Conference Papers (since 1990)
- F. Plavec, Z.G. Vranesic and S.D. Brown,
"Enhancements to FPGA design methodology using streaming",
Proc. FPL 2009, pp. 294-301.
- F. Plavec, Z.G. Vranesic and S.D. Brown,
"Towards Compilation of Streaming Programs into FPGA Hardware",
Proc. FDL 2008, Stuttgart, Germany, Sep. 2008, pp. 67-72.
- F. Plavec, Z.G. Vranesic and S.D. Brown,
"On Digital Search Trees: A Simple Method for Constructing Balanced
Binary Trees",
Proc. ICSOFT '07, Barcelona, Spain, July 2007, pp. 61-68.
- V. Manohararajah, S.D. Brown and Z.G. Vranesic,
"Adaptive FPGAs: High-Level Architecture and a Synthesis Method",
Proc. FPLA, Madrid, Spain, Aug. 2006, pp. 267-274.
- B. Fort, D. Capalija, Z.G. Vranesic and S.D. Brown,
"A Multithreaded Soft Processor for SoPC Area Reduction",
Proc. ISCCM 2006, Napa, CA. Oct. 2006, pp. 131-142.
- F. Plavec, B. Fort, Z.G. Vranesic and S.D. Brown,
"Experiences with Soft-Core Processor Design",
IPDPS 2005.
- V. Manohararajah, S.D. Brown and Z.G. Vranesic,
"Heuristics for Area Minimization in LUT-Based FPGA Technology Mapping",
Proc. International Workshop on Logic and Synthesis, (IEEE),
Temecula, Ca., June 2004, pp. 14-21.
- V. Manohararajah, T. Borer, S.D. Brown and Z.G. Vranesic,
"Automatic Partitioning for Improved Placement and Routing in Complex
Programmable Logic Devices",
FPL 2002, Montpelier, France, Sept. 2002, pp. 232-241.
- R. Grindley, T. Abdelrahman, S. Brown, S. Caranci, D. DeVries, B. Gamsa,
A. Grbic, M. Gusat, R. Ho, O. Krieger, G. Lemieux, K. Loveless, N. Manjikian,
P. McHardy, S. Srbljic, M. Stumm, Z. Vranesic and Z. Zilic, "The
NUMAchine Multiprocessor", Proc. 2000 Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing,
(IEEE/IACC), Toronto, Ont., Aug. 2000, pp. 487-496.
- Z.G. Vranesic, "A Computer Architect's View of Photonic
Interconnects", (invited talk), Proc. Optics in Computing, OSA Conference,
Aspen, Colorado, Apr. 1999, pp. 144-145.
- A. Grbic, S. Brown, S. Caranci, R. Grindley, M. Gusat, G. Lemieux,
K. Loveless, N. Manjikian, S. Srbljic, M. Stumm, Z. Vranesic and Z. Zilic,
"Design and Implementation of the NUMAchine Multiprocessor",
Proc. Design Automation Conf., (IEEE/ACM), San Francisco, CA., June 1998,
pp. 66-69.
- Z.G. Vranesic, "The FPGA Challenge", Proc. 28th Int. Symp. on
Multiple-Valued Logic, Fukuoka, Japan, May 1998, pp. 121-126.
- K. Farkas, P. Chow, N. Jouppi, and Z. Vranesic, "The
Multicluster Architecture: Reducing Cycle Time Through Partitioning",
In The 30th Annual International Symposium on Microarchitecture:
MICRO-30, (IEEE/ACM), Research Triangle Park, NC., Dec. 1997, pp. 149-159.
- K.I. Farkas, P. Chow, N.P. Joupi and Z.G. Vranesic, "Memory-system
Design Considerations in Dynamically-schedulled Processors",
Proc. 24th International Symposium on Computer Architecture, (IEEE),
Denver, Colorado, June 1997, pp. 133-143.
- S. Wilton, J. Rose, Z. Vranesic, "Memory-to-Memory Connection
Structures in FPGAs with Embedded Memory Arrays", Proc. FPGA
'97, ACM Symp. on FPGAs, Feb. 1997, pp. 10-16.
