Ph.D. Thesis “VLSI-Compatible Si/SiGe/Si p-MOSFETs” University of Toronto, 1994.
S.P. Voinigescu, S. Bonen, U. Alakusu, M.J. Gong and L.Wu “Monolithic Qubit Integrated Circuits”, US Patent US20200185512 A1, granted 2021-11-09
S.P. Voinigescu, and K. Vasilakopoulos, “Track and Hold Amplifiers,” US Patent 1045459
S.P. Voinigescu, K. Vasilakopoulos, and E. Socher “Analog-to-digital-converters,” US Patent 10,037,815 B2
S.P. Voinigescu, A Tomkins, T. Yamamoto, M. Wiklund, W. Walker, “Direct mm-wave m-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) modulator operating in saturated power mode,” US Patent 8,861,627
S. Voinigescu, E. Laskin, “Varactor voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) providing independent coarse and fine frequency tuning” US patent 8,786,376
S.P. Voinigescu, A. Tomkins, A. Balteanu, I. Sarkas and K. Laskin “Radio Antenna Switch” US Patent No: 8,676,136
S.P. Voinigescu, A. Timonov, S.T. Nicolson, A. Nachman, E. Laskin, G.V. Eleftheriades “High Frequency System on Chip Transceiver” US Patent No: 8,139,625
M.A. Copeland, S.P. Voinigescu, D. Marchesan, “Method and apparatus for performing image signal rejection” US Patent No: 6542724.
S.P. Voinigescu and M.C. Maliepaard on "High frequency noise and impedance matched integrated circuits" US Patent No: 5789799
X-M. Li, S.P. Voinigescu, "Method for forming a lateral bipolar transistor", US Patent No: 5624856.
S.P. Voinigescu, High Frequency Integrated Circuits, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Book Chapters
A.M. Niknejad and S.P. Voinigescu, “Digital mm-wave Transmitters,” in “mm-Wave Power Amplifiers and Transmitters,” H. Hashemi and S. Raman, Editors, Cambridge University Press, April 2016.
S.P. Voinigescu, S.T. Nicolson, E. Laskin, K. Tang, and P. Chevalier, “SiGe BiCMOS and CMOS Transceiver Blocks for Automotive Radar and Imaging Applications in the 80-160 GHz Range”, in “Analog Circuit Design” pp. 303-326, edited by Herman Casier, Michiel Steyaert and Arthur H.M. van Roermund, 2008, Springer 2008, ISBN 978-1-4020-8262-7.
S.T. Nicolson, K.W. Tang, T.O. Dickson, P. Chevalier, B. Sautreuil, and S. P. Voinigescu, Design of Silicon Integrated Circuit W-Band Low Noise Amplifiers,” in “Wireless technologies: Circuits, Systems, and Devices,” edited by Krysztof Iniewski, CRC Press, Oct. 2007, ISBN:978-0-84937-9-963.
S.P. Voinigescu, T.O. Dickson, M. Gordon, C. Lee, T. Yao, A. Mangan, K. Tang, and K. Yau, “RF and Millimeter-Wave IC Design in the Nano-(Bi)CMOS Era,” in Si- based Semiconductor Components for Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuits (RF IC), pp.33-62, Editor: Will Z. Cai, Transworld Research Network, 2006 ISBN:81-7895-196-7
S.P. Voinigescu, D.S. McPherson, F. Pera, S. Szilagyi, M. Tazlauanu, and H. Tran, "A Comparison of Silicon and III-V Technology Performance and Building Block Implementations for 10 and 40 Gb/s Optical Networking ICs," IJHSES, Vol.13, No.1, and book chapter in Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits, pp.27-58, 2003.
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Journal Papers
N. Dumoulin Stuyck, A. Saraiva, W. Gilbert, J. Cifuentes Pardo, R. Li, C. Escott, K. De Greve, S. Voinigescu, D. Reilly & A. S. Dzurak, “CMOS Compatibility of Semiconductor Spin Qubits,” arXiv:2409.03993 [cond-mat.mes-hall], Sept. 2024.
S. Bonen, S. Pati Tripathi, J. McIntosh, T. Jager, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Investigation of p- and n-Type Quantum Dot Arrays Manufactured in 22-nm FDSOI CMOS at 2-4 K and 300 K,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, Early Access, DOI 10.1109/LED.2024.3435380, Aug. 2024.
J. Andres, M. Babaie, J.C Bardin, I. Bashir, G. Billiot, E. Blokhina, S. Bonen, E. Charbon, J. Chiaverini, I.L. Chuang, C. Degenhardt, D. Englund, L. Geck, L. Le Guevel, D. Ham, R. Han, M.I. Ibrahim, D. Krüger, K. M. Lei, A. Morel, D. Nielinger, G. Pillonet, J. M. Sage, F. Sebastiano, R.B. Staszewski, J. Stuart, A. Vladimirescu, P. Vliex, and S.P. Voinigescu, “CMOS integrated circuits for quantum information sciences,” IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, pp.1-30, Early Access, DOI: 10.1109/TQE.2023.3290593, ISSN: 2689-1808, July 12, 2023
S. Pati Tripathi, S. Bonen, A. Bharadwaj, T. Jager, C. Nastase, S. Iordănescu, G. Boldeiu, A. Nicoloiu, M. Păşteanu, A. Müller, and S. P. Voinigescu, “Characterization and Modelling of Quantum Dot Behaviour in FDSOI Devices,” IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, May 2022, available online.
S. Bonen, M.S. Dadash, A. Zandieh, U. Alakuşu, M.J. Gong, J. Rafique, L. Wu, E. Checca, H.Y. Hsu, S. Pati Tripathi, G. Cooke, and S.P. Voinigescu, "Harnessing the Unique Features of FDSOI CMOS Technology in Fibreoptic, Millimetre-Wave, and Quantum Computing Circuits From 2 K to 400 K", Solid State Electronics, Vol. 194, 108343, pp.1-25, 2022.
G. Cooke, N. Weiss, P. Schvan, P. Chevalier, A. Cathelin, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Track & Hold Amplifier Investigation for 100-GHz Bandwidth, 200-GS/s ADC Front Ends," IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, Vol. 5, pp. 54-57, 2022. Online ISSN: 2573-9603.
S. Bonen, G. Cooke, T. Jager, A. Bharadwaj, S. Pati Tripathi, D. Céli, P. Chevalier, P. Schvan, and S. P. Voinigescu, “Cryogenic Characterization of the High-Frequency and Noise Performance of SiGe HBTs from DC to 70 GHz and Down to 2 K,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters,Vol. 32, No.6, pp. , June 2022.
L. Bellentani, M. Bina, S. Bonen, A. Secchi, A. Bertoni, S. Voinigescu, A. Padovani, L. Larcher, and F. Troiani, “Towards hole-spin qubits in Si pMOSFETs within a planar CMOS foundry technology,” Phys. Rev. A. (16)5, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.16.054034, Nov. 2021.
A. Zandieh, S. Bonen, M.S. Dadash, M.J. Gong, J. Hasch, and S.P. Voinigescu, “155-GHz FMCW and Stepped-Frequency Carrier OFDM Radar Sensor Transceiver IC Featuring a PLL with <30-ns Settling Time and 40-fs rms Jitter,” IEEE Trans. On Microw. Theory Techn., Vol.69, No. 11, 4908-4924, 2021.
L. Wu, H. Y. Hsu, and S.P. Voinigescu,“A DC to 220 GHz High-Isolation SPST Switch in 22nm FDSOI CMOS,” IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 31, No.6, pp. 775-778, June 2021.
U. Alakusu, M.S. Dadash, S. Shopov, P. Chevalier, A. Cathelin, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 210-284 GHz I-Q Receiver with on-Chip VCO and Divider Chain,” IEEE Wireless and Microwave Letts., Vol. 30, pp.50-53, January 2020.
A. Zandieh, P. Schvan, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Design of a 55-nm SiGe BiCMOS 5-bit Time-Interleaved Flash ADC for 64-GBaud 16-QAM Fiberoptics Applications”, IEEE JSSC, Vol.54, No.9, pp. 2375-2387, September 2019
S. Bonen, U. Alakusu, Y. Duan, M.J. Gong, M.S. Dadash, L. Lucci, D.R. Daughton, G.C. Adam, S. Iordănescu, M. Păşteanu, I. Giangu, H. Jia, L.E. Gutierrez, W.T. Chen, N. Messaoudi, D. Harame, A. Müller, R.R. Mansour, P. Asbeck, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Cryogenic Characterization of 22nm FDSOI CMOS Technology for Quantum Computing ICs,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 40, No.1, pp.127-130, Jan. 2019.
S. Shopov, O.D. Gurbuz, G.M. Rebeiz, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A Digital Transmitter with 64-QAM and OFDM Free-Space Constellation Formation,” IEEE JSSC, Vol.53, No.7, pp. 2012-2022, July 2018.
