Selected Conference
Papers |
- R.K.X.Li, S.F.Singh, A.Park and A.Veneris, ``On
Tokenizing Securities in Contemporary Decentralized
Finance Ecosystems,'' in
IEEE Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS), 2024
- X.Deng, S.M.Beillahi, H.Du, C.Minwalla, A.Veneris and F.Long,
``Analysis of DeFi Oracles,'' Bank of Canada Staff Discussion
Paper, July 2024, at
Bank of Canada
- X.Deng, S.M.Beillahi, H.Du, C.Minwalla, A.Veneris and F.Long,
``Safeguarding DeFi Smart Contracts against Oracle Deviations,
ACM/IEEE Proceedings of the 46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), (PDF) (recipient of the
ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award)
- P.Michalopoulos, O.Olowookere, N.Pocher,
J.Sedlmeir, A.Veneris, and P.Puri,
``Compliance Design Options for Offline CBDCs:
Balancing Privacy and AML/CFT,'' in
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and
Cryptocurrency 2024 (PDF) also
at SSRN (recipient of Best Paper Award)
- S.F.Singh, P.Michalopoulos, and A.Veneris,
``BAKUP: Automated, Flexible, and Capital-Efficient
Insurance Protocol for Decentralized Finance,'' in
IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and
Cryptocurrency 2024 (PDF)
- X.Deng, Z.Zhao, S.M.Beillahi, H.Du, C.Minwalla, K.Nelaturu,
A.Veneris and F. Long, ``A Robust Front-Running Methodology for Malicious Flash-Loan DeFi Attacks,'' in IEEE International Conference on Decentralized Applications and Infrastructures (DAPPS),
2023, (PDF)
- K.Nelaturu, E.Keilty, and A.Veneris,
``Natural Language-based Model-Checking
Framework for Move Smart Contracts,''
in the 10th IEEE Conference on Software Defined Systems (SDS), 2023
- J.Chen, J.Hull, Z.Poulos, H.Rasul, A.Veneris, Y.Wu,
``A Variational Autoencoder Approach to Conditional Generation of Possible Future Volatility Surfaces,'' in SSRN, Nov.9, 2023,,
- E.Keilty, K.Nelaturu, A.Kastania and A.Veneris,
``Gas Optimization Patterns in Move Smart Contracts on
the Aptos Blockchain,'' in IEEE
Conference on Blockchain Research &
Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS), 2023
- S. F. Singh, P. Michalopoulos, A. Veneris, ``DEEPER: Enhancing Liquidity in Concentrated Liquidity AMM
DEX via Sharing,'' in 1st IEEE International Workshop on Cryptocurrency and Exchanges
(CRYPTOEX), 2023 (PDF) (recipient of best paper award)
- S. F. Singh, P. Michalopoulos, S. M. Beillahi, A. Veneris, and F. Long, ``Mobius: an Atomic State Sharding
Design for Account-Based Blockchains,'' in IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and
Cryptocurrency 2023 (PDF)
- P.Michalopoulos, S.F.Singh, and A.Veneris,
``Inducing Trust in Blockchain-enabled IoT
Marketplaces Through Reputation and Dispute
Resolution,'' in IEEE International Conference on Metaverse Computing,
Networking and Applications (METACOM), 2023 (PDF)
- E. Keilty, K. Nelaturu, B. Wu and A. Veneris, ``A Model-Checking Framework for the Verification of Move
Smart Contracts,'' in 13th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS),
2022 (PDF)
- E. Keilty, K. Nelaturu, B. Wu and A. Veneris, ``WIP: A Model-Checking Framework for the Verification of
Move Smart Contracts,'' in Crypto Economics Security Conference (CESC), 2022
- Z. Zhao, S. M. Beillahi, R. Song, Y. Cai, A. Veneris, and F. Long, ``SigVM: Enabling Event-Driven
Execution for Truly Decentralized Smart Contracts'' in ACM SIGPLAN conference on Object-oriented
Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), 2022 (PDF)
- P. Michalopoulos, J. Meijers, S. F. Singh, and A. Veneris, ``A V2X Reputation System with Privacy
Considerations,'' in 13th International Conference on Software Engineering and Service Science (ICSESS),
2022 (PDF)
- J.A.Choi, S.M.Beillahi, P.Li, A.Veneris and F.Long,
``LMPTs: Eliminating Storage Bottlenecks
for Processing Blockchain Transactions,'' in IEEE
Int'l Conference on Blockchain and
Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 2022 (PDF)
(Recipient of Best Paper Award)
- S.M.Beillahi, E.Keilty, K.Nelaturu, A.Veneris
and F.Long, ``Automated Auditing of Price Gouging
TOD Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts,'' in IEEE
Int'l Conference on Blockchain and
Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 2022 (PDF)
- K.Nelaturu, S.M.Beillahi, F.Long and A.Veneris,
``Smart Contracts Refinement for Gas Optimization,''
Conference on Blockchain Research &
Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS), 2021,
- J.Meijers, E.Au, Y.Cai, H-A. Jacobsen, S. Motepalli, R. Sun,
A. Veneris, G. Zhang and S. Zhang,
``Blockchain for V2X: A Taxonomy of
Design Use Cases and System Requirements,'' in IEEE
Conference on Blockchain Research &
Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS), 2021,
- N.Pocher, and A.Veneris, ``Privacy and Transparency in CBDCs:
A Regulation-by-Design AML/CFT Scheme,'' in IEEE
Int'l Conference on Blockchain and
Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 2021 (PDF)
- J.Meijers, G.D.Putra, G.Kotsialou, S.Kanhere, and A.Veneris
``Cost-Effective Blockchain-based IoT Data Marketplaces with a
Credit Invariant,'' in IEEE Int'l Conference on Blockchain and
Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 2021 (PDF)
- Y.Cai, G.Fragkos, E.E.Tsiropoulou, A.Veneris, ``A Truth-Inducing Sybil Resistant
Decentralized Blockchain Oracle,'' in IEEE Conference on Blockchain Research
& Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS), 2020
Recipient of best paper award.
