Graduate Students
- F. Plavec, Ph.D. 2010.
Thesis: "Stream Computing on FPGAs"
(co-supervised with Prof. S. Brown).
- V. Manohararajah, Ph.D. 2005.
Thesis: "Area Optimizations in FPGA Architecture and CAD"
(co-supervised with Prof. S. Brown).
- A. Grbic, Ph.D. 2004.
Thesis: "Assessment of Cache Coherence Protocols in Shared-Memory
- R. Grindley, Ph.D. 1999.
Thesis: "The NUMAchine Multiprocessor: Design and Analysis" (co-supervised
with Prof. M. Stumm).
- M. Jaseemuddin, Ph.D. 1997.
Thesis: "Bidirectional Ring: An Interconnection
Network for Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Systems".
- Z. Zilic, Ph.D. 1997.
Thesis: "Towards Spectral Synthesis: Field Expansions
for Partial Functions and Logic Modules for FPGAs".
- S.J.E. Wilton, Ph.D. 1997.
Thesis: "Architectures and Algorithms for
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays with Embedded Memory" (co-supervised with
Prof. J.S. Rose).
- K.I. Farkas,
Ph.D. 1997. Thesis: "Memory-System Design Considerations for
Dynamically-Scheduled Microprocessors" (co-supervised with Prof. P. Chow).
- M. van de Panne,
Ph.D. 1994. Thesis: "Control Techniques for Physically-Based
Animation" (co-supervised with Prof. E. Fiume).
- R.J. Francis, Ph.D. 1993. Thesis: "Technology Mapping for Lookup-Table
Based Field-Programmable Gate Arrays" (co-supervised with Prof. J. Rose).
- S.D. Brown, Ph.D. 1992. Thesis: "Routing Algorithms and Architectures for
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays" (co-supervised with Prof. J. Rose).
- J.S. Rose, Ph.D. 1986. Thesis: "Fast, High-Quality VLSI Placement on an
MIMD Multiprocessor" (co-supervised with Prof. W.M. Snelgrove).
- M.H. Abd-El-Barr, Ph.D. 1986. Thesis: "On the Design of Multi-Valued
Logic Circuits" (co-supervised with Prof. S.G. Zaky).
- P. Chow, Ph.D. 1984. Thesis: "An Approach to the Execution of
Encrypted Programs".
- K.W. Chiang, Ph.D. 1982. Thesis: "Fault Detection in MOS Logic Circuits".
- P.G. Anderson, Ph.D. 1981.
Thesis: "Floating Redundancy".
W.M. Loucks, Ph.D. 1980. Thesis: "FERMTOR: A Flexible Extendible Range
- C.L. Lam, Ph.D. 1979. Thesis: "A Proposal for Efficient File Addressing
- A. Druzeta, Ph.D. 1975. Thesis: "Many-valued Multi-threshold Logic"
(co-supervised with Prof. A. Sedra).
- K.M. Waliuzzaman, Ph.D. 1970. Thesis: "Multi-Stage Implementation
of Multi-Valued Switching Functions".
- B. Fort, M.A.Sc. 2006.
Thesis: "A Multithreaded Soft Processor"
(co-supervised with Prof. S. Brown).
- P. McHardy, M.A.Sc. 2005. Thesis: "The Scalability of Ring Interconnection
Networks - A Case Study of the NUMAchine Multiprocessor".
- F. Plavec, M.A.Sc. 2004. Thesis: "Processor Design for FPGAs".
- V. Manohararajah, M.A.Sc. 2000. Thesis: "Parallel Alpha-Beta Search on
Shared Memory Multiprocessors".
- S. Caranci, M.A.Sc. 2000. Thesis: "The NUMAchine I/O System".
- M. Van Dam, M.A.Sc. 1998. Thesis: "Integration of a Free-space
Optical Interconnect into the NUMAchine Multiprocessor".
- A. Grbic, M.A.Sc. 1996.
Thesis: "Hierarchical Controllers in the NUMAchine Multiprocessor"
(co-supervised with Dr. S. Srbljic).
- A. Kaviani, M.A.Sc. 1994. Thesis: "A Fuzzy Logic Approach for Processor
Allocation in Application Schedulling of Multiprocessors".
- M. Khellah, M.A.Sc. 1994. Thesis: "Minimizing Interconnection Delays in
Array-Based FPGAs" (co-supervised with Prof. S.D. Brown).
- Z. Zilic, M.A.Sc. 1993. Thesis: "Galois Field Circuits and Realization of
Multiple-Valued Logic Functions".
- S.J. Wilton, M.A.Sc. 1992. Thesis: "Block Transfers in a Shared Memory
- M. LeBlanc, M.A.Sc. 1992. Thesis: "An Architecture for a Multiprocessor
Communications Interface".
- K.I. Farkas, M.A.Sc. 1991. Thesis: "A Decentralized Hierarchical
Cache-Consistency Scheme for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors".