Z. Yong, S. Shopov, J.C. Mikkelsen, R. Mallard, J.C.C. Mak, J. Jeong, S.P. Voinigescu, and J.K.S. Poon, “RF and Thermal Considerations of a Flip-Chip Integrated 40 + Gb/s Silicon Photonic Electro-Optic Transmitter," Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.36, No.2, pp.245-251, Jan. 15, 2018.
M.S. Dadash, J. Hasch, P. Chevalier, A. Cathelin, N. Cahoon, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Design of Low-Power Active Tags for Operation with 77-81 GHz FMCW Radar," IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.65, pp.5377-5388, Dec. 2017.
A. Zandieh, P. Schvan, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Linear, Large-Swing, Push-Pull SiGe BiCMOS Drivers for Silicon Photonics Modulators," IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.65, pp.5355-5366, Dec. 2017.
S. Shopov, M.G. Girma, J. Hasch, N. Cahoon, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Ultra-Low-Power Radar Sensors for Ambient Sensing in the V-Band" IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.65, pp.5401-5410, Dec. 2017.
S. Shopov, N. Cahoon, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Ultra-Broadband I/Q RF-DAC Transmitters" IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.65, pp.5411-5421, Dec. 2017.
S.P. Voinigescu, S. Shopov, J. Bateman, H. Farooq, J. Hoffman, and K. Vasilakopoulos, ”Silicon Millimeter-Wave, THz, and High-Speed Fibre-Optics Benchmark Circuit Scaling Through the 2030 ITRS Horizon,” IEEE Proc., Vol.105, No.6, pp.1087-1104, June, 2017.
M. Schroter, T. Rosenbaum, P. Chevalier, B. Heinemann, S. Voinigescu, E. Preisler, J. Boeck, and A. Mukherjee, “SiGe HBT Technology: Future Trends and TCAD-Based Roadmap,” IEEE Proc., Vol.105, No.6, pp.1068-1086, June 2017.
Z. Yong, S. Shopov, J. Mikkelsen, R. Mallard, J. Maki, S.P. Voinigescu, J. Poon, “Flip-Chip Integrated Silicon Mach-Zehnder Modulator With a 28nm Fully Depleted Silicon-on-Insulator CMOS Driver,” Optics Express Vol.25, No.6, pp.6112-6121, March 20, 2017.
J. Hoffman, S. Shopov, P. Schvan, P. Chevalier, A. Cathelin and S.P. Voinigescu, “55-nm SiGe BiCMOS Distributed Amplifier Topologies for Time-Interleaved 120-Gb/s Fiber-Optic Receivers and Transmitters,” IEEE JSSC, Vol.51, pp. 2040-2053, Sept. 2016.
S. Shopov, J. Hasch, P. Chevalier, A. Cathelin and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 234–261-GHz 55-nm SiGe BiCMOS Signal Source with 5.4–7.2 dBm Output Power, 1.3% DC-to-RF Efficiency, and 1-GHz Divided-Down Output,” IEEE JSSC, Vol.51, pp. 2054-2065, Oct. 2016.
J. Hoffman, J.R. Gosse, S. Shopov, J. Pekaric, R. Camillo-Castillo, V. Jain, D. Harame, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Analog Circuit Blocks for 80-GHz Bandwidth Frequency-Interleaved, Linear, Large-Swing Front-Ends” IEEE JSSC, Vol.51, pp. 1985-1993, Sept. 2016.
S. Shopov and S.P. Voinigescu “A 3×60Gb/s Transmitter/Repeater Front-End with 4.3Vpp Single-Ended Output Swing in a 28nm UTBB FD-SOI CMOS Technology,” IEEE JSSC, Vol.51, pp. 1151-1662, July 2016.
A. Balteanu, P. Schvan, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 6-bit Segmented DAC Architecture with up to 56-GHz Sampling Clock and 6-Vpp Differential Swing,” IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.64, No.3, pp.881-891, March 2016.
S.P. Voinigescu, “Of Miles and Oscillators,” IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine, Vol.8, issue 1, pp.39-43, February 2016.
A. Balteanu, S. Shopov, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A High Modulation-Bandwidth, 110-GHz Power-DAC Cell for IQ Transmitter Arrays with Direct Amplitude and Phase Modulation,” IEEE JSSC, Vol.49, No.10, pp.2103-2113, October 2014.
S. Shopov, A. Balteanu, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 19-dBm, 15-GBaud, 9-bit SOI CMOS Power-DAC Cell for High Order QAM W-Band Transmitters” IEEE JSSC, Vol.49, No.7, pp.653-1664, July 2014.
D.F. Williams, P. Corson, J. Sharma, H. Krishnaswamy, W. Tai, Z. George, D. Ricketts, P. Watson, E. Dacquay, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Calibration for Millimeter-Wave Silicon Transistor Characterization” IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.62, No.2, pp.658-668, March 2014
S.P. Voinigescu, A. Tomkins, E. Dacquay, P. Chevalier, J. Hasch, A. Chantre, and B. Sautreuil, “A Study of SiGe HBT Signal Sources in the 220-330 GHz Range” IEEE JSSC, Vol.48, No.9, pp.2011-2021, September 2013.
D.F. Williams, P. Corson, J. Sharma, H. Krishnaswamy, W. Tai, Z. George, D. Ricketts, P. Watson, E. Dacquay, and S.P. Voinigescu,“Calibration-Kit Design for Millimeter-Wave Silicon Integrated Circuits” IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.61, No.7, pp.2685-2696, July 2013
A. Balteanu, I. Sarkas, E. Dacquay, A. Tomkins, G.M. Rebeiz, P.M. Asbeck, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 2-Bit, 24 dBm, Millimeter-Wave SOI CMOS Power-DAC Cell for Watt-Level High-Efficiency, Fully Digital m-ary QAM Transmitters,” IEEE JSSC, Vol.48, No.5, pp.1126-1137, May 2013
S.P. Voinigescu, E. Dacquay, V. Adinolfi, I. Sarkas, A. Balteanu, A. Tomkins, D. Celi, P. Chevalier.”Characterization and Modelling of a SiGe HBT Technology for Transceiver Applications in the 100-300 GHz range” IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol. 60, pp. 4024-4034, December 2012
I. Sarkas, J. Hasch, A. Balteanu and S.P. Voinigescu, “A Fundamental Frequency 120-GHz SiGe BiCMOS Distance Sensor with Integrated Antenna,“ IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.60, No.3, pp.795-812, March 2012.
E. Dacquay, A. Tomkins, K.H.K. Yau, E. Laskin, P. Chevalier, A. Chantre, B. Sautreuil, and S.P. Voinigescu, “D-Band Total Power Radiometer Performance Optimization in a SiGe HBT Technology,” IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.60, No.3, pp.813-826. March 2012.
K.H.K.Yau, E. Dacquay, I. Sarkas and S.P. Voinigescu, “On-Wafer Silicon Device and Circuit Characterization above 100 GHz,” IEEE Microwave Magazine, pp.30-54, February 2012.
R.A. Aroca, P. Schvan, and S. P. Voinigescu, ”A 2.4 Vpp, 60-Gb/s CMOS Driver with Digitally Variable Amplitude and Pre-Emphasis Control at Multiple Peaking Frequencies,” IEEE JSSC, Vol.46, pp.2226-2239, October 2011.
K.H.K Yau, P. Chevalier, A. Chantre, and S.P. Voinigescu,”Characterization of the Noise Parameters of SiGe HBTs in the 70-170 GHz Range,” IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.59, No.8, pp.1983-2000, August 2011.
S. Shahramian, A. Hart, A. Tomkins, A.C. Carusone, P. Garcia, P. Chevalier, and S.P. Voinigescu, ”Design of a Dual W- and D-Band PLL,” IEEE JSSC, Vol.46, pp.1011-1022, May 2011.
A. Tomkins, P. Garcia, and S.P. Voinigescu, ”A Passive W-Band Imager in 65nm Bulk CMOS” IEEE JSSC, Vol.45, No.10, pp. 1981-1991, Oct. 2010.
I. Sarkas, S.T. Nicolson, A. Tomkins, E. Laskin, P. Chevalier B. Sautreuil, and S.P. Voinigescu, ”An 18-Gb/s, Direct QPSK Modulation, SiGe BiCMOS Transceiver for Last Mile Links in the 70-80 GHz Band” IEEE JSSC, Vol.45, No.10, pp. 1968-1980, Oct. 2010.
E. Laskin, M. Khanpour, S.T. Nicolson, A. Tomkins, P. Garcia, A. Cathelin, D. Belot, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Nanoscale CMOS Transceiver Design in the 90-170 GHz Range,“ IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.57, pp.3477-3490, Dec. 2009.