- Y.Cai, F.Long, A.Park and A.Veneris, ``Engineering Ecoomics in
the Conflux Network,'' in IEEE Conference on Blockchain Research
& Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS), 2020
- K.Nelaturu, A.Mavridou, A.Veneris and A.Laszka, ``Verified
Development and Deployment of Multiple Interacting Smart Contracts
with VeriSolid,'' in IEEE Int'l Conference on Blockchain
and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 2020, (PDF)
- R.Berryhill, and A.Veneris, ``Chasing Minimal Inductive Validity
Cores in Hardware Model Checking,'' in Formal Methods in CAD (FMCAD), 2019
- N.Veira, B.Keng, K.Padmanabhan and A.Veneris, ``Unsupervised Emdedding
Enhancements of Knowledge Graphs using Textual Associations,'' in
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019
- M.Merlini, N.Veira, R.Berryhill and A.Veneris, ``On Public
Decentralized Ledger Oracles via a Paired-Question Protocol,'' in
IEEE Int'l Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC), 2019
- N.Veira, Z.Poulos and A.Veneris, ``Suspect2vec: A Suspect
Prediction Model for Directed RTL Debugging,'' in IEEE/ACM
Aeian-South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), 2019
- J.Adler, R.Berryhill, A.Veneris, Z.Poulos, N.Veira and A.Kastania,
``ASTRAEA: A Decentralized Blockchain Oracle,'' in IEEE Int'l
Conference on Blockchain, 2018 (PDF)
- R.Berryhill, A.Ivrii and A.Veneris, ``Finding All Minimal Safe
Inductive Sets,'' in the 21st International Conference on
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, 2018
- N.Veira, Z.Poulos and A.Veneris, ``Suspect Set Prediction in RTL
Bug Hunting,'' in IEEE/ACM Design and Test in Europe (DATE), 2018
- R.Berryhill, A.Ivrii, N.Veira, and A.Veneris, ``Learning Support Sets in IC3 and Quip: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly,'' in Formal Methods in CAD (FMCAD), 2017 (PDF)
- R.Berryhill, N.Veira, A.Veneris and Z.Poulos, ``Learning Lemma Support
Graphs in Quip and IC3,'' in IEEE Int'l Workshop on Verification
and Security, 2017 (PDF)
- J.Adler, R.Berryhill and A.Veneris, 'An Extensible Perceptron Framework for Revision RTL Debug Automation,'' in ASPDAC'17 (PDF)
- Z.Poulos, R.Berryhill, J.Adler, and A.Veneris, ``On Simulation-based Metrics that
Characterize Behavior of RTL Errors,'' in Summer Simulation Multi Conference,
2016 (PDF)
- J.Adler, R.Berryhill, and A.Veneris, ``Revision Debug with Non-Linear
Version History in Regression Verification,'' in IEEE Int'l Workshop on
Verification and Security, 2016 (PDF)
- R.Berryhill and A.Veneris, ``Efficient Selection of Suspect Sets in Unreachable
State Diagnosis,'' in Int'l Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and
Mathematics (ISAIM), 2016 (PDF)
- J.Adler, D.Maksimovic, and A.Veneris, ``Root-Cause Analysis for Memory-Locked
Errors,'' in IEEE/ACM Design and Test in Europe (DATE), 2016
- R.Berryhill and A.Veneris, ``A Complete Approach to Unreachable State
Diagnosability via Property Directed Reachability,'' in IEEE/ACM Asian-South
Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), 2016 (PDF)
- L.V.Nguyen, D.Maksimovic, T.T.Johnson, and A.Veneris, ``Quantified
Bounded Model Checking for Rectangular Hybrid Automata,'' in IEEE Constraints
in Formal Verification (CFV) Workshop, 2015 (PDF)
- R.Berryhill and A.Veneris, ``Diagnosing Unreachable States Using
Property Directed Reachability,'' in IEEE Constraints
in Formal Verification (CFV) Workshop, 2015 (PDF)
- D. Maksimovic, A.Veneris and Z. Poulos, ``Clustering-based
Revision Debug in Regression Verification,'' in IEEE Int'l Conference
on Computer Design 2015 (ICCD), (PDF)
- Z.Poulos and A.Veneris, ``Mining Simulation Metrics for
Failure Triage in Regression Testing,'' in IEEE Int'l On-Line Test
Symposium (IOLTS) 2015 (PDF)
- B.Le, D. Maksimovic, D.Sengupta, E.Ergin, R.Berryhill and A.Veneris,
