
This course is designed for two kinds of graduates student:

1. Students with programming skills, typically from the Computer disciplines (ECE and CS), but possibly from the many other disciplines that make use of computers and that program them.  The key pre-requisite for these students is an ability to program, with Java-based programming skills an asset, but not essential.

2. Students from non-programming backgrounds with a passion for the new uses possible with these devices.  This can be any graduate-level discipline at all.  The key pre-requisite for these students is an interest in smartphone applications applied to their discipline, some knowledge of the use of smartphones, and a willingness to learn new things.  

Undergraduates with strong computer programming capability may be allowed to take this course, with permission of the instructor.  Be aware, that this is an intensive course that will require more work than a typical undergraduate course.  Undergraduates from non-programming disciplines will not be allowed to take the course.

Note:  As this is a project course which requires a mixture of different kinds of students, the right number of each kind of student must be present in each project group.  It is possible that there are not the right number, and if so, not every student who registers will be able to continue in the course.  For this reason, it is important that you have a alternative course selection available until the project groups are determined.

Note to students who wish to audit this course:  since the purpose of the course is to produce a working application, every student taking this course must make a strong commitment to it.  That means taking the course for credit.  There have been many requests to audit the course, but please understand that the commitment to take the course for credit is essential.