N. Revil, P. Chevalier, S. Pruvost, J. Bouvier, G. Avenier, G. Troillard, L. Depoyan, M. Buczko, S. Montusclat, A. Margain, S.T Nicolson, K.H.K Yau, D. Gloria, M. Diop, N. Loubet, N. Derrier, C. Leyris, S. Boret, D. Dutartre, S.P. Voinigescu, A. Chantre,“0.13 mm SiGe BiCMOS Technology Fully Dedicated to mm-Wave Applications“ IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol.44, No.8, pp. 2312-2321, September 2009.
A. Tomkins, R.A. Aroca, T. Yamamoto, S.T. Nicolson, Y. Doi, S.P. Voinigescu, “A Zero-IF 60GHz 65nm CMOS Transceiver with Direct BPSK Modulation Demonstrating up to 6Gb/s Data Rates Over a 2m Wireless Link,” IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol.44, No.8, pp. 2085-2099, August 2009.
S. Shahramian, S.P. Voinigescu, and A.C. Carusone,“ A 35-GS/s 4-bit Flash ADC with Active Data and Clock Distribution Trees,'' IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol. Vol.44, No.6, pp.1709-1720, June 2009.
A. Hart and S.P. Voinigescu ''1 GHz Bandwidth Low-Pass ADC with 20-50 GHz Adjustable Sampling Rate,'' IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol.44, No.5, pp.1401-1414. May 2009.
S.T. Nicolson, P. Chevalier, B. Sautreuil, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Single-Chip W-Band SiGe HBT Transceivers and Receivers for Doppler Radar and Millimeter-Wave Imaging,“ IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.43, No.10, pp. 2206-2217, October 2008.
R. A. Aroca and S. P. Voinigescu, “A Large Swing, 40-Gb/s SiGe BiCMOS Driver with Adjustable Pre-Emphasis for Data Transmission over 75W Coaxial Cable“ IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.43, No.10, pp.2177-2186, October 2008.
M. Khanpour, K.W. Tang, P. Garcia, and S. P. Voinigescu, “A Wideband W-Band Receiver Front-End in 65-nm CMOS,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.43, No.8, pp.1717-1730, August. 2008.
S.T. Nicolson, K.H.K. Yau, S. Pruvost, V. Danelon, P. Chevalier, P. Garcia, A. Chantre, B. Sautreuil, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A Low-Voltage SiGe BiCMOS 77-GHz Automotive Radar Chipset,“ IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.56, pp. 1092-1104, May 2008.
E. Laskin, P. Chevalier, A. Chantre, B. Sautreuil and S.P. Voinigescu, “165-GHz Transceiver in SiGe Technology,” accepted IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.43, No.5, pp.1087-1100, May 2008.
T.O. Dickson and S. P. Voinigescu, “Low-power circuits for a 10.7-to-86 Gb/s serial transmitter in 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.42, No.10, pp. 2077-2085, Oct. 2007. paper.pdf
S.T. Nicolson, K.H.K Yau, P. Chevalier, A. Chantre, B. Sautreuil, K.A. Tang, and S.P. Voinigescu, ''Design and Scaling of W-Band SiGe BiCMOS VCOs,'' IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.42, No.9, pp.1821-1833. Sept. 2007. paper.pdf
T. Chalvatzis, K.H.K. Yau, P. Schvan, M.T. Yang, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Low voltage topologies for 40+ Gb/s circuits in nanoscale CMOS,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.42, No.7, pp.1564-1573, July. 2007. paper.pdf
T. Chalvatzis, E. Gagnon, M. Repeta and S.P. Voinigescu, ''A Low-Noise 40-GS/s Continuous-Time Bandpass Delta-Sigma ADC Centered at 2GHz for Direct Sampling Receivers,'' IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits. Vol.42, No.5, pp.1065-1075, May. 2007. paper.pdf
T. Yao, M.Q. Gordon, K.K.W. Tang, K.H.K. Yau, M-T Yang, P. Schvan, and S. P. Voinigescu, ''Algorithmic Design of CMOS LNAs and PAs for 60-GHz Radio,'' IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits. Vol.42, No.5, pp.1044-1057, May. 2007. paper.pdf
A. Garg, A.C. Carusone, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 1-Tap 40-Gbs Lookahead Decision Feedback Equalizer in 0.18mm SiGe BiCMOS Technology,” IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits. Vol.41, No.10, pp.2224-2232, Oct. 2006. paper.pdf
S. Shahramian, A.C. Carusone, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 40-GSamples/Sec Track & Hold Amplifier in 0.18mm SiGe BiCMOS Technology,” IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits. Vol.41, No.10, pp.2233-2240, Oct. 2006. paper.pdf
E. Laskin and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 60 mW per Lane, 4 × 23-Gb/s 27-1 PRBS Generator,” IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, Vol.41, No.10, pp.2198-2208,Oct. 2006. paper.pdf
T.O. Dickson, K.H.K. Yau, T. Chalvatzis, A. Mangan, R. Beerkens, P. Westergaard, M. Tazlauanu, M.T Yang, and S. P. Voinigescu, “The Invariance of Characteristic Current Densities in Nanoscale MOSFETs and its Impact on Algorithmic Design Methodologies and Design Porting of Si(Ge) (Bi)CMOS High-Speed Building Blocks,” IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 41, no. 8, pp. 1830-1845, Aug. 2006. paper.pdf
A.M. Mangan, S.P. Voinigescu, M.T. Yang, and M. Tazlauanu, “De-Embedding Transmission Line Measurements for accurate Modelling of IC Designs,” IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev., Vol. ED-53, pp.235-241, No.2, 2006. paper.pdf
T.O. Dickson, E. Laskin, I. Khalid1, R. Beerkens1, J. Xie1, B. Karajica1, S.P. Voinigescu, “An 80-Gb/s 231-1 Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence Generator in SiGe BiCMOS Technology”, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, vol. 40, no. 12, pp. 2735-2745, Dec. 2005. paper.pdf
T.O. Dickson, R. Beerkens, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 2.5-V, 45-Gb/s Decision Circuit Using SiGe BiCMOS Logic”, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.40, No.4, pp.994-1003, 2005. paper.pdf
T.O. Dickson, M.-A. LaCroix, S. Boret, D. Gloria, R. Beerkens, and S.P. Voinigescu, “30-100 GHz Inductors and Transformers for Millimeter-wave (Bi)CMOS Integrated Circuits”, IEEE Trans. MTT, Vol.53, No.1, pp.123-133, 2005. paper.pdf
H. Tran, F. Pera, D.S. McPherson, D. Viorel, and S. P. Voinigescu, “6-kOhm, 43-Gb/s Differential Transimpedance-Limiting Amplifier with Auto-Zero Feedback and High Dynamic Range”, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.39, No.10, pp.1680-1689, 2004. paper.pdf
D.S. McPherson, F. Pera, M. Tazlauanu and S.P. Voinigescu, "A 3V Fully Differential Distributed Limiting Driver for 40 Gb/s Optical Transmission Systems, IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.38, No.9, pp.1485-1496, 2003. paper.pdf
H. Djahanshahi, N. Saniei, S.P. Voinigescu, M.C. Maliepaard, C.A.T. Salama, "A 20GHz InP-HBT Voltage-Controlled Oscillator with Wide Frequency Tuning Range," IEEE Trans. on MTT, Vol.49, No.9, pp. 1566-1572, Sept. 2001. paper.pdf
M.A. Copeland, S.P. Voinigescu, D. Marchesan, P. Popescu, and M.C. Maliepaard ,"5GHz SiGe HBT Monolithic Radio Transceiver With Tunable Filtering," IEEE Trans. on MTT, Vol. 48, No.2, pp.170-181, Feb. 2000. paper
S. P. Voinigescu, M. C. Maliepaard, J.L. Showell, G. Babcock, D. Marchesan, M. Schroter, P. Schvan, and D. L. Harame, "A Scalable High Frequency Noise Model for Bipolar Transistors with Application to Optimal Transistor Sizing for Low-Noise Amplifier Design", IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Vol.32, No.9, pp.1430-1438, 1997. paper
V. Van, M.J. Deen, J. Kendall, D.S. Malhi, S. Voinigescu, and M. Schroter, “DC extraction of the base and emitter resistances in polysilicon-emitter npn BJTs,” Can.J.Phys., Vol.74, pp.172-176, 1996.
S. Voinigescu, P.B. Rabkin, C.A.T. Salama, and P. Blakey, "2D Numerical Investigation of the Impact of Compositional Grading on the Performance of Submicrometer Si/SiGe MOSFET's,"IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev., Vol. ED-42, pp.1039-1046, 1995. paper
S.P. Voinigescu, K. Iniewski, R. Lisak, C.A.T. Salama, J.-P. Noel, and D.C.Houghton, "New technique for the characterization of Si/SiGe layers using heterostructure MOS capacitors," Solid-St. Electronics, Vol. 37, pp. 1491-1501, 1994. paper
K. Iniewski, S. Voinigescu, J. Atcha, and C.A.T. Salama, "Analytical modeling of threshold voltages in p-channel Si/SiGe/Si MOS structures," Solid-St. Electronics, vol.36, pp.775-783, 1993. paper
S. Voinigescu, M. Schumacher, K. Iniewski, R. Lisak, and Z. Parpia, “Emerging SiGe Technology – A review,” Electron Technology, Vol.26, pp.25-64, 1993.