``Constructing Stability-based Clock Gating with Hierarchical Clustering,''
in IEEE Int'l Workshop on Power and Timing Modeling, Optimization and
Simulation 2015 (PDF)
- Z.Poulos and A.Veneris, ``Exemplar-based Failure Triage for Regression
Design Debugging,'' in IEEE Latin American Test Symposium, 2015
- R. Berryhill and A.Veneris, ``Automated Rectification Methodologies
to Functional State-Space Unreachability,'' in IEEE/ACM Design and Test
in Europe Conference, 2015 (PDF)
- D. Maksimovic, B. Le and A. Veneris, ``Multiple Clock Domain
Synchronization in a QBF-based Verification Environment,'' in
IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2014
- Z. Poulos and A. Veneris, ``Clustering-based Failure Triage for
RTL Regression Debugging,'' in IEEE Int'l Test Conference (ITC)
- Z.Poulos, Y.-S.Yang, A.Veneris and B.Le, ``Simulation and
Satisfiability Guided Counter-example Triage for RTL Design Debugging,''
in IEEE Int'l Symposium on Quality of Electronic Design (ISQED) 2014,
- B.Keng, E.Qin, A.Veneris and D.Maksimovic, ``Debugging Missing
Assumptionsin a Formal Verification Environment,'' in IEEE Constraints
in Formal Verification Workshop (CFV), 2013 (PDF)
- B.Keng, E.Qin, A.Veneris and B.Le, ``Automated Debugging of
Missing Assumptions,'' in IEEE/ACM Asian-South Pacific Design
Automation Conference (ASPDAC), 2014 (PDF)
- D.Sengupta, E.Ergin and A.Veneris, ``Early
Detection of Current Hot Spots in Power
Gated Designs,'' in IEEE Int'l Symposium on Low Power
Electronics and Design (ISLPED), 2013 (PDF)
- Z.Poulos, Y-.S.Yang and A.Veneris, ``A Failure Triage
Engine Based on Error Trace Signature Extraction,'' in
IEEE Int'l On-Line Test Symposium,
2013 (PDF)
- B.Le, D.Sengupta and A.Veneris, ``Accelerating Post Silicon
Debug of Deep Electrical Faults,'' in IEEE Int'l On-Line Test Symposium,
2013 (PDF)
- B.Le, D.Sengupta and A.Veneris, ``Reviving Erroneous Stability-based
Clock Gating using Partial Max-SAT,'', in IEEE/ACM Asian-South Pacific
Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC), 2013 (PDF)
- B.Keng and A.Veneris, ``Automated Debugging of Missing Input
Constraints in a Formal Verification Environment,'' in Formal Methods in
CAD (FMCAD), 2012 (PDF)
- B.Keng and A.Veneris, ``Path Directed Abstraction and
Refinement in SAT-based Design Debugging,'' in IEEE/ACM
Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2012
- D.Sengupta, Paula, A.J.Hu, A.Veneris and
A. Ivanov, ``Lazy Suspect-Set Computation: Fault Diagnosis
for Deep Electrical Bugs,'' in IEEE Great Lakes VLSI
Symposium, 2012 (PDF)
- B.Le, H.Mangassarian and A.Veneris, ``Non-Solution Implications
using Reverse Domination in a Modern SAT-based Debugging
Environent,'' in IEEE/ACM Design and Test in Europe (DATE) 2012,
- Z.Poulos, Y-S Yang, J. Anderson and A.Veneris, ``Leveraging
Reconfigurability to Raise Productivity in FPGA Functional
Debug,'' in IEEE/ACM Design and Test in Europe (DATE) 2012,
- B.Le, H.Mangassarian, B.Keng, and A.Veneris,
``Propelling SAT-based Debugging Using Reverse Domination,''
in IEEE Int'l Workshop on Constraints in Formal Verification,
2011 (PDF)
- H.Mangassarian, H.Yoshida, A.Veneris, S.Yamashita and M.Fujita,
``On Error Tolerance and Engineering Change with Partially Programmable
Circuits,'' in
IEEE/ACM Asian-South Pacific DAC 2012 (ASPDAC),
- Y.S.Yang, A.Veneris, N.Nicolici and M.Fujita, ``Automated Data
Analysis Techniques for a Modern Silicon Debug Environment,'' in
IEEE/ACM Asian-South Pacific DAC 2012 (ASPDAC, invited paper),
- B.Keng, D.E.Smith and A.Veneris, ``Efficient Debugging of
Multiple Design Errors,'' in IEEE Microprocessor Test and
Verification Workshop, 2011 (PDF)
- H.Mangassarian, A.Veneris, D.E.Smith, and
S.Safarpour ``Debugging
with Dominance: On-the-fly Debug Solution Implications,'' in
IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD),
2011 (PDF)
- D.Sengupta, A.Veneris, S.Wilton, A.Ivanov, R.Saleh, ``Sequence
Pair Based Voltage Island Floorplanning,'' in IEEE International
Green Computing Conference, 2011 (PDF)
- A.Veneris, B.Keng and S.Safarpour, ``From RTL to Silicon: The Case
for Automated Debug,'' in IEEE/ACM Asian-South Pacific Design Automation Conference,
2011 (PDF) (invited paper)
- B.Keng, S.Safarpour and A.Veneris ``Automated Debugging of SystemVerilog
Assertions,'' in IEEE/ACM Design and Test in Europe, 2011
- B.Keng and A.Veneris, ``Managing Complexity in Design
Debugging with Sequential Abstraction and Refinement,'' in IEEE/ACM
Asian-South Pacific Design Automation Conference, 2011
- Y.-S.Yang, B. Keng, A.Veneris, N. Nicolici and H. Mangassarian,
``Software Solutions to Automating Data Analysis and Acquisition Setup in
Silicon Debug,'' in IEEE Silicon Debug and Diagnosis Workshop, 2010
- B.Keng, S.Safarpour and A.Veneris, ``An Automated Framework for Correction
and Debug of PSL Assertions,'' in IEEE Microprocessor Verification and Test
Workshop, 2010 (PDF)
- H. Mangassarian, B.Le, A.Goultiaeva, A.Veneris and F.Bacchus, ``Leveraging
Dominators for Preprocessing QBF,'' in IEEE/ACM Design and Test in
Europe (DATE), 2010 (PDF)
- Y.-S.Yang, B.Keng, N.Nicolici, A.Veneris and S.Safarpour, ``Automated
Silicon Debug Data Analysis Techniques for a Hardware Data Acquisition
Environment,'' in IEEE Int'l Symposium on Quality of Electronic Design, 2010.
- S.Safarpour, A.Veneris and F.Najm, ``Managing Verification Error Traces with Bounded Model
Debugging,'' in IEEE/ACM Asian-South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASPDAC),
2010 (PDF)
- S.Safarpour and A.Veneris, ``Automated Debugging with High Level Abstraction
and Refinement,'' in IEEE High Level Design Validation and Test Workshop,
- B.Keng and A.Veneris, ``Scaling VLSI Design Debugging with Interpolation,'' in Formal
Methods in CAD (FMCAD), 2009 (PDF)
- Y.Chen, S.Safarpour and A.Veneris, ``Optimal Trace Compaction with Property Preservation,''
in IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2009 (PDF)
- A.Veneris and S. Safarpour, ``The Day Sherlock Holmes Decided to do EDA,'' invited talk in
IEEE/ACM Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2009 (PDF)
- E.Safi, A.Moshovos and A.Veneris, ``A Physical-Level Study of the Compacted Matrix
Instruction Scheduler for Duynamically Scheduled Superscalar Processors,'' in
IEEE Int'l Symposium on Systems, Architectures, Modeling and Simulation,
- Y.Chen, S.Safarpour, A.Veneris and J.M.Silva, ``Spatial and Temporal Design Debug
using Partial MaxSAT,'' in IEEE Great Lakes VLSI Symposium, 2009
- Y.S.Yang, S.Sinha, A.Veneris, R.K.Brayton and D.Smith, ``Sequential Logic Rectifications
with Approximate SPFDs,'' in IEEE/ACM Design and Test in Europe (DATE), 2009
- Y.S.Yang, N.Nicolici, and A.Veneris ``Automated Data Analysis Solutions to Silicon
Debug,'' in IEEE/ACM Design and Test in Europe (DATE), 2009 (PDF)
- B.Keng, H.Mangassarian and A.Veneris, ``A Succint Memory Model for Automated
Design Debugging,'' in IEEE/ACM Int'l Conference on Computer-Aided Design
(ICCAD), 2008 (PDF)
- S.Almukhaizim, Y.Makris, Y.-S.Yang and A.Veneris, ``On the Minimization of Potential
Transient Errors and SET in Logic Circuits using SPFD,'' in IEEE Int'l On Line Test
Symposium, 2008 (PDF)
- S.Safarpour, M.Liffton, H.Mangassarian, A.Veneris and K.A.Sakallah,
``Improved Design Debugging Using Maximum Satisfiability,'' in
Formal Methods in CAD (FMCAD) 2007, (PDF)
- H.Mangassarian, A.Veneris, S.Safarpour, M.Benedetti and D.Smith, ``A
Performance-Driven QBF-Based Iterative Logic Array Representation with
Applications to Verification, Debug and Test,'' in Int'l Conference