- S.J.E. Wilton, J. Rose and Z.G. Vranesic, "Memory/Logic
Interconnect Flexibility in FPGAs with Large Embedded Memory Arrays",
Proc. IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conf., May 1996, pp. 144-147.
- S. Brown, N. Manjikian, Z. Vranesic, R. Grindley and K. Loveless,
"Experience in Designing a Large-scale Multiprocessor using
Field-Programmable Devices and Advanced CAD Tools", 33rd
Design Automation Conf., Las Vegas, Nevada, June 1996.
- Z. Zilic and Z.G. Vranesic, "New Interpolation Algorithms
for Multiple-Valued Reed-Muller Forms", 26th Int. Symp. on
Multiple-valued Logic, (IEEE), Santiago de Compostela, Spain,
May 1996, pp. 16-23.
- Z. Zilic and Z.G. Vranesic, "Using BDDs to Design ULMs
for FPGAs", Proc. FPGA '96 - Int. Symp. on Field Programmable
Gate Arrays, (ACM/SIGDA), Monterey, CA., pp. 24-30, Feb. 1996.
- M. Jaseemuddin and Z.G. Vranesic, "Bidirectional Ring:
An Alternative to the Hierarchy of Unidirectional Rings",
Proc. Euro-Par '95 - Int. Conf. on Parallel Processing, Stockholm,
Sweden, Aug. 1995, pp.567-578.
- Z. Zilic and Z.G. Vranesic, "Reed-Muller Transform for
Incompletely Specified Functions via Sparse Polynomial Interpolation",
Proc. 25th Int. Symp. on Multiple-valued Logic, (IEEE), Bloomington,
Indiana, May 1995.
- S.J.E. Wilton, J. Rose and Z.G. Vranesic, "Architecture
of Centralized Field-Configurable Memory", Proc. FPGA '95
- ACM Third Int. Symp. on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, Monterey,
Ca., Feb. 1995, pp. 97-103.
- S. Srbljic, Z.G. Vranesic and L. Budin, "Performance
Prediction for Different Consistency Schemes in Distributed Shared
Memory Systems", Third Int. Symp. on High-Performance Distributed
Computing, (IEEE), San Francisco, Ca., Aug. 1994, pp. 296-302.
- A.S. Kaviani and Z.G. Vranesic, "On Scheduling in Multiprocessor
Systems Using Fuzzy Logic", Proc. 24th Int. Symp. on Multiple-valued
Logic, (IEEE), Boston, Mas., May 1994, pp. 141-148.
- M. Khellah, S. Brown and Z.G. Vranesic, "Minimizing Interconnection
Delays in Array-Based FPGAs", Proc. Custom Integrated Circuits
Conf., San Diego, Ca., May 1994, pp. 181-184.
- S.J.E. Wilton and Z.G. Vranesic, "Architectural Support
for Block Transfers in a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor", Proc.
5th IEEE Symp. on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Dallas,
Texas, Dec. 1993, pp. 51-54.
- M. Khellah, S. Brown and Z. Vranesic, "Modelling Routing
Delays in SRAM-based FPGAs", Proc. CCVLSI'93, Banff, Alberta,
Nov. 1993, pp. 6B.13-6B.18.
- Z. Zilic and Z.G. Vranesic, "Multiple-Valued Logic in
FPGAs", Proc. 36th Midwest Symp. on Circuits and Systems,
Detroit, Mi., Aug. 1993.
- Z.G. Vranesic, "Ring-Based Multiprocessors", Proc.
Information Technology Interfaces 1993, Pula, Croatia, June 1993,
pp. 25-30.
- M. van de Panne, E. Fiume and Z.G. Vranesic, "Optimal
Controller Synthesis Using Approximating-Graph Dynamic Programming",
Proc. 1993 American Control Conf., San Francisco, Ca., June 1993,
pp. 2322-2326.