S. Voinigescu and C.A.T. Salama, "Optimal channel grading in p-type Si/SiGe metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs)," Can.J.Phys., Vol.70, pp.975-978, 1992.
S. Voinigescu and A. Muller, "Charge Dynamics in Heterostructure Schottky-Gate Capacitors and Their Influence on the Transconductance and Low-Frequency Capacitance of MODFET's," IEEE Trans. Electron. Dev., Vol.ED-36, pp.2320-2327, 1989. paper
S. Voinigescu, A. Muller, and C. Anton, "Auger recombination in heavily-doped p+ silicon," Solid-St. Phenomena, Vols.6,7, pp.315-322, 1989. paper
A. Muller and S. Voinigescu, "Heavy doping effects on the I-V and stored charge characteristics of narrow base PIN diodes," Solid-St. Electronics, vol.32, pp.593-601, 1989. paper
S. Voinigescu, "Quantum modelling of charge distribution in single and multiple heterojunction modfets," Int. J.Electronics, vol.66, pp.227-245, 1989. paper
Papers at Refereed International Conferences
J. Zhao and S.P. Voinigescu, “An 80-GBaud PAM-4 Gm-Boosted Variable-Gain TIA in 22-nm FDSOI,” IEEE Bipolar, BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor IC and Technology Symposium Digest, pp.199-202, Monterey, CA, Oct. 2023.
S.P. Voinigescu, S. Bonen, S. Pati Tripathi, G. Cooke, T. Jager,and A. Bharadwaj, “A Circuit Designer’s Perspective on Transistor Modelling Challenges for 6G, Fiberoptics, and Quantum Computing ICs,” IEEE Bipolar, BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor IC and Technology Symposium Digest, pp.36-43, Monterey, CA, Oct. 2023.
1. T.D. Nhut, S. Bonen, G. Cooke, T. Jager, M. Spasaro, D. Sufrà, S.P. Voinigescu, D. Zito, “Cryogenic Compact mm-Wave Broadband SPST Switch in 22nm FDSOI CMOS for Monolithic Quantum Processors,” IEEE IMS, June 2022.
2. M. Spasaro, S. Bonen, G. Cooke, T. Jager, T.D. Nhut, D. Sufrà, S.P. Voinigescu, D. Zito, “Cryogenic Compact Low-Power 60GHz Amplifier for Spin Qubit Control in Monolithic Silicon Quantum Processors,” IEEE IMS, June 2022.
3. S. Bonen, G. Cooke, T. Jager, A. Bharadwaj, S. Pati Tripathi, D. Céli, P. Chevalier, P. Schvan, and S. P. Voinigescu, “Cryogenic Characterization of the High-Frequency and Noise Performance of SiGe HBTs from DC to 70 GHz and Down to 2 K,” IEEE IMS, June 2022.
4. T. Liu, H. Y. Hsu, J. Hash, and S.P. Voinigescu, “W-Band Active Repeater Arrays and Cognitive Receivers for OFDM Radar Networks,” IEEE IMS, June 2022.
S. Pati Tripathi, S. Bonen, C. Nastase, S. Iordanescu, G. Boldeiu, M. Pasteanu, A. Muller, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Compact Modelling of 22nm FDSOI CMOS Semiconductor Qunatum Dot Cryogenic I-V Characteristics,”, IEEE ESSCIRC, September 2021.
N. Weiss, G. Cooke, P. Schvan, P. Chevalier, A. Cathelin, and S.P. Voinigescu, “200-GS/s ADC Front-End Employing 25% Duty Cycle Quadrature Clock Generator,” IEEE ESSCIRC, September 2021.
L. Wu, H. Y. Hsu, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A DC to 220 GHz High-Isolation SPST Switch in 22nm FDSOI CMOS,” IEEE IMS, June 2021.
E. Checca and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 39GHz Bandwidth, 2.5GS/s 7-bit SAR ADC in 22nm FDSOI CMOS,” IEEE IMS, June 2021.
J. Rafique, T. Nguyen, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 4.6V, 6-bit, 64GS/s Transmitter in 22nm FDSOI CMOS,” IEEE Bipolar, BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor IC and Technology Symposium, Nashville, Nov. 2019.
M. J. Gong, U. Alakusu, S. Bonen, M. S. Dadash, L. Lucci, H. Jia, L. E. Gutierrez, W. T. Chen, D. R. Daughton, G.C. Adam, S. Iordănescu, M. Păşteanu, N. Messaoudi, D. Harame, A. Müller, R. R. Mansour, S. P. Voinigescu, “Design Considerations for Spin Readout Amplifiers in Monolithically Integrated Semiconductor Quantum Processors,” IEEE RFIC, June 2019.
P. Hermansen, E. Socher, D. Case, A. Cathelin, P. Chevalier, T. Nguyen, S Voinigescu, “An Inductorless, 0.5mA/15fJ, Small Footprint, SiGe BiCMOS Quasi-Current-Mode Logic Family for Highly Parallelized 40-GHz Clock SAR ADCs,” IEEE IMS, June 2019.
M.S. Dadash, D. Harame and S.P. Voinigescu, “Large-Swing 22nm Si/SiGe FDSOI Stacked Cascodes for 56GBaud Drivers and 5G PAs,” Digest. IEEE Bipolar, BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor IC and Technology Symposium, San Diego, Oct. 2018.
A. Zandieh, T-L Nguyen, D. Harame, and S.P. Voinigescu, “128-GS/s ADC Front-End with over 60-GHz Input Bandwidth in 22-nm Si/SiGe FDSOI CMOS,” Digest. IEEE Bipolar, BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor IC and Technology Symposium, San Diego, Oct. 2018.
A. Zandieh, P. Schvan, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 2x Oversampling, 128 GS/s Time-Interleaved Flash ADC for 64GBaud Applications” Digest. IEEE Bipolar, BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor IC and Technology Symposium, San Diego, Oct. 2018.
M. Nagatani, H. Wakita, T. Jyo, M. Mutoh, M. Ida, S.P. Voinigescu, and H. Nosaka,, “A 256-Gbps PAM-4 Signal Generator IC in 0.25-μm InP DHBT Technology,” Digest. IEEE Bipolar, BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor IC and Technology Symposium, San Diego, Oct. 2018.
M.S. Dadash, S. Bonen, U. Alakusu, D. Harame and S.P. Voinigescu, “DC-170 GHz Characterization of 22nm FDSOI Technology for Radar Sensor Applications,” IEEE European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference, Madrid, September 2018.
N. Weiss, S. Shopov, P. Schvan, P. Chevalier, A. Cathelin, and S.P. Voinigescu, “DC–60 GHz 4-Phase 25% Duty Cycle Quadrature Clock Generator. Digest. IEEE Compound Semiconductor IC Symposium, Miami, Oct. 2017.
S. Shopov, O.D. Gurbuz, G.M. Rebeiz, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 13.2-dBm, 138-GHz I/Q RF-DAC with 64-QAM and OFDM Free-Space Constellation Formation,” IEEE ESSCIRC, September 2017.
M. Dadash, J. Hasch, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A W-Band Active Millimeter-Wave Tag IC with Wake-Up Function,” IEEE IMS, June 2017.
S. Shopov. J. Hasch, M. Girma, and S.P. Voinigescu, “An Ultra-Low-Power 4-Channel 60-GHz Radar Sensor,” IEEE IMS, June 2017.
S. Shopov and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 30-Gb/s, 12-bit I/Q RF-DAC Transmitter with 19.9 dBm in the 20-32-GHz Band” IEEE IMS, June 2017.
A. Zandieh, P. Schvan, S.P Voinigescu, “57.5GHz Bandwidth 4.8Vpp Swing Linear Modulator Driver for 64GBaud m-PAM Systems,” IEEE IMS, June 2017.
M. Dadash, J. Hasch, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 77-GHz Active Millimeter-Wave Reflector for FMCW Radar,” IEEE RFIC Symp. June, 2017.
R.A. Baker, P. Schvan, and S.P. Voinigescu, “SiGe BiCMOS Linear Modulator Drivers with 4.8-Vpp Differential Output Swing for 120-GBaud Applications,” IEEE RFIC Symp. June, 2017.
Z. Yong, S. Shopov, J. Mikkelsen, R. Mallard, J. Maki, S. P. Voinigescu, J. Poon, “A 44Gbps High Extinction Ratio Silicon Mach-Zehnder Modulator with a 3D-Integrated 28nm FD-SOI CMOS Driver,” OFC, March 2017.
