robert Rosemanno cv All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? meteorologistTV meteorologist, Denver, CO
189MHND 2256: Vedat ShehuDEng All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? geology, tectonicsprofessor, Geoengineering Research Unit, Tirana
190MHND 2257: Richard F ShepherdPhD All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? mathretired dir. Of computing centre, Pembroke
191CA06 MHND CCC09JIMM082258: Paavo SiitamMsc All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? sugar cane agronomyconsultant
192MHND 2262: Malcolm TaylorDip ES All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? not published?power systems analyst, Otago
193MHND 2263: Goran Tullberg__ All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? no academic publicationVaxjo U
194UN07 MHND Cato09 CCC09JIMM082265: Brian G Valentine1986 All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? chemical engineering, petroleumUS DOE Industrial Tech Pgm - petroleum specialist
195MHND WUWT CCC09 2268: Anthony Watts__ All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? no academic and WattsUpWithThat website operator
196MHND CCC09 2269: James WeegMSc All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? geologistAdvent Environmental, Inc, Mt. Pleasant, SC
197MHND 2270: Rich WeissBSc All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? meteorologistsupervisor of meteorology, Baseops International, Houston, TX
198MHND CCC09 2273: Arnold WoodruffMSc All PAPS CLIM 00 0 WP? W.P? oil & gas explorationconsulting geophysicist, Woodruff EandP, Huntington
199MHND 2288: Jose Carlos de Almeida Azevedo1965 All PAPS CLIM 0 0 WP? W.P? physicsformer president, U Brazilia
200MHND CCC09 2290: Ian R BockDSc All PAPS CLIM 0 0 WP? W.P? biologyretired (no academic career?)
201MHND 2291: James BrooksPhD All PAPS CLIM 0 0 WP? W.P? geophysicsAdelaide, AU
202MHND 2292: Bruce D BulloughBSc All PAPS CLIM 0 0 WP? W.P? chemical design processCottage Grove, MN
203MHND 2293: John Coleman1957 BA All PAPS CLIM 0 0 WP? W.P? TV weather forecasterfounder of The Weather Channel; KUSI-TV, San Diego, CA
204MHND 2294: Martin Conigliono cv All PAPS CLIM 0 0 WP? W.P? meteorologistKUSA-TV, Denver, CO
205MHND 2295: Dave Dahlno cv All PAPS CLIM 0 0 WP? W.P? meteorologistKSTP-TV, St. Paul, MN
206MHND CCC09 2303: Stan ZlochenMSc All PAPS CLIM 0 0 WP? W.P? atm scienceretired, ex of US Air Force, Omaha, NB