on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2007, (PDF)
- E.Safi, P.Akl, A.Moshovos, A.Veneris and A.Arapoyianni, ``On the Latency, Energy and Area
of Checkpointed, Supescalar Register Alias Tables,'' in IEEE Int'l Symposium on Low Power
Electronic Devices, 2007 (PDF)
- H.Mangassarian, A.Veneris and M.Benedetti, ``Fault Diagnosis Using Quantified Boolean
Formulas,'' in IEEE Silicon Debug and Diagnosis Workshop (SDD), Freiburg, May 2007,
- H.Mangassarian, A.Veneris, S.Safarpour, F.N.Najm and M.S.Abadir, ``Maximum Circuit
Activity Estimation Using Pseudo-Boolean Satisfiability,'' in IEEE/ACM Design and
Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2007 (PDF)
- S.Safarpour and A.Veneris, ``Abstraction and Refinement Techniques in Automated
Design Debugging,'' in IEEE/ACM Design and
Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2007 (PDF)
- Y.-S.Yang, S.Sinha, A.Veneris and R.K.Brayton, ``Automating Logic Rectification
by Approximate SPFDs,'' in IEEE/ACM Asian-South Pacific Design Automation Conference
(ASPDAC), 2007 (PDF)
- S.Safarpour, A.Veneris and
Hratch Mangassarian, ``Trace Compaction using SAT-based
Reachability Analysis,'' in IEEE/ACM Asian-South Pacific Design Automation Conference
(ASPDAC), 2007 (PDF)
- E.Safi, A.Moshovos and A.Veneris, ``L-CBF: A Low-Power, Fast Counting
Bloom Filter Architecture,'' in IEEE Int'l Symposium on Low Power Electronic
Devices, 2006 (PDF)
- S.Almukhaizim, Y.Makris, Y.-S.Yang and A.Veneris, ``Seamless Integration
of SER in Rewiring-Based Design Space Exploration,'' in IEEE Int'l Test
Conference (ITC), 2006 (PDF)
- S.Safarpour, A.Veneris, G.Baeckler and R.Yuan, ``Efficient SAT-based Boolean
Matching for FPGA Technology Mapping,'' in IEEE/ACM Design Automation
Conference (DAC), 2006 (PDF)
- S.Safarpour, A.Veneris and R.Dreschler, ``Integrating Observability Don't Cares
in All-Solution SAT Solvers,'' in IEEE Int'l Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
2006 (PDF)
- G.Fey, S.Safarpour, A.Veneris and R.Drechsler, ``On the Relation Between
Simulation-based and SAT-based Diagnosis,'' in IEEE/ACM Design and Test in Europe
(DATE) Conference, 2006 (PDF)
- M.F.Ali, S.Safarpour, A.Veneris, M.S.Abadir and R.Drechsler, ``Post-Verification
Debugging of Hierarchical Designs,'' in IEEE/ACM International Conference on
Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2005 (PDF)
- J.B.Liu, M.S.Abadir, A.Veneris and S.Safarpour,``Diagnosing
Multiple Transition Faults in the Absense of Timing Information,'' in
IEEE Great Lakes VLSI Symposium, 2005 (PDF)
- S.Safarpour, G.Fey, A.Veneris and R.Drechsler, ``Utilizing
Don't Care States in SAT-based Bounded Sequential Problems,'' in
IEEE Great Lakes VLSI Symposium, 2005 (PDF)
- Y-S.Yang, A.Veneris, P.Thadikaran and S.Venkataraman, ``Extraction
Error Modeling and Automated Model Debugging in High-Performance
Low Power Custom Designs,'' in IEEE Design and Test in Europe, 2005
- M.Fahim Ali, A.Veneris, S.Safarpour, R.Drechsler, A.Smith and M.S.Abadir,
``Debugging Sequential Circuits Using Boolean Satisfiability,'' in IEEE
Int'l Conference of Computer-Aided Design, 2004
(PDF) (PS)
- J.B.Liu, M.S.Abadir, R.Chang, A.Veneris, ``Monarch: A Platform for
Logic Optimization using ATPG/Diagnosis-based Design Rewiring,'' in IEEE
Latin-American Test Workshop 2004
(PDF) (PS)
- A.Veneris, R.Chang, M.S.Abadir and M.Amiri, ``Fault
Equivalence and Diagnostic Test Generation Using ATPG,''
in IEEE Int'l Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2004
- S.Safarpour, A.Veneris, R.Drechsler and J.Lee, ``Managing
Don't Cares in Boolean Satisfiability,'' in IEEE Design Automation
and Test in Europe (DATE) Conference, 2004
- A.Smith, A.Veneris and A.Viglas, ``Design Diagnosis
Using Boolean Satisfiability,'' in IEEE Asian-South Pacific
Design Automation Conference 2004.