S.P. Voinigescu, S. Shopov, J. Hoffman, and K. Vasilakopoulos, “Analog and Mixed-Signal Millimeter-Wave SiGe BiCMOS Circuits: State of the Art and Future Scaling,” IEEE CSICS, October 2016 (invited)
S. Shopov, O.D. Gurbuz, G.M. Rebeiz, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 10-Gb/s, 100-GHz RF Power-DAC Transmitter with On-Die I/Q Driven Antenna Elements and Free-Space Constellation Formation,” IEEE CSICS, October 2016.
K. Vasilakopoulos, A. Cathelin, P. Chevalier, T. Nguyen and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 108GS/s Track and Hold Amplifier with MOS-HBT Switch,” IEEE IMS Digest, San Francisco, CA, May 2016.
J. Hoffman, J.R. Gosse, S. Shopov, J. Pekaric, R. Camillo-Castillo, V. Jain, D. Harame, and S.P. Voinigescu, “90nm SiGe BiCMOS Analog Front-End Circuits for 80GHz Bandwidth Large-Swing Transmitters,” IEEE BCTM Proceedings, Boston, MA, October 2015.
K. Vasilakopoulos, P. Schvan, P. Chevalier, A. Cathelin, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 92GHz Bandwidth SiGe BiCMOS HBT TIA with Less than 6dB Noise Figure,” IEEE BCTM Proceedings, Boston, MA, October 2015.
S. Shopov, J. Hasch, P. Chevalier, A. Cathelin and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 240GHz Synthesizer in 55nm SiGe BiCMOS,” IEEE CSICS Digest, New Orleans, LA, October 2015.
J. Hoffman, P. Schvan, P. Chevalier, A. Cathelin and S.P. Voinigescu, “A Low-Noise, DC-135GHz Distributed Amplifier for Receiver Applications,” IEEE CSICS Digest, New Orleans, LA, October 2015.
S. Shopov and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 3x40Gb/s 28nm FDSOI Front-End Array with 10mVpp Sensitivity and >4Vpp Output Swing” IEEE ESSCIRC, Graz, Austria, September 2015.
S.P. Voinigescu, S. Shopov, and P. Chevalier, “Millimeter-Wave Silicon Transistor and Benchmark Circuit Scaling Through the 2030 ITRS Horizon,” IEEE GSMM Digest, Montreal April 2015 (invited plenary paper)
S.P. Voinigescu, S. Shopov, A. Balteanu, and I. Sarkas,“Mm-wave Power-DAC Transmitters with Transistor and Antenna Segmentation,” IEEE IMARC Digest, Bangalore, India, December. 2014 (invited paper).
S. Shopov and S.P. Voinigescu, “An 8-bit 140-GHz Power-DAC Cell for IQ Transmitter Arrays with Antenna Segmentation,” IEEE CSICS Digest, San Diego, CA, October 2014.
S. Shopov and S.P. Voinigescu, “Characterization of the High Frequency Performance of 28-nm UTBB FDSOI MOSFETs as a Function of Backgate Bias” IEEE CSICS Digest, San Diego, CA, October 2014.
J.D. Bateman, H. Farooq, I. Krotnev, and S.P. Voinigescu, "Simulation of field-effect transistor behavior in metallic nanowire channel transistors", WOCDICE, Delphi Greece, June 2014.
M. Schroter, T Rosenbaum, S.P. Voinigescu, and P. Chevalier, “A TCAD-based roadmap for high-speed SiGe HBTs,” IEEE SiRF Digest, January 2014.
S.P. Voinigescu,"From 1Tb per carrier to 1THz. The next challenge," IEEE European Microwave Conference, Nurnberg, Germany, October 2013, (invited plenary paper).
A. Balteanu, S. Shopov, S.P. Voinigescu, “A 44-GBaud, 110-GHz Wireless Transmitter with Direct Amplitude and Phase Modulation in 45-nm SOI CMOS,” IEEE CSICS, Monterey, CA, October 2013. (invited)
Y. Fu and S.P.Voinigescu, “A 108-GHz Retimer based on 1.8V Quasi-ECL MOS-HBT SiGe BiCMOS Logic,” IEEE CSICS, Monterey, CA, October 2013.
S. Shopov, A. Balteanu, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 19-dBm, 15-Gbaud, 9-bit SOI CMOS Power-DAC Cell for High-Order QAM W-Band Transmitters,” IEEE ESSCIRC, Bucharest, Romania, September 2013.
M.G. Girma, J. Hasch, I. Sarkas, S.P. Voinigescu and T. Zwick, “122 GHz Sensor Based on a Monostatic SiGe-BiCMOS IC with an On-Chip Antenna,” IEEE European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Oct. 2012.
I. Sarkas, M.G. Girma, J. Hasch, T. Zwick, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A Fundamental Frequency 143-152 GHz Radar Transceiver with Built-in Calibration and Self-Test,” IEEE CSICS, La Jolla, CA, Oct. 2012.
I. Sarkas and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 1.8V SiGe BiCMOS Cable equalizer with 40-dB Peaking Control up to 60 GHz” IEEE CSICS, La Jolla, CA, Oct. 2012.
P. Chevalier, T. Lacave, E. Canderle, A. Pottrain, Y. Carminati, J. Rosa, F. Pourchon, N. Derrier, G. Avenier, A. Montagne, A. Balteanu, E. Dacquay, I. Sarkas, D. Celi, D. Gloria, C. Gaquire, S.P. Voinigescu, and A. Cahntre “Scaling of SiGe BiCMOS Technologies for Applications above 100 GHz” IEEE CSICS, La Jolla, CA, Oct. 2012. (invited)
A. Tomkins, E. Dacquay, P. Chevalier, J. Hasch, A. Chantre, B. Sautreuil and S.P. Voinigescu, “ A Study of SiGe Signal Sources in the 220-330 GHz Range,” IEEE BCTM, Portland, OR, Oct. 2012.
V. Kozlov, P. Park and S.P. Voinigescu, “4x24 Gb/s PRBS Generator Using 1.8V MOS-HBT Quasi-CML Logic” IEEE BCTM, Portland, OR, Oct. 2012.
A. Balteanu, I. Sarkas, E. Dacquay, A. Tomkins, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 45-GHz, 2-bit Power DAC with 24.3 dBm Output Power, >14 Vpp Differential Swing, and 22% Peak PAE in 45-nm SOI CMOS, ”IEEE RFIC Symp., Montreal June 2012
A. Balteanu, P. Schvan and S.P. Voinigescu, “ A 6-bit Segmented RZ DAC Architecture with up to 50-GHz Sampling Clock,”IEEE IMS, Montreal June 2012 (Best Student Paper Award)
A. Balteanu, I. Sarkas, V. Adinolfi, E. Dacquay, A. Tomkins, D. Celi, P. Chevalier and S.P. Voinigescu, “Characterization of a 400-GHz SiGe HBT Technology for Low-Power D-Band Transceiver Applications,”IEEE IMS, Montreal June 2012.
I. Sarkas, E. Laskin, J. Hasch, A. Tomkins, A. Balteanu, E. Dacquay, L. Tarnow, P. Chevalier, B. Sautreuil and S.P. Voinigescu, “Silicon-based radar and imaging sensors operating above 120 GHz,” IEEE MiKON, Poland, pp.91-96, May 2012,(invited plenary paper),
I. Sarkas, A. Balteanu, E. Dacquay, A. Tomkins and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 45-nm CMOS Class D mm-wave PA with >10Vpp Differential Swing,” IEEE ISSCC Techn. Digest, pp.24-25, February 2012.
E. Laskin, A. Tomkins, A. Balteanu, I. Sarkas, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 60-GHz RF IQ DAC Transceiver with on-Die at-Speed Loopback”, IEEE RFIC Symposium, Digest of Papers. pp.57-60, June 2011.
S.P. Voinigescu, E. Laskin, I. Sarkas, K.H.K. Yau, S. Shahramian, A. Hart, A. Tomkins, P. Chevalier, J. Hasch, P. Garcia, A. Chantre, B. Sautreuil, “Silicon D-Band Wireless Transceivers and Applications,” IEEE APMC, pp.1857-1864, Yokohama, Japan, December 2010, (invited).
R.A. Aroca, P. Schvan, S.P. Voinigescu, “A 2.4Vpp, 60-Gb/s, mm-Wave DAC-based CMOS Driver with Adjustable Amplitude and Peaking Frequency ,” IEEE CSICS Digest pp.255-258, Monterey, CA, October 2010.
S. Shahramian, A. Hart, A.C. Carusone, P. Garcia, P. Chevalier, S.P. Voinigescu, ”A D-Band PLL Covering the 81-82 GHz, 86-92 GHz and 162 – 164 GHz Bands, ” IEEE RFIC Symposium Digest, pp.53-56, May 2010.
K.H.K. Yau, I. Sarkas, A. Tomkins, P. Chevalier, and S.P. Voinigescu, "On-wafer S-parameter De-embedding of Silicon Active and Passive Devices up to 170-GHz" IEEE IMS Digest, pp.600- 6o3, May 2010.
