Instructor: Ding Yuan
Course Number: ECE 1759

Reading list
Grades (UofT Quercus)

Advances in Operating Systems

ECE 1759, Fall 2024
University of Toronto


∗ [Sep/10] Welcome to ECE 1759, class website is now online.

Course Description

This course examines advanced research topics in the area of operating systems. We will read research papers that capture some of the important advancements in OS research. You will learn how to read a research paper, how to articulate your insights into a research paper, how to present a paper, and how to distill complex systems into their essence.

We recommend you to read each paper at least three times: twice very carefully, the last time focusing on the hard parts. For each paper, you should write a summary of the paper as well as your critique.

Course grades are available at the UofT Quercus site.

Reading list

There is no required textbook for this course. Instead, the course material will come from seminal, noteworthy, or representative papers from the literature. Each lecture (except the first) will have three assigned papers to read.

Course Information

Lecture Times: 3-5pm Tue
Location: IN-312E

Office Hours: By appointment

Course Policies

You are required to reach each paper in detail. I will prepare questions and randomly select students to answer. The goal is to have interesting discussions on each paper.

Class participation: 35%
Final exam: 40%
Project: 25%


Thanks to Geoff M. Voelker for sharing his course material.