University of Toronto
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
ECE1762: Algorithms and Data Structures
Fall 2016
I will host office hours Tuesday December 13 from 5-7PM in PT463.
Grades have been updated. Check to make sure all of your grades are entered correctly.
The exam is on Thursday at 6PM. Be on time and bring ID. The following topics will not be covered:
Machine learning, dynamic programming, amortized analysis, and approximation algorithms.
There will be a tutorial on December 7 for homework 5 and additional NP-completeness material.
There will be a tutorial on December 12 to help with homework 5 and final exam review. It is in SS-1083.
For homework 4 question 5, the PDF has been updated with the page number in the 3rd edition of CLRS
Homework 5 is released, due December 13, 3:30PM. This is a hard deadline as solutions
will be posted at 4PM to maximize the time you can study them before the exam.
There will be tutorial Wednesday, November 30 after class, starting at 7:15PM
I will also hold office hours Friday November 25 from 2-5PM at PT-463
I will hold office hours Tuesday November 22 from 1-3PM at PT-463
See the handout here
for a summary of the Theory of Computation covered today (November 21)
The final exam will take place December 15 6-9PM at BA-1180.
The first floor of Bahen can be difficult to navigate so arrive early.
A handout on machine learning has been posted in the handouts section. It will be covered on November 14
Grades are updated with homework 2 marks
Reminder: The midterm will be November 16, in-class. Follow the instructions here.
Very important: be on time and bring ID.
Homework 4 is released, due December 5 at 4PM.
There will no longer be a tutorial following the lecture on November 9. I will host office hours 5-6PM on November 9 at PT463 and take extra time after the lecture November 14 for midterm review.
The class on November 14 will no longer be a tutorial. It will be a lecture introducing machine learning.
There will be a tutorial following the lecture on November 9
Grades are posted here. The leftmost column is the last 4 digits of your student number.
Homework 3 released, due November 14. Solutions will be posted at 4:15PM so submissions even slightly late will not be accepted.
There will be an extra tutorial hour after class November 9 at 7:45
The class on October 31 will be tutorial
The lecture is in BA-1220 today (Monday, October 24)
The midterm will be November 16, in-class. See below for material covered
The class on October 12 will be a tutorial
Homework 2 released, due October 21. It is a long, long, long homework so start soon
Question 4 updated (max is initialized to -infinity instead of infinity)
Question 5 updated (to reference binary trees, part (b) partition factor changed from 3/4 to 2/3)
Homework 1 due date extended to October 3
The class on Setember 28 will be a tutorial
Grades ---
Old announcements ---
Reading Assignments
Lecture Notes
(Thanks to Hao Jun Liu! 46Mb PDF file)
Course Information
Professor: Andreas Veneris, veneris(AT)eecg(DOT)toronto(DOT)edu, SF-2001
Teaching Assistant: Ryan Berryhill, ryan(AT)eecg(DOT)toronto(DOT)edu, PT463
Admin: Mrs Duba Burin, dubravka(DOT)burin(AT)utoronto(DOT)ca, SF-2001
Class meets every Monday 4pm-6pm at SF-1105
and every Wednesday 6pm-8pm at MC-254
However, there will be some exceptions with respect to the location (time remains the same), as follows:
--- Oct 24: BA-1220 Bahen Centre
--- Dec 12: SS-1083 Sidney Smith
--- Dec 14: SS-1083 Sidney Smith
Every other week or so, some lecture
will be allocated for tutorial time. Some lectures may be
cancelled (they will be announced in class and here)
Here is the detailed course information handout
This is a quick description .
Tutorials, Handouts and Resources
Problem sets will be addressed in tutorials.
Check with the newsgroup for tutorial dates and problems solved.
Attempt these problems before hand. Other class handouts are
released here as well.
Homeworks can be long and challenging.
Have your questions prepared for the weekly
tutorials. No late homeworks will be accepted. Credit of each
homework (for overall homework weight) is shown in parentheses.
You can submit homeworks either in class or to the drop box labeled ECE 1762 in
Sandford Fleming down the hall from the ECE undergraduate office (the corridor
that connects SF to Galbraith)
before the deadline.
Homeworks are to be done in pairs.
- Homework 1 (20% credit, Due: October 3 by 4pm (in box))
- Homework 2 (20% credit, Due: October 21 by 4pm (in box))
- Homework 3 (20% credit, Due: November 14, 4pm (in box))
- Homework 4 (25% credit, Due: December 5, 4pm (in box))
- Homework 5 (15% credit, Due: December 13, 3:30pm sharp (in box))
Exams consist of few problems similar to those found in homeworks and
- Midterm will take place on Wednesday November 16 in class, at 6-8:30pm.
It will cover all material that we did from beginning of class, up to and including amortized analysis.
Roughly speaking, this includes all background material, heaps, sorting/searching, hashing, BSTs/RBTs, Greedy, Dynamic, amortized analysis.
- Exam will start exactly at 6:10pm and it will be 100 minutes. Be at your room by 6pm sharp and do not be late. No extensions will be given.
- You will NEED have some kind of PHOTO ID (UofT, driver's license, passport, etc), otherwise you will not be able to take the exam.
- You are allowed to bring your textbook (print form if e-book), lecture notes, your personal lecture notes, the handouts we have given to you. Nothing else is permitted.
- You can use a pen or pencil. Absolutely no electronic devices, including cell phones, are allowed on your desk. You will be asked to leave your other belongings (jackets, back-packs etc)
at a corner of the room before the exam starts. TURN OFF your cell phone before you leave it away.
- How to best prepare for the exam: study old midterms (from ece345, to understand the style of the exam) and the homeworks we gave you. Do practice problems and
attend tutorials with your questions. Sleep well!
Emotional support....
Newton's Laws of Graduation
Graduate life (revisited)
Dancing with the ... Algorithms
Fun with exams!
Fun with grad school!
PhD stuff...
.... and swimming
25 Ph.D. Problems
More fun