I. Sarkas, E. Laskin, J. Hasch, P. Chevalier, and S.P. Voinigescu, "Second Generation Transceiversfor D-Band Radar and Data Communication Applications " IEEE IMS Digest ,pp.1328-1331, May 2010, invited focus session paper.
E. Laskin, P. Chevalier, B. Sautreuil, and S. P. Voinigescu, ”A 140-GHz Double-Sideband Transceiver with Amplitude and Frequency Modulation Operating over a few Meters,” IEEE BCTM Digest pp.178-181,Oct. 2009.
A. Balteanu and S.P. Voinigescu, ”A Cable Equalizer with 31 dB of Adjustable Peaking at 52 GHz,” IEEE BCTM Digest, Capri, Italy, Oct. 2009.
A. Tomkins, P. Garcia, and S. P. Voinigescu, ”A Passive W-Band Imager in 65nm Bulk CMOS” IEEE CSICS Digest, pp.91-94, Greensboro, N.C, Oct. 2009.
I. Sarkas, S.T. Nicolson, A. Tomkins, E. Laskin, P. Chevalierm B. Sautreuil, and S.P. Voinigescu, ”A 12-Gb/s, Direct QPSK Modulation, SiGe BiCMOS Transceiver for Last Mile Links in the 70-80 GHz Band” IEEE CSICS Digest, pp.41-44, Greensboro, N.C, Oct. 2009.
I. Sarkas, M. Khanpour, A. Tomkins, P. Chevalier, P. Garcia, and S.P. Voinigescu, "W-band 65-nm CMOS and SiGe BiCMOS Transmitter and Receiver with Lumped I-Q Phase Shifters," IEEE RFIC Symposium, Digest, pp.441-444, June 2009.
S.P. Voinigescu, M. Khanpour, S.T. Nicolson, A. Tomkins, E. Laskin, A Cathelin, and D. Belot, "CMOS Receivers in the 100-140 GHz Range," IEEE IMS, Digest, pp.193-196, June 2009.
K.H.K. Yau, M. Khanpour, M-T. Yang, P. Schvan, S.P. Voinigescu, "On-die Source-Pull for the Characterization of the W-band Noise Performance of 65nm General Purpose (GP) and Low Power (LP) n-MOSFETs" IEEE IMS, Digest, pp. 773-776, June 2009.
A. Hart, T. Chalvatzis, P. Garcia, and S.P. Voinigescu, “mm-Wave Delta-Sigma Modulators,” IEEE CSICS Digest pp.183-186, Monterey, CA, October 2008. (invited)
A. Tomkins, P. Garcia and S.P. Voinigescu, "A 94GHz SPST Switch in 65nm Bulk CMOS", IEEE CSICS Digest, pp.139-142, Monterey, CA, October 2008.
S. Shahramian, A.C. Carusone, P. Schvan, and S.P. Voinigescu, “ An 81Gb/s, 1.2V TIALA-retimer in Standard 65nm CMOS” IEEE CSICS Digest, pp. 215-218, Monetery, CA, October 2008.
G. Avenier, P. Chevalier, B. Vandelle, F. Brossard, L. Depoyan, M. Buczko, S. Boret, S. Montusclat, A. Margain, S.T. Nicolson, K.H.K. Yau, D. Gloria, D. Dutartre, S.P. Voinigescu and A. Chantre, 0.13m SiGe BiCMOS technology for mm-wave applications,?” IEEE BCTM, Monterey, CA, October 2008 (invited).
A. Hart and S.P. Voinigescu, “A SiGe BiCMOS Operational Amplifier with 48dB of Gain and 9GHz Unity Gain Bandwidth” 2008 IEEE BCTM, Monterey, CA, October 2008.
A. Tomkins, R.A. Aroca, T. Yamamoto, S.T. Nicolson, Y. Doi, S.P. Voinigescu, “A Zero-IF 60GHz Transceiver in 65nm CMOS with > 3.5Gb/s Links,” IEEE CICC Digest, pp. 471-474, San Jose, CA, September 2008.
P. Garcia, A. Chantre, S. Pruvost, P. Chevalier, S.T. Nicolson, S.P. Voinigescu, C. Garnier, “Will BiCMOS stay competitive for mmW applications?”, IEEE CICC, San Jose, CA, September 2008. (invited)
R.A. Aroca, A. Tomkins, Y. Doi, T. Yamamoto and S.P. Voinigescu, “Circuit Performance Characterization of Digital 45-nm CMOS Technology for Applications around 110 GHz,” IEEE VLSI Circuits Symposium Digest, pp.162-163, Honolulu, June 2008.
S.T. Nicolson, A. Tomkins, K.W. Tang, A. Cathelin, D. Belot, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 1.2V, 140GHz Receiver with On-Die Antenna in 65nm CMOS,” IEEE RFIC Symposium, Digest, pp.239-242, June 2008.
E. Laskin, K.W. Tang, P. Chevalier, A. Chantre, B. Sautreuil, and S.P. Voinigescu, “170-GHz Transceiver with On-Chip Antennas in SiGe Technology,” IEEE RFIC Symposium, Digest, pp.637-640, June 2008.
A. Hart and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 1GHz Bandwidth Low-Pass ∆Σ ADC with 20GHz to 50GHz Adjustable Sampling Rate,” IEEE RFIC Symposium, Digest, pp.181-184, June 2008.
T. Chalvatzis and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 4.5 to 5.8 GHz Tunable ΔΣ Digital Receiver with Q Enhancement,” pp. IEEE IMS, June 2008. (2nd. Best Student Paper Award)
E. Laskin, M. Khanpour, R. Aroca, K.W. Tang, P. Garcia, S.P. Voinigescu, “95GHz Receiver with Fundamental Frequency VCO and Static Frequency Divider in 65nm Digital CMOS,” IEEE ISSCC Digest, pp.180-181, Feb. 2008. (Beatrice Winner Award)
S.T. Nicolson, P. Chevalier, A. Chantre, B. Sautreuil and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 77-79GHz Doppler Radar Transceiver in Silicon,” IEEE CSICS, pp. 252-255, Oct. 2007. Slides & paper
M. Khanpour, S.P. Voinigescu, and M.T. Yang, ''A High-Gain, Low-Noise, +6dBm PA in 90nm CMOS for 60-GHz Radio,” IEEE CSICS, pp. 121-124, Oct. 2007. Slides & paper
R.A. Aroca and S.P. Voinigescu, ''A Large Swing 40-Gb/s SiGe BiCMOS Driver with Adjustable Pre-Emphasis for Data Transmission over 75W Coaxial Cable,” IEEE CSICS, pp. 169-172, Oct. 2007. Slides & paper
K.W. Tang, M. Khanpour, P. Garcia, C. Garnier, and S.P. Voinigescu, ''65-nm CMOS, W-Band Receivers for Imaging Applications,” IEEE CICC, pp.749-752, San Jose, CA, Sept. 2007. Slides & paper
S.P. Voinigescu, R. Aroca, T.O. Dickson, S.T. Nicolson, T. Chalvatzis, P. Chevalier, P. Garcia, C. Garnier, and B. Sautreuil, ''Towards a sub-2.5V, 100-Gb/s Serial Transceiver,” IEEE CICC, pp.471-478, San Jose, CA, Sept. 2007 (invited). Slides & paper
T. Chalvatzis, T.O. Dickson, and S.P. Voinigescu, ''A 2-GHz Direct Sampling Delta-Sigma Tunable Receiver with 40-GHz Sampling Clock and on-chip PLL,” IEEE VLSI Symp. Digest, pp.54-55, Kyoto, Japan, June. 2007. Slides & paper
E. Laskin, P. Chevalier, A. Chantre, B. Sautreuil and S.P. Voinigescu, “80-GHz/160-GHz Transceiver in SiGe HBT Technology,” IEEE RFIC Symp. Digest, pp. 153-156, Honolulu, HI, June. 2007. Slides & paper
S.T. Nicolson, K.K.W. Tang, K.H.K. Yau, P. Chevalier, B. Sautreuil and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 2.5V 77GHz Automotive Radar Chipset,” IEEE Int. Microwave Symp. Digest, pp.487-490, Honolulu, HI, June. 2007. Slides & paper
S.P. Voinigescu, S.T. Nicolson, M. Khanpour, K.K.W. Tang, K.H.K. Yau, N. Seyedfathi, A.Timonov, A. Nachman, G. Eleftheriades, P. Schvan, and M.T. Yang, ''CMOS SOCs at 100 GHz: System Architectures, Device Characterization, and IC Design Examples,'' IEEE ISCAS, New Orleans, pp.1971-1974, May 2007 (invited) Slides & paper
K. H. K. Yau, A. M. Mangan, P. Chevalier, P. Schvan, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A Scalable Transmission-Line Based Technique for De-Embedding Noise Parameters,” Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, pp. 237-242, Japan, March 2007. paper