- Z. Zilic and Z. Vranesic, "Current-mode CMOS Galois Field
Circuits", Proc. 23rd Int. Symp. on Multiple-valued Logic,
(IEEE), Sacramento, Ca., May 1993,
- M. Stumm, Z.G. Vranesic, K. Farkas and R. Unrau, "Experiences
with the Hector Multiprocessor", Seventh Int. Parallel Proc.
Symp. (Parallel Systems Fair), (IEEE), Newport Beach, Ca., April
1993, pp. 10-17.
- M. van de Panne, E. Fiume and Z.G. Vranesic, "A Controller
for the Dynamic Walk of a Biped Across Variable Terrain",
Proc. 31st IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, Tucson, Arizona,
Dec. 1992, pp. 2668-2673.
- M. van de Panne, E. Fiume and Z.G. Vranesic, "Control
Techniques for Physically-Based Animation", Proc. Third Eurographics
Workshop on Animation and Simulation, Cambridge, England, Sept.
1992, 15 pages.
- K. Farkas, Z.G. Vranesic and M. Stumm, "Cache Consistency
in Hierarchical-Ring-Based Multiprocessors", Proc. Supercomputing
92 (IEEE), Minneapolis, Mn., Nov. 1992, pp. 348-357.
- K.S. Lei and Z.G. Vranesic, "Towards the Realization
of 4-Valued CMOS Circuits", Proc. 22st Int. Symp. on Multiple-valued
Logic, (IEEE), Sendai, Japan, May 1992.
- R.J. Francis, J.S. Rose and Z.G. Vranesic, "Technology
Mapping Lookup Table-Based FPGAs for Performance", Proc.
1991 Int. Conf. on CAD, (IEEE), Santa Clara, Ca., Nov. 1991, pp.
- R.J. Francis, J.S. Rose and Z.G. Vranesic, "Chortle-crf:
Fast Technology Mapping for Lookup Table-Based FPGAs", Proc.
28th Design Automation Conf., (IEEE), Boulder, Co., June 1991,
pp. 227-233.
- C.P. Chong, K.C. Smith and Z.G. Vranesic, "On Improving
the Linearity of DACs using TIAMPs", Proc. 1991 Int. Symp.
on Circuits and Systems, (IEEE), Singapore, June 1991, pp. 1513-1516.
- K.S. Lei and Z.G. Vranesic, "On the Synthesis of 4-valued
Current Mode CMOS Functions", Proc. 21st Int. Symp. on Multiple-valued
Logic, (IEEE), Victoria, B.C., May 1991, pp. 147-155.
- Z.G. Vranesic, V.C. Hamacher, A.K. Sanwalka and S.G. Zaky,
"A Hybrid Token/Insertion Ring LAN", Proc. INFOCOM'91,
(IEEE), Miami, Fl., Apr. 1991, pp. 211-220.
- Z.G. Vranesic, M. Stumm, D.M. Lewis and R. White, "Hector
- A Hierarchically Structured Shared Memory Multiprocessor",
Proc. 24th Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences, (IEEE), Kauai,
Ha., Jan. 1991, pp. 444-453.
- S.D. Brown, J.S. Rose and Z.G. Vranesic, "A Detailed
Router for Field-Programmable Gate Arrays", IEEE Int. Conf.
on Computer-Aided Design, Santa Clara, Ca., Nov. 1990, pp. 382-385.
(distinguished paper designation).
- L.K. Chan and Z.G. Vranesic, "TORMLAN - A Multichannel
Local Area Network Protocol", Proc. INFOCOM'90, (IEEE), San
Francisco, Ca., May 1990, pp. 756-765.
- S.G. Zaky, Z.G. Vranesic and M.H. Abd-El-Barr, "Step-wise
Synthesis of CCD MVL Functions", Proc. 20th Int. Symp. on
Multiple-valued Logic, (IEEE), Charlotte, NC., May 1990, pp. 300-307.
- C.P. Chong, K.C. Smith and Z.G. Vranesic, "Three-input
Amplifiers", Proc. 1990 Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems,
(IEEE), New Orleans, La., May 1990, pp. 3217-3220.