(PDF) . Recipient of 10-Year
Retrospective Best Paper Award
- Y.S.Yang, J.B.Liu, P.Thadikaran and A.Veneris, ``Extraction
Error Diagnosis and Correction in High-Performance Designs,''
in IEEE International Test Conference 2003
- A.Veneris, ``Fault Diagnosis and Logic Debugging Using
Boolean Satisfiability,'' in IEEE Microprocessor Test and
Verification Workshop, 2003
- R.Chang, S.Seyedi, A.Veneris and M.S.Abadir, ``Exact
Functional Fault Collapsing in Combinational Logic Circuits,''
in IEEE Latin American Test Workshop 2003, (PDF)
- A.Veneris, A.Smith and M.S.Abadir, ``Logic Verification
based on Diagnosis Techniques,'' in IEEE
Asian-South-Pacific (ASP) Design Automation Conference 2003,
- J.B.Liu, A.Veneris and H.Takahashi, ``Incremental Diagnosis of
Multiple Open Interconnects,'' in IEEE Int'l Test Conference 2002
- A.Veneris, M.Abadir and M.Amiri, ``Design Rewiring Using ATPG,''
in IEEE Int'l Test Conference 2002
- A.Veneris, M.Amiri and I.Ting, ``Design Rewiring for Power
Minimization,'' in ISCAS 2002 (PS)
- B.Liu, A.Veneris and M.S.Abadir, ``Efficient and Exact Diagnosis
of Multiple Stuck-at Faults,'' 3rd IEEE Latin-American Test Workshop 2002
- A.Veneris, B.Liu, M.Amiri and M.S.Abadir,
``Incremental Diagnosis and Debugging of Multiple Faults and Errors,''
IEEE Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) Conference, 2002
- I.Ting, A.Veneris, and M.S.Abadir, ``ATPG
Driven Logic Synthesis for Area and Power Minimization'', 2nd
IEEE Latin-American
Test Workshop 2001 (postcript)
- A.Veneris, M.S.Abadir, and I.Ting, `` Design
Rewiring based on Diagnosis
Techniques'', IEEE Asian-South-Pacific (ASP) Design Automation Conference,
pp 479-481,
2001. Recipient of ASP-DAC 2001's
best paper award. (postcript)
- A.Veneris, M.S.Abadir, and I.N.Hajj, `` Design
Optimization based on Diagnosis
Techniques'', 1st IEEE Latin-American
Test Workshop 2000 (postcript)
- A. Veneris, S. Venkataraman, I. N. Hajj,
and W. K. Fuchs,``Multiple Design Error Diagnosis and
Correction in Digital VLSI Circuits'', in Proceedings of IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, pp. 58ˇ63, 1999. (posctript)
- A. Veneris and I. N. Hajj, ``A Hybrid Approach to Design Error Detection and Correction'', in Proceedings of International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 1999.
- A. Veneris and I. N. Hajj, ``Correcting Multiple Design Errors in Digital VLSI Circuits'', in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1999. (postcript)
- A. Veneris and I. N. Hajj, ``A Fast Algorithm for Locating and Correcting Simple Design Errors'' in Proceedings of 7th IEEE Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, pp. 45--50, 1997. (postcript)
- A. Veneris and I. N. Hajj, ``Error Diagnosis and Correction in VLSI Digital Circuits'', in Proceedings of IEEE Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, pp. 1005--1008, 1997. (postcript)
- L. M. Kirousis and A. Veneris, ``Efficient Algorithms for Checking the Atomicity of a Run of Read and Write Operations'', in 7th International Workshop of Distributed Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 725, Springer-Verlag, pp. 54--68, 1993.