K. H. K. Yau, K. K. W. Tang, P. Schvan, P. Chevalier, B. Sautreuil and S. P. Voinigescu, “The Invariance of the Noise Impedance in n-MOSFETs across Technology Nodes and its Application to the Algorithmic Design of Tuned Low Noise Amplifiers,” Si Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, pp. 245-248, Jan. 2007. paper
P. Chevalier, B. Barbalat, M. Laurens, B. Vandelle, L. Rubaldo, B. Geynet, S.P. Voinigescu, T.O. Dickson, N. Zerounian, S. Chouteau, D. Dutartre, A. Monroy, B. Sautreui1, F. Aniel, G. Dambrine, and A. Chantre, “High-Speed SiGe BiCMOS Technologies: 120-nm Status and End-of-Roadmap Challenges,” Si Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, pp.18-23, Jan. 2007. (invited) paper
P. Chevalier, D. Gloria, P. Scheer, S.P. Voinigescu, T.O. Dickson, E. Laskin, S.T. Nicolson, T. Chalvatzis, K.H.K. Yau, S. Pruvost, F. Gianesello, F. Pourchon, P. Garcia, J.-C. Vildeuil, A. Chantre, C. Garnier, and O. Noblanc “Advanced SiGe BiCMOS and CMOS platforms for Optical and Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits,” IEEE CSICS, pp. 12-15, Nov. 2006 (invited). Paper
S.T. Nicolson and S.P. Voinigescu, “Methodology for Simultaneous Noise and Impedance Matching in W-Band LNAs,” IEEE CSICS, San Antonio, pp. 279-282, Nov. 2006. Slides & Paper
T.O. Dickson and S.P. Voinigescu., “Low-power circuits for a 10.7-to-86 Gb/s 80-Gb/s serial transmitter in 130-nm SiGe BiCMOS,” IEEE CSICS, pp.235-238, Nov. 2006. Slides & Paper
D. Alldred, B. Cousins and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 1.2V, 60GHz radio receiver with on-chip transformers and inductors in 90nm CMOS,” IEEE CSICS, pp.51-54, Nov. 2006. Slides & Paper
K.W. Tang, S. Leung, N. Tieu, P. Schvan, and S.P. Voinigescu, “Frequency Scaling and Topology Comparison of mm-wave CMOS VCOs,” IEEE CSICS, pp.55-58, Nov. 2006. Slides & Paper
S.T. Nicolson, K.H.K. Yau, P. Chevalier, A. Chantre, B. Sautreuil, and S.P. Voinigescu., “Design and Scaling of SiGe BiCMOS VCOs Operating near 100 GHz,” IEEE BCTM Digest, pp.142-145, Oct. 2006. (Best Student Paper Award) Slides & Paper
E. Laskin, S.T. Nicolson, P. Chevalier, A. Chantre, B. Sautreuil, and S.P. Voinigescu. “Low-Power, Low-Phase Noise SiGe HBT Static Frequency Divider Topologies up to 100 GHz,” IEEE BCTM Digest, pp.235-238, Oct. 2006. Slides & Paper
S.P. Voinigescu, T. Chalvatzis, K.H.K. Yau, A. Hazneci, A. Garg, S. Shahramian, T. Yao, M. Gordon, T.O. Dickson, E. Laskin, S.T. Nicolson, A.C. Carusone, L. Tchoketch-Kebir, O. Yuryevich, G. Ng, B. Lai, and P.Liu, “SiGe BiCMOS for Analog, High-Speed Digital and Millimetre-Wave Applications Beyond 50 GHz,” IEEE BCTM Digest, pp.223-230, Oct. 2006. (Invited). Slides & Paper
T. Chalvatzis, K.H.K. Yau, P. Schvan, M.T. Yang, and S. P. Voinigescu, “A 40-Gb/s Decision Circuit in 90-nm CMOS,” IEEE ESSCIRC Digest, pp.512-515, Sept. 2006. Slides & Paper
S. Shahramian, S.P. Voinigescu and A.C. Carusone, “A 30-GSamples/Sec Track and Hold Amplifier in 0.13mm CMOS Technology,” IEEE CICC Digest, pp. 493-496, San Jose, CA, Sept. 2006. Slides & Paper
F. Pera and S.P. Voinigescu, “An SOI CMOS, High Gain and Low Noise Transimpedance-Limiting Amplifier for 10Gb/s Applications,” IEEE RFIC Symposium Digest, pp. 401-404, June 2006.
T. Chalvatzis and S.P. Voinigescu, A Low-Noise 40-GS/s Continuous-Time Bandpass ΔΣ ADC Centered at 2GHz,” IEEE RFIC Symposium Digest, pp. 323-326, June 2006. (2nd Best Student Paper Award). Slides & Paper
T. Yao, M. Gordon, K. Yau, M.T. Yang, and S.P. Voinigescu “60-GHz PA and LNA in 90-nm RF-CMOS,” IEEE RFIC Symposium Digest, pp. 147-150, June 2006. Slides & Paper
T. Yao, L.Tchoketch-Kebir, O. Yuryevich, M.Q. Gordon, and S.P. Voinigescu, “65GHz Doppler Radar Transceiver with On-Chip Antenna in 0.18μm SiGe BiCMOS,” IEEE IMS Digest, pp.1493-1496, June 2006 Slides & Paper
M.Q. Gordon, T. Yao, and S.P. Voinigescu,”65-GHz Receiver in SiGe BiCMOS Using Monolithic Inductors and Transformers” Si Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, Technical Digest pp.265-268, Jan. 2006. (Best Student Paper Award). Slides & Paper
T.O. Dickson and S.P. Voinigescu,”SiGe BiCMOS Topologies for Low-Voltage Millimeter-Wave Voltage-Controlled Oscillators and Frequency Dividers” Si Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, Technical Digest pp.273-276, Jan. 2006. Paper
G. Ng., B. Lai, P. Liu, and S.P. Voinigescu, ”1 GHz Opamp-Based Bandpass Filter,” Si Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, Technical Digest pp.369-372, Jan. 2006. Paper
K.H.K. Yau and S.P. Voinigescu, ”Modeling and Extraction of SiGe HBT Noise Parameters from Measured Y-Parameters and Accounting for Noise Correlation,” Si Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, Technical Digest pp.226-229, Jan. 2006. Paper
A. Garg, A.C. Carusone, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 1-Tap 40-Gbs Lookahead Decision Feedback Equalizer in 0.18mm SiGe BiCMOS Technology,” IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium, Technical Digest, pp.37-41, Nov.2005. Slides & Paper
S. Shahramian, A.C. Carusone, and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 40-GSamples/Sec Track & Hold Amplifier in 0.18mm SiGe BiCMOS Technology,” IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium, Technical Digest, pp.101-104, Nov. 2005 (Best Paper Award). Paper
E. Laskin and S.P. Voinigescu, “A 60 mW per Lane, 4 × 23-Gb/s 27-1 PRBS Generator,” IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium, Technical Digest, pp.192-195, Nov. 2005. Slides & Paper
S.P. Voinigescu, R. Beerkens, T. O. Dickson, and T. Chalvatzis, “Design Methodology and Applications of SiGe BiCMOS Cascode Opamps with up to 37-GHz Unity Gain Bandwidth,” IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium, Technical Digest, pp.283-286, Nov. 2005. Slides & Paper
S.P. Voinigescu, T.O. Dickson, T. Chalvatzis, A. Hazneci, E. Laskin, R. Beerkens, and I. Khalid, “Algorithmic Design Methodologies and Design Porting of Wireline Transceiver IC Building Blocks Between Technology Nodes,” IEEE CICC, pp.111-118, San Jose, CA, Sept. 2005 (Invited). Slides & Paper
S.P. Voinigescu, M. Gordon, C. Lee, T. Yao, A. Mangan, and K. Yau, “System-on-Chip Design Beyond 50 GHz,” International Workshop on SOC, pp.10-13, Banff, July 20, 2005 (Invited) Slides & Paper
M.T. Yang, Patricia P.C. Ho, T.J. Yeh, Y.J. Wang, Darryl C. W. Kuo, C. W. Kuo, S.C. Yang, Alain Mangan, Sorin P. Voinigescu, Sally Liu, “On the Millimeter-Wave Characteristics and Model of On-Chip Interconnect Transmission Lines Up to 110 GHz,” IEEE MTT-S Digest, paper:TH3F-1 June 2005.