- J-M. Vuillamy, M.A.Sc. 1991. Thesis: "Performance Enhancement in
Field-Programmable Gate Arrays".
- K.S. Lei, M.A.Sc. 1990. Thesis: "Realization of MVL Functions Using Current
Mode CMOS Circuits". Now working for Array Systems Computing, Inc.
- M. van de Panne, M.A.Sc. 1989. Thesis: "Motion Synthesis for
Simulation-Based Animation" (co-supervised with Prof. E. Fiume).
- T. Mok, M.A.Sc. 1989. Thesis: "A Transparent Fault-Tolerant Computing
Environment" (co-supervised with Prof. M. Stumm).
- L.K. Chan, M.A.Sc. 1988. Thesis: "Single-Ring Controlled Multichannel Local
Area Network Protocols". Now working at Spar Aerospace Ltd.
- R. White, M.A.Sc. 1988. Thesis: "FERMTOR With Implicit Shared Memory".
- S.D. Brown, M.A.Sc. 1987. Thesis: "MINNET: A New Heuristic Technique For
Standard Cell Placement".
- M.W-H. Leung, M.A.Sc. 1985. Thesis: "A Fast Implementation of the Normalized Least Squares
Lattice Adaptive Filter" (co-supervised with Prof. J.L. Yen).
- R.J. Francis, M.A.Sc. 1984. Thesis: "A Real-Time Digital Cardiac Mapping
- W. Kwak, M.A.Sc. 1984. Thesis: "Design and Implementation of Network
Management Functions for the TORNET Local Area Network"
(co-supervised with Prof. W.M. Loucks).
- P.D. Vytas, M.A.Sc. 1983. Thesis: "A Programmable Digital Sound
- D. Hobbs, M.A.Sc. 1982. Thesis: "Raster Scan Display Techniques for Computer
Aided Design and Draughting Systems".
- I. Vogt, M.A.Sc. 1982. Thesis: "A Multi-microprocessor System Design
for an Interactive Telephone Maintenance Environment".
- J.S. Rose, M.A.Sc. 1982.
Thesis: "An Implementation of FERMTOR: A Flexible
Extendible Range Multiprocessor".
- D. Miller, M.A.Sc. 1981. Thesis: "A Two-dimensional Dynamic Video Display
System" (co-supervised with Prof. R. Baecker)
- N.S. Rappaport, M.A.Sc. 1980. Thesis: "A Multiprocessor-based Digital
Speech Compressor".
- P. Chow, M.A.Sc. 1979.
Thesis: "A Hardware Implementation of the
Prime Factor Fourier Transform" (co-supervised with Prof. J.L. Yen).
- K.W. Chiang, M.A.Sc. 1979. Thesis: "Structural Fault Analysis of
Combinational Networks".
- A. Rozitis, M.A.Sc. 1978. Thesis: "Simulation of Val, A Fully
Variable-length Minicomputer".
- C. Kinch, M.A.Sc. 1977. Thesis: "Automated Video Tape Editing
- W.M. Loucks, M.A.Sc. 1977. Thesis: "A Shared Resource Implementation of
the PDP-11 Minicomputer".
- P.G. Anderson, M.A.Sc. 1976. Thesis: "A Minicomputer Built with Recently
Introduced LSI Circuits".
- V.S. Chow, M.A.Sc. 1976. Thesis: "An Automatic Circuit Design"
(co-supervised with Prof. A. Sedra).
- L. Mazanji, M.A.Sc. 1975. Thesis: "Design and Implementation
of an Interfacing Microcomputer".
- M.W. Blake-Knox, M.A.Sc. 1974. Thesis: "An Interactive Graphical
Circuit Input System".
- F.M. Valenti, M.A.Sc. 1974. Thesis: "CHUTE 1: An Easily Modifiable
Chess Playing Program" (co-supervised with Prof. E.S. Lee).
- C.L. Lam, M.A.Sc. 1973. Thesis: "Random Number Generation with
Nonlinear Feedback Shift Registers".
- P.R. Sebastian, M.A.Sc. 1972. Thesis: "A Ternary Arithmetic Unit".
- D. Sheppard, M.A.Sc. 1972. Thesis: "Fault Detection in Sequential
Machines using Many-Valued Logic".
- P.O. Dufty, M.A.Sc. 1971. Thesis: "An Architecture for Real
Time Computer Systems".
- K. EI-Ayat, M.A.Sc. 1971. Thesis: "Implementation of a
Multi-Valued Encorder Error".
- L.J. Janczewski, M.A.Sc. 1970. Thesis: "Practical Realization of
Multi-Valued Logic Circuits" (co-supervised with Prof. K.C. Smith).
- M. Gusat, M.Eng. 1998. Thesis: "The Development of ATMlite
Protocol for System Area Networks".
- P.J. Devenyi, M.Eng. 1990. Thesis: "Spatial Token Ring".
- J. Musil, M.Eng. 1973. Thesis: "Classes of Number Representations
in Computer Arithmetic and Conversion".