- L. M. Kirousis, P. Tsigas and A. Veneris, ``An Atomicity Criterion for Composite Registers'', in Proceedings of IMACS/IFAC International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing in Engineering Systems (NorthˇHolland), pp. 31ˇ34, 1991.
Journal Papers |
- S.F.Singh, P.Michalopoulos, and A.Veneris,
``DEEPER: A shared liquidity decentralized
exchange design for low trading volume tokens to enhance average liquidity,'' in ACM International Journal on Network Management
(Wiley), 2024
- J.A.Choi, S.M.Beillahi, S.F.Singh, P.Michalopoulos, P.Li, A.Veneris and F.Long,
``LMPT: A Novel Authenticated Data Structure to Eliminate
Storage Bottlenecks for High Performance Blockchains,'' in IEEE
Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2023 (PDF)
- Z.Zhao, S.M.Beillahi, R.Song, Y.Cai, A.Veneris, and F.Long, ``SigVM: Enabling Event-Driven Execution for Truly Decentralized Smart Contracts,'' Proc. ACM Program. Lang. 6, Object-oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, Article 149 (October 2022) (PDF)
- K.Nelaturu, A.Mavridou, E.Stachtiari, A.Veneris and A.Laszka,
``Correct-by-Design Interacting Smart Contracts
and a Systematic Approach for Verifying ERC20
and ERC721 Contracts with VeriSolid,'' in
IEEE Trans. on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022
- J.Meijers, P.Michalopoulos, S.Motepalli,
G.Zhang, S.Zhang, A.Veneris and H.A.Jacobsen,
``Blockchain for V2X: Applications and Architectures,''
in IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, 2022 (invited
paper) (PDF)
- N.Pocher and A.Veneris, ``Privacy and Transparency in CBDCs:
A Regulation-by-Design AML/CFT Scheme,'' in IEEE
Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2021
(invited paper) (PDF)
- M.Bergeron, N.Fung, J.Hull, Z.Poulos and A.Veneris,
``Variational Autoencoders: A Hands-Off Approach to
Volatility,'' in Journal of Financial Data Science (JFDS), 2022
- Y.Cai, N.Irtija, E.E.Tsiropoulou and A.Veneris,
``Truthful Decentralized Blockchain Oracles,'' in ACM
International Journal of Network Management (Wiley), 2021
- K.Nelaturu, J.Adler, M.Merlini, R.Berryhill, N.Veira, Z.Poulos and
A.Veneris, ``On Public Crowdsource-based Mechanisms for a Decentralized
Blockchain Oracle,'' in IEEE Trans. on Technology and Engineering
Management, 2020 (PDF)
- N.Veira, Z.Poulos and A.Veneris, ``Searching for Bugs using
Probabilistic Suspect Implications,'' in IEEE Trans. in Computer-Aided
Design, 2020 (PDF)
- R.Berryhill and A.Veneris, ``Efficient Suspect Selection in
Unreachable State Diagnosis,'' in Annals of Mathematics and
Artificial Intelligence, Springer, 2018 (PDF)
- Z.Poulos and A.Veneris, ``Failure Triage in RTL Regression Verification,''
in IEEE Trans. in Computer-Aided Design, 2018
- R.Berryhill and A.Veneris, ``Methodologies for Diagnosis of Unreachable States via Property Directed Reachability,'' in IEEE Transactions in Computer-Aided Design, 2017 (PDF)
- J.Adler and A.Veneris, ``Leveraging Software Configuration Management
in Automated RTL Design Debugging,'' in IEEE Design & Test, vol. 34, no.5,
pp. 47-53, 2017
- Z.Poulos and A.Veneris, ``Exemplar-based Failure Triage for Regression
Design Debugging,'' in Journal of Electronic Testing, Theory and
Applications (JETTA), 2016 (PDF)
- H.Mangassarian, B.Le and A.Veneris, ``Debugging RTL using
Structural Dominance,'' in
IEEE Trans. on TCAD (PDF)
- B.Keng, and A.Veneris, ``Path Directed Abstraction and Refinement
in SAT-based Design Debugging,'' in
IEEE Trans. on TCAD (PDF)
- H.Mangassarian, A.Veneris and F.N.Najm, ``Maximum Circuit
Activity Estimation Using Pseudo-Boolean Satisfiability,'' in
IEEE Trans. on TCAD (PDF)
- Y.S.Yang, A.Veneris and N.Nicolici, ``Automating Data Analysis and
Acquisition Setup in a Silicon Debug Environment,'' in IEEE Trans. on
- Y.S.Yang, S.Sinha, A.Veneris and R.K.Brayton, ``Automating Logic
Transformations with Approximate SPFDs,'' in IEEE Trans. on Computer-Aided
Design (PDF)
- E.Safi, A.Moshovos and A.Veneris, ``Two-stage Pipelined Register
Renaming,'' in IEEE Trans. on VLSI
- B.Keng, S.Safarpour and A.Veneris, ``Bounded Model Debugging,'' in IEEE
Trans. on CAD (PDF)
- Y.Chen, S.Safarpour, J.M.Silva and A.Veneris, ``Automated Design Debugging
with Maximum Satisfiability,'' in IEEE
Trans. on CAD (PDF)
- H.Mangassarian, A.Veneris and M.Benedetti, ``Robust QBF Encodings for Sequential Circuits
with Applications to Verification, Debug and Test,'' in IEEE Trans. on Computers
- S.Safarpour and A.Veneris, ``Automated Design Debugging with Abstraction and Refinement,'' in IEEE
Trans. on CAD, Oct. 2009 (PDF)
- E.Safi, A.Moshovos and A.Veneris, ``On the Latency and Energy of Checkpointed, Superscalar
Register Alias Tables,'' in IEEE Trans. on VLSI (PDF)
- S.Safarpour, A.Veneris, and R.Drechsler,
``Improved SAT-based Reachability Analysis with Observability Don't Cares,''
in Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation, Volume 5 (2008), pages 1-25
- E.Safi, A.Moshovos and A.Veneris, ``L-CBF: A Low-Power Fast Counting Bloom Filter
Architecture,'' in IEEE Trans. on VLSI (PDF)
- Y.-S.Yang, A.Veneris, P.Thadikaran and S.Venkataraman, ``Extraction Error
Modeling and Automated Model Debugging in High-Performance Custom Designs,''
in IEEE Trans. on VLSI, July 2006 (PDF)
- A.Smith, A.Veneris, M.F.Ali and A.Viglas, ``Fault Diagnosis and Logic
Debugging Using Boolean Satisfiability,'' in
IEEE Transactions in Computer-Aided Design (PDF)
- J.B.Liu and A.Veneris, ``Incremental Fault Diagnosis,'' in
IEEE Transactions in Computer-Aided Design (PDF)
- A.Veneris and J.B.Liu, ``Incremental Design Debugging in a Logic Synthesis
Environment,'' in Springer-Verlag Journal of Electronic Testing: Theory and
Applications, vo.21, no.5, pp.485-494, Oct 2005 (PDF)
- A.Veneris, ``Logic Rewiring for Delay and Power
Minimization,'' in Journal of Information Science and
Engineering (PDF)
- A.Veneris, R.Chang, M.S.Abadir and S.Seyedi, ``Functional
Fault Equivalence and Diagnostic Test Generation in Combinational
Logic Circuits Using Conventional ATPG,'' in Journal of Electronic
Testing: Theory and Applications (Kluwer), vo.21, no.5, pp.495-502, Oct 2005
- A.Veneris and M.S.Abadir, ``Design Rewiring Using ATPG'',
IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design, vol. 21, no. 12,
pp. 1469-1479, December 2002 (PDF)
- A. Veneris and I. N. Hajj, ``Design Error Diagnosis and Correction Via Test Vector Simulation'', in IEEE Transactions on ComputerˇAided Design, vol.18, no.12, pp.1803-1816, December 1999. (PDF)
- L. M. Kirousis and A. Veneris, ``Efficient Algorithms for Checking the Atomicity of a Run of Read and Write Operations'', in Acta Informatica (Springer-Verlag) 32, pp. 155ˇ170, 1995. (postcript)
Books, Book Chapters and Patents |
- N.Pocher and A.Veneris, ``Central Bank Digital Currencies'',
Springer Handbook on Blockchain,
2022, (PDF)
- Y.S.Yang, S.Sinha, A.Veneris and R.K.Brayton, ``Advanced Techniques in Logic Synthesis, Optimizations and Applications'' Springer 2010
(Ed: Sunil P. Khatri and Kanupriya Gulati) (PDF)
- S.Safarpour, D.Smith, A.Veneris and A.Baker,
``A Methodology for Automated Debugging with Quantified Satisfiability,''
US/Canadian Patent filed, November 2007
- A.Veneris, S.Safarpour, M.F.Ali and H.Mangassarian, ``Method, System and
Computer Program for Automated Hardware Design Debugging,''
US/Canadian patent filed, October 2006.
- M.S.Abadir and A.Veneris, ``Method and system of data processor design by sensitizing logical difference,'' US Patent 7,003,743, Febr 21, 2006
- A. Veneris, and D. Kalles, ``Fortran 77'' (in Greek), Voulgaris Editions,1987 (1st ed.), 1989 (2nd ed.).
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