M. Racanelli, S. Voinigescu and P. Kempf, “High Performance SiGe BiCMOS Technology,” IEEE/ACES International Conference on Wireless Communications and Applied Computational Electromagnetics, Honolulu, Hawaii, April. 2005, (Invited)
T.O. Dickson, E. Laskin, I. Khalid1, R. Beerkens1, J. Xie1, B. Karajica1, S.P. Voinigescu, “A 72Gb/s 231-1 PRBS Generator in SiGe BiCMOS Technology”, ISSCC-Digest, pp.342-343, 2005. paper.pdf
A. Hazneci and S. P. Voinigescu, 49-Gb/s, 7-Tap Transversal Filter in 0.18mm SiGe BiCMOS for Backplane Equalization IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium, Monterey, CA, Technical Digest, pp.101-104, Oct.2004, paper (pdf) and slides
C. Lee, T. Yao, A. Mangan, K. Yau, M. A. Copeland, and S. P. Voinigescu, “SiGe BiCMOS 65-GHz BPSK Transmitter and 30 to 122 GHz LC-Varactor VCOs with up to 21% Tuning Range,” IEEE Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Symposium, Monterey, CA, Technical Digest, pp.179-182, Oct. 2004 (invited) paper and slides
Paul Westergaard, Timothy O. Dickson, and Sorin P. Voinigescu, “A 1.5-V, 20/30-Gb/s CMOS Backplane Driver with Digital Pre-emphasis,” Proceedings of the IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, pp.23-26, Orlando, FL, Oct. 2004. paper.pdf
S.P. Voinigescu, T.O. Dickson, and R. Beerkens, I. Khalid, and P. Westergaard, “A Comparison of Si CMOS, SiGe BiCMOS, and InP HBTs Technologies for High-Speed and Millimeter-wave ICs,” Si Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, pp.111-114, Atlanta, GA, Sept. 2004. (Invited) paper (pdf) and slides
M. Gordon and S.P. Voinigescu, “An Inductor-based 52-GHz, 0.18 mm SiGe BiCMOS Cascode LNA with 22 dB Gain,” IEEE ESSCIRC, pp.287-291, Leuven, Belgium, Sept. 2004. paper (pdf) and slides
T. O. Dickson, R. Beerkens, and S. P. Voinigescu, “A 2.5-V, 40-Gb/s Decision Circuit Using SiGe BiCMOS Logic”, VLSI Symposium, Digest of Papers, pp. 206-209, June 2004, (Best Student Paper Award). paper
M.T. Yang, T.J. Yeh, Y. J. Wang, Patricia P.C. Ho, Y. R. Lin, Darry C.W. Kuo, Sorin P. Voinigescu, Mihai Tazlauanu, Y.T. Chia, K.L. Young, “Foundry 0.13 um CMOS Modeling for MS/Wave SOC Design at 10 GHz and Beyond”, RFIC Symposium, Digest of Papers, pp.167-170, June 2004.
T. O. Dickson, M.-A. LaCroix, S. Boret, D. Gloria, R. Beerkens, and S. P. Voinigescu, “Si-based Inductors and Transformers for 30-100 GHz Applications”, IEEE MTT-S Digest, pp. 205-208, June 2004, (Best Student Paper Finalist) paper
M.T. Yang, P.C. Ho, C.K. Lin, T.J. Yeh, S.P. Voinigescu, M. Tazlauanu, Y.T. Chia, K.L. Young, “BSIM4 High-Frequency Model Verification for 0.13 um RF-CMOS Technology,” IEEE MTT-S Digest, pp. 1049-1052 June 2004.
S.P. Voinigescu, M. Tazlauanu, P.C. Ho, and M.T. Yang,“Direct Extraction Methodology for Geometry-Scalable RF-CMOS Models”, Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, Vol.17, pp.235-240, March 2004. paper.
H. Tran, F. Pera, D.S. McPherson, D. Viorel, and S. P. Voinigescu, “6-kOhm, 43-Gb/s Differential Transimpedance-Limiting Amplifier with Auto-Zero Feedback and High Dynamic Range,” IEEE GaAs IC Symp., pp. 241-244, Nov. 2003. paper and slides
D.S. McPherson, F.Pera, M. TazlaLuca Lucci (CEA-LETI Employee) <>uanu and S. P. Voinigescu, "A 3V Fully Differential Distributed Limiting Driver for 40 Gb/s Optical Transmission Systems, IEEE GaAs IC Symp., Technical Digest, pp.95-98, Oct. 2002. paper (pdf) and slides
S.P. Voinigescu, P. Popescu, P. Banens, M. Copeland, G. Fortier, K. Howlett, M. Herod, D. Marchesan, J. Showell, S. Szilagyi, H. Tran, and J. Weng, "Circuits and Technologies for Highly Integrated Optical Networking ICs at 10Gb/s to 40Gb/s," Proc. of the IEEE CICC, pp.331-338, May 2001. (invited) (Best Paper Award) paper (pdf) and slides
S.P. Voinigescu, D. Marchesan and M. A. Copeland, " A family of Monolithic Inductor-Varactor SiGe-HBT VCOs for 20GHz to 30GHz LMDS and Fiber-Optic Receiver Applications," RFIC Symposium, Digest of Papers, 2000. paper (pdf)
S.P. Voinigescu, M.A. Copeland, D. Marchesan, P. Popescu, and M. C. Maliepaard, "5GHz SiGe HBT Monolithic Radio Transceiver With Tunable Filtering," RFIC Symposium, Digest of Papers, pp.131-134, 1999. paper (pdf)
S.P. Voinigescu et al., "Process- and Geometry Scalable Bipolar Transistor and Transmission Line Models for Si and SiGe MMICs in the 5- 22GHz Range," Proc. of IEDM, pp.307-310, 1998. paper.pdf.
R. Hadaway, P.Schvan, S.Voinigescu, Y.Greshishchev, D.Marchesan, J.Ojha, P.Dawe, "Application of SiGe HBTs to Datacom and Wireless", MRS, San Francisco, April 1998.
S.P.Voinigescu, and M.C.Maliepaard, "5.8GHz and 12.6GHz Si Bipolar MMICs," ISSCC-Digest, pp.372-373, 1997. paper.pdf.
S.P. Voinigescu, M.C. Maliepaard, J.L. Showell, G. Babcock, D. Marchesan, M. Schroter, P. Schvan, and D.L. Harame, "A Scalable High Frequency Noise Model for Bipolar Transistors with Application to Optimal Transistor Sizing for Low-noise Amplifier Design," BCTM Proceedings, pp.61-64, 1996.
S.P. Voinigescu, S.W. Tarasewicz, T. MacElwee, and J. Ilowski, "An Assessment of the State-of-the-Art 0.5 um Bulk CMOS Technology for RF Applications", International Electron Device Meeting, IEDM, Washington DC, pp.721-724,1995. paper.pdf.
D. Harame, ..., S. Voinigescu, et. al, "SiGe HBT Technology: Device and Application Issues", invited paper at the International Electron Device Meeting, IEDM, Washington DC, 1995. paper.pdf
D.J. Walkey, M. Schroter, and S.P. Voinigescu, "Predictive Modelling of Lateral Scaling in Bipolar Transistors,"1995 Bipolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting, BCTM, Minneapolis, MN, 1995.
S.P. Voinigescu, C.A.T. Salama, J.-P. Noel, and T.I. Kamins, "Optimized Ge Channel Profiles for VLSI Compatible Si/SiGe p-MOSFET's, "Proceedings of the International Electron Device Meeting, IEDM, pp.369-372, 1994. paper.pdf.
S.P. Voinigescu, C.A.T. Salama, J.-P. Noel, and T.I. Kamins, "Si/SiGe/Si p-MOSFET with Triangular Ge Channel Profiles," Proceedings of ESSDERC-94, Edinburgh, UK, 1994.
S. Voinigescu, P.B. Rabkin, C.A.T. Salama, and P. Blakey, "2D Numerical Investigation of Gate Structure, Band Alignment and Doping Effects on the Transconductance and Cutoff Frequency of Submicrometer Si/SiGe FET's,"Proceedings of ESSDERC-93, p.361, Grenoble, France, 1993.
S. Voinigescu and C.A.T. Salama, "Optimal channel grading in p-type Si/SiGe metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs)," Sixth Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 1992.
M. Schumacher, S. Voinigescu, and C.A.T. Salama, "Type II SiGe HBT's," Sixth, Canadian Semiconductor Technology Conference, Ottawa, Canada, 1992.
S. Voinigescu, A. Muller, and C. Anton, "Auger recombination in heavily-doped p+ silicon," GADEST, East-Germany, 1989.
S. Voinigescu, A. Muller, "The influence of heavy-doping effects on the accurate design of narrow-base PIN diodes," MIKON, Gdansk, Poland, 1988.
S. Voinigescu, R. Cacoveanu, A. Ioachim, V. Tone,“X-band waveguide QPSK modulator,” Proceedings of the Eighth Colloquium on Microwave Communication (pp.303-304). Amsterdam: Elsevier. xxii+508pp, 1986.
S. Voinigescu, N. Marin, “Design considerations for microwave and MM-wave BARITT-type diodes. X-band experimental results,” Proceedings of the Eighth Colloquium on Microwave Communication (pp.381-382). Amsterdam: Elsevier. Xxii+508 